14-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,1977 Keniudal News- Spring mnust reaily have arrived judgîng by the four, huge flocks of wiid geese we saw winging their way north on Saturday evening. "He who from zone to zone Guides thy certain fiight Will in the long way that I must tread alone Guide my steps aright." Kendal Women's Institute held their annual Penny Sale on Saturday night. The "Sun- flower quiit" was won by Mr. James Sttt, Orono, while the beautiful knitted afghan went to Mrs. Heather Ciassey, a friend of Miss Helen Boyd, from the city. A very fine service was held in Kendai church on Sunday morning conducted by mem- bers of Kenidal United Church Women. Mrs. M. Robinson sang a beautiful solo entitled, "God is always, there." She was accompanied at, the Hammond organ by Mrs. K. Wood. Mrs. A. Tizzard acting President of Kendai U.C.W. told ýthe children a story entitled, "A beautiful memor- il". Then Mrs. Alex Ferries our guest speaker, Past President of the Oshawa U.C.W. Presbyterial chose as ber subject, "True disciple- ship". What kind of disciple- ship are we carrying out? A sign at the church door says, The last to leave must, turn out the lights and turn down the heat. When we depart from church do we turn out our light? Do we forget to smile and actlike Christians? Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men that they wiîl see your good works and glorify your 1Pather who is iii heaven." She. spoke of the great work, done 'by 'the U.C.W. with its many bran- ches. We have had many great world leaders address our Oshawa Presbyteriai like Dr. McClure and Mrs. Hilda Toîl. We gave financial aid to, nîne young people studying for the ministry last year. Last year nînety youths were brought fromn sixty different countries to visit the young people in our United Churches in Canada. This is love in action. "His lamps are we", %yas the closing hymn. Next Sunday is Mother's Day or Famnily Day. Let us see ail the famîilies out to church. If there are any babies to be baptised -get in WARNING Ga'naraska trout unsafe The Ontario environment ministry bas warned that rainbow trout from the Gan- ara ska River in the Port Hope ar-ea shouid be eaten oniy occasionaiiy because they contain Mirex and polycior- inated biphenyls (PCBs) Women who are or may become pregnant, nursing mothers and young chiidren have been advised.flot to consume anv of the fi-h- in a release Friday, the ministry said 30 rainbow trout coilected by the natural resources ministry in 1976 and recentiy anaiysed by the environment ministry showed leveis'greater than the per- missibie limit of 0.1 parts per million for Mirex and 2.0 ppm for PCBs. .Mirex, a suspected cancer- causing agent, has been used as pesticide in the southeast- ern U.S. but was neyer registered as a pesticide in Ontario. However, it has been used as a fire retardant additive in plastics and seai- ants by two Ontario firms. PCBs have been used for several decades in industries throughout the worid but in Ontario their use is restricted to enclosed electricai appar- atus by Ontario Hydro. Eldrpasses AECB inspection Eldorado Nulear Ltd. dumrping at[ ts Port Granby site during Marcýh and April bas been deemed s atisfactory by the A tomic Energy Control Board following an * on-site inspection by AECB officiais. A report from the, AECB stated that Eldorado bas met A of the requiremnents of its extended licence to dump at the Port, Granby site, includ- ing the social provisions for reporting, site improvements and an groundwater treat- ment facility. The special stipulations tbat accomnpanied the exten- sion of the dumpinqg licence were imposed by the AECB to prevent'a possibility of harm- fui chemicals flowing into Lake Ontario fromr the nearby dump site, according tCo Hugh Spence AECB Information officer. Themd-pi site inspect- ion discloserd that the usual surface detýerioration exper- ienced in the trench area at (is time of year was not alpparent. Thiîs and the dry, appearance of the bluffs indýjicated thýat th'ýe surface water ruin-off problems ex- pýerienced in past have been rmedied this year. Another improvement, not- ed in the A ECB report was the geood progress on the water - treatm-ent facility. Se-ttliing and treatmnent ponds for contamninated water residue have been excavated and are being lined wth bentonic dlay according to Spence and the mnechanical parts of the treatment plant itself are being înstalled. A seven foot taîl security fence surrounds the area, according to Spence. Target date for the avail- abiiity of the treatment plant for operation is July 20 and is expected to be met easily, said *Spence. touch with the minister. Miss Catherine Stewart entertained Mrs, A.C. Ferries to dinner on Sunday after the scalds run cold tap water service. over the burn to reduce the In case of mninor burnis or pan COACH & FOUR Hîghwày 115 and 35 North of Oro.nol Phone 983ý-5560 We have more muffler shopsthari aniyoneelIse in North America to serve you. (Over 800 intfact.) And every on e of them honours the MidasQGuaranteeSo no rnafler where you are, fromn North Bay to New Orleans, you wont be far from a Midas Shop. Whyufsettefor Iess? Get the Midaslouchil. 227 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa just less than a mile north of tlhe 401.TPhone 576-8111 HJI 841 Lansdowne St. W., Peterborough on thie south side of thie street across from the Ponderosa Phone 742-3408 M., mg OUR NEW DINING LOUNGE 15 NOWOPENL With Nightly Entertainment and Dancing to the music of AI Shaw AT THE CONN THEATRE ORGAN* Bring Mother to our GRAND OPEN ING -Mother's DL"ay Sun.,, May 8th and we wiII treatthe firstone hundreci ladies to a FREE ROSE Our Special Mot her's Day ... SMORGASBORG wiII be featuring Prime Rib of Beef B. B.Q. Spareribs Lobster ALONG WITH A FULL SELECTION 0F SALADS, COLD MIEATS AND DESERTS Allyoucaneat Aduits $7,95 (Special Price for Children under 12) Our Smorgasborg will be served from 4 :00 to 9:00 closing at 10: 00 Mon. - Fnî. Noon - 1 a. m Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Sunday 9: 00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.