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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1977, p. 1

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_____ -~ - -~ j O' RO honour a guide can receive, iI Ut ,IJ U Gâ by ber father Hank Stolk. Mirs. Williams, Susan's grand f or e %4jw'AI m-othier, removed Susan's al round cord to enable the The Skate-A-Thon spon- placement of the Canada sored by the Orono Athietie Cord. AIso in the picture to Association in April raised the right 's Mrs. Sto1k and to $3,642.73 to be used towards ALL CANDIATESMEETNG An Ali-Candidates meeting is' to be held in the Bowmanvllle High School on Mionday, June 6th commencixig at '7:30 p. T1he meeting is being heid -for candidates in the Durhamn East riding and sponsored by the Social Planning A NEED AT THE PUBLIC SCHOOL Due to the iack of interest of a sufficient number of parents the Orono Home and School. Association may have to disband with no sucb organization in operation next: year. J. R. Simser, principal at the school would like to have support for this orgaîxization having concern over the children's activities at the school. It bas also been pointed out tilat without the Home and School organization it migbt well be that groups using the sehool facilities free of charge at the presenit time may have to pay for the use in the future. Those înterested in keeping the school evening progr.am active are asked to contact Mr. Simnser by phoning 983-5006. 47,5Ho ELIGIBLE TO VOTE According to Mr. George Pollitt, Returning Officer for Durham East Riding there are somne 47,500 residents in the area eligible to vote in the Provincial election on June gth. BALLOT BOXES DISTRIBUTED Monday evening at the Orono Town Hall Mr. George Pollitt and staff distributed'the 139 ballot boxes and ballots to S be used i the June 9 eleefion. The distribution was made to tche 139 deputy returning officers for Durham East riding. 0MB11 APPROVAL According to Mr. Russel Major of the Orono Athletic he was informed by Mr. George Carson on Monday that the Ontario Municipal Board had given their approval to the rez oning of land on Park Street in Orono for the rebuilding of teOrono Arena. Work is now underway in the demolition of the presenit building, used both as an arena and an 4; agriculture exhibit building during the holding of the annual APPOINTED VIC(E-PRINCIPAL 0F PINES Mr. Grant Yeo of Orono and a teacher at Lockhart's Public School has been appointed vice-principal at thie Pines Senior Public School. M. Yeo prioxr to teaching at Lockhart's i this year taugbt at the Orono Public School. 4PPRIOVA1 IN PRINCIPAL~ ( The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of "ýducation bas approved in principal the use of the Ganiaraska Forest Centre as an Outdoor Education Centre. The admr.inistration staff is to consider the details of such use and~ report back to the hoard. Newcastle has f Iood of Sub-diviSions ýwenty-two percent of tbe sub-dfivision applications bd- geç4 witbi the Rlegion of Durham comne from the Town of Newcastle wbich total twenty i number. This is Offly surpassed by tbe City of Oshawa mwbere twenty-two apjplcations for sub-divisions bave reacbed the Region silce the inception of the regon of Dur-ham. 'iie majority of tbe appli- cakt'ions from the Town, of Nêý' castle are for single family dwxellings and if ail ari'oved would provide for bll4sing for somje 13,174 peo- pIe, a population almost equal WÏýtb the total population of Bowmnanville, the largest cen- tre ;n the Town of Newcastle. H~owever to the end of Mlach the Town bad received andi given final approval for 194~ units of tbe total appli- cations. During tbe same timet Oshawa City bad given, final approvai for a total of 3,93C)units. A special !hai1jk you to Lloyd l and Mitnie Tylr io donated the bot dogs arid drinks to tbe skaters. Tbe folowing people skatedl in tbe Skate-A-Thon., Gail Reed, Randy Tennant, Ron Clapdorp, Patti Lunn, Brent Hutton, Jirn Hutton, Wonitiniued naLye 3) SIim chance for h h ~IIII I il 4 I I 4111 Finance committee' cWt ax increase ~Last week the finance the finance commiittee cmmittee oif the Town of Monday of this week and mnunictipal tax increase for local taxes bad been redi local Town of Newcastle to 10.5 per cent, accordi: residentLý in the area of 1.8 Mayor Rickard. He St per cent. that the final increase ir Council is hopeful of com- budget should be less tbai pleting' the budget sometime per cent of an increas in June. municipal taxes for1 A fuIl session was held bv residents. Last saturday- Beavers first such event ever beld mn fromi the District incluiding this area for, this group of Orono, attended a Beaveree boys. The Beavers, some two beld at Coid Springs in tbe hundred in nmMber, assembi- Ganaraskça Forest. PIt wa.s the ed a-t the picnic area and after ýeon af ter ýe in ducedj ing to tLates in the in ten se in SJOHN DAVIDSON John Davidson, son of M'vr. and Mrs. J.W. Davidson of W.R. 1, Orono graduated recently from the Royal Mflitary College of 'Canada; Kingston, with a Bachelor Degree in History. The de- gree was conferred by the Hon. Barney Danson, M\/inis- ter of National Defence and Chancellor of the Royal Miiiary College. being organized into group lnh hchtoitwot took off to explore the rm ntewos surrouniding forest. Not, to be it was a graa iiutý,ig for tS, overlooked vwastepinc ears Cla rke tax Lýast wveek three nmembers of the Tw of Newcastle council -met witb represent- atives of thle Ontario Ministry of Revenue concerning in- equality of taxation within the, Towýn of Newcastle. In speak- îng witb Mayor Rickard following the meeting it appears that there is littie' hope of any adjustment this year to the problem wbere it bas been determîned the average bomne-owner in Clar- ke pays more taxes than the average homeowner in other wards of the Town. Mayor Rickard said that m-arket value assessment is the f ul1 a nswer to the prohlem and this could be in effect in 1978. The Mayor held out littie hope for any change in 1977 other than a possible adjust- ment in the transitionai grant or byv an additional subsidy fromr the province. Mayor Rickard did say that due to transitional grants last year Clarke taxpayers were faced withl an additional four mnilis ahove otber taxpayers and that this could well rise another four to five milîs this year witbout any change in the present system. The Mayor also said that a reappraisal of tbe present system cebuld be conducted by relief t he Miîistry and this could bring somne change but it would, not be an overal correction of the problem. He said in some cases farmers wouid be1 opposed to tbis due to fact they would like Io remain in a speculative position without having a tax increase. The Mayor held out littie hope that tbere would be any change in the present system of taxation througbout the Town of Newcastle this year. This prohlem bas been brougbt to tbe front a num ber of times hy the group known as the Kiirby Senate and to wbicb the Mayor bas 'agreed there is an unjustice in the proportionment of taxation between the wards in the Tonro f Nto,.rnotl

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