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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jan 1978, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekiy Times. Wednesday, January 11th, 1978 Oirono Weekly Times THEY SERVED WELL With the beginning of the new year the Ontario Provincial Police was relieved of patrol duty and law enforcement tbroughout the former Township of Clarke, Village of Orono and-Village of Newcastle. The familiar black and white car will flot be patrolling the Village streets nor answering calîs for assistance other than incidents happening on Higbways 35, 115 and 401. As long as we can rernember, except for a period of time many years ago when Orono had its own form of constable patrol, the O.P.P. has been on caîl night and day to assist local residents with their problems of one form or another. Througb this period the officers of the local detachment have rang up an enviable record of service and attained a respected place in the community. Surely at this fime we can say thank you for what you have done for us over the years. In the meantîme we can welcorne the Regional police to the area to carry on the work previously done bythe Ontario Police. TAX REFORM STILL UP IN THE AIR Last week Darcy McKeough's statement on property ta x in Ontario still leaves the whole matter high Up in the air. After almost ten years of study, three postponernenfs on the implemention of tax reforrn he now appoints a working group of fwelve to again study the proposal. It could well be 1979 or 1980 for such reform, if it cornes at all. To say the leasf fax reform is a political matter for any change in one area of taxation is surely to affect ahl other areas. There are at the present time numnerous injustices but to make corrections in one necessitates adjustmnenfs in other areas. If apartmaent dwellers, condominium dwell ings and others now face a n unjust tax rate the only solution is f0 reduce the rate for these dwellers. This however will necessitate an increase in other areas and this could well bit the single residential home dwelling. Tbe case in point would happen under the new plan 'of tax reforrn in the City of Toronto and no politician is likely to make a change of such magnitude. One can almost live with what exists today even if if is wrong with the hope that not too many will realize just wbat is happening. Numerous property owners in Clarke Township have been aware of an unjusf tax structure witbin the Town of Newcasfle as have the local politicians. This unjustice inreases the tax load on Clarke property owners who may have somne hope that the new fax reforrn plan could have had sorne relief for fhern. But again if is waif, wait. One shîould not hold their breathe waifing for the new reform f0o become law. We imagine if will stili be some years ~ai-d greafly mnodified from thaf presenfed by McKeough last SOMiE ENCOURAGING COMMENTS Some encouraging comments are beginning f0 appear fron some of the nations leaders in the various sectors. Recenfly Joe Morris, president of the Canadian Labour Congress said he fhought organized labour would nof dernand huge wage sefflements immediafely following the liftingof wage and price confrols. The controls are f0 starf f0 corne off in, Aprîl of 1978. Morris sfafed, "there will probably be a pretfy realisfic approach on the part of frade unionists f0 the bargai:ning situation because, affer ail, fhey are faced with a very high unemployrnenf problem". The remnark is encouraging and should, if repeafed by others, give some assurance thaf wages will nof run ouf of control affer the ifting of confrols. 0f coursethere are other factors as well as increasiag wages affecfing unemployment and inflation but the lighf rnay be beginning to shine fbrough that all does nof corne easy and everyfhing is up for grabs wif bout some consequences. If also appears that co-operation is beginning f0 jeli with the postal union and the postal deparfrnenf especially with both parties being well aware fhey are faced with privafe enterprise compefition especially in the parcel post division. In a recent news item a union leader bas said thaf the union memnbers wÙl be bebind improving this service. Restraints by the province are also taking hold af the local levels with such as municipal councils, boards of educafion and other such boards. The money is not goîng f0 be there fo squander and pass around. More and more seemn ready f0 tackle tbe problems of unemployrnent and inflation as well as getfmng the economny rolling again. las= ILI MAN VERS ARENA EXPECTED TO OPEN EARLY FEBRUARY If is now feit thaf the new Manvers arena wll open in Betbiany sornetime early in February. Total cosf of the arena is $500,000 of whicb $94.000 bas been raised locally in fhe I SAMATQUE Report from Queen's Park Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East In this column 1 would like f0 mention sorne new develop- ments which are presenfly on the drawing board, for the riding. These include plans for two arenas, one in Newcastle and the Orono Arena complex. And Bow- manville's Splash Commiffee also bas, plans f0 build an indoor pool and squash courts in Bowmanville High. As with everyfhing else these days, the only thing keeping these projecfs trans- forming frorn dreams info reality is money. In this respect I would jusf like f0 give credif f0 those commun- ify oriented people who have freely given up their time f0 encourage these projecfs for the benefif of ail the commun- ity. Although there will be a lof of hurdles to overcome,_- mainly financial, my past -experience in the recent provincial election, faughf me fhat wheare there is a core of People who are dedicated and commîfted to a projecf, if seems no matter what the odds are, those people will persevere and succeed.. I would jusf like f0 clarify some questions by a local newspaper that had been direcfed by both myself and Keith Norton, Minister of Community and Social Serv- ices, concerning the stafus of Training Schools in Onfario. To dafe there lis no immediafe short term plan f0 adjust the present operafions of Train- ing Schools. However, many of you are aware that within the last year Mr. Norton's Minisfry became responsible for the resources and services of four other provincial minis- tries wbo dealt with children. In this way, the government will be integrafîng individual fîinetions into more effective unifs, and improving services for ail children. Thus the area of training schools may be re-examined in keeping witb htis reorganization of ser- vices. This re-examination could affect Training Schools in the long run, but as in any review I ar nfot in the position f0 comment until final recom- mendafions hae been made. RecentlyI sent ouf my first newsletter informing thé' con- stituents of Durham Easf about my activities af Queen's ark and some of the new developmnents in current legisiafion. Enclosed in the newsletter was a questionna ire f0 whicb I received an overwhelming response. It's my intention to 1reply f0 eacb and everyone of you who included a refurn address.- These newsletfers-are one of fhe mosf effective means in wbich a memnber can coin- municate witb those in bis or bier riding. Eacb member is allowed'fwo mailings in a fiscal year. Io this respect, I had the option of 'enclosing a self-stamped refuro question- naire, but fbougbt that my consfifuents would be better served by receiving a second newsletter wifhin the new year than by having the questionnaire pre-sfamped. If E:EN's PARK King Street East, Bowman- ville. And speaking of keeping, informed I arn sorry thaf I could not "gef informed" on Sunday, December 18th at the Oshawa B'nai B3'rifb sponsor- ed felephone party programn at Hillsdale Manor. I trust- thaf under the capable direct- ion of Wilf Stemeroff the event was a success. Otta wa report From All1ani Lawrence, M.P. Northumnberland-Durhamn With the 5f art of a new year, mosf of us spend af leasf a few minutes reflecfing on events of the pasf 12 monfhs and forming hopes and plans for the coming year that is before us. If is fime whpn, tradition- ally, we exfend besf wishes f0 each other for a "happy" new year. Vet there are many who cannot help feeling somewhat pessimistic about such greet- îngs right now. There have been few occasions in recent memory when Canadians were s0 concerned and felt less "happy" about their future. We are haunted by rising unemploymnent and inflation, and the many other symn- ptoms of an ailing economy. Young people doubt the value of continuing their educaf ion. Dresses, housecoa ts, jump suits, skirts, sweat- ers, and tops are now reduced 20 per cent to clear. Mens and Boys Warm winter jackets are now reduced 20, per cent and men's dress pants and jeans are reduced 10 per cent. Yard-Goods Some of our yard goods are on sale. Corne in and see our prices. Sweat Shirts We have a new shipment of men's and boy's Gym-Master sweat shirts in stock. wboARMSTRM R0%NGo"S O And there is genuine fear as Depot over f0 wheffier Canada itself, if if. home for aged comes fhrough 1978 intact. can survive mucb beyond The Region of Durham then as one unified nation. counicil on Wednesday agreed However, we do have some to spend $1.2 fromn the general quife solid grounds on which purpose levy fund for the f0 be opfimistic, for Canada purpose of construction of a bas af leasf fwo fanfasfic new works depot rather than assets in ifs counfry and ifs alof the rnoney for a new people. Aside from ifs natural home for aged. beaufy, this bounfiful land can provide ail the food and A plea was made for a new almosf ail the energy and home but losf our narrowly in nafural resources fhat we a final vote on the issue. require. The healfh, initiative Works commiffee chairman and intelligence of our people Counc. Garnet Rickard point- are envied by the rest of the ed ouf thaf the homes for the world. Cornbining these ing- aged were a separafe issue redients, and despite our frmhaofheorsdp. present difficulfies and uncer- Counc. Shaw in support of a fainfies, we stili enjoy one of new home for the aged stafed the -highesf standards of thaf there was a great need living f0 be found anywhere. for a new home. Our basic problern foday mighf be defined as a loss of spirit and confidence, and a Ottawa. Canada cerfainly lack of national direction. deserves better than what if And a large proportion of the bas now. Wifb an election we blarne for this mnust go f0 ail can do somefhing about if. those whom we look f0 for the leadership of our country. Clarke Public Unfortunafely fbey are more inclined f0 give us advice on L B RA RY how to live with our difficul-PHN9350 fies, rather than guidance POE9350 towards solving fhem. Monday, TuesdaY, One of the brigbfer pros- Thursday and Friday pecfs for 1978 is a federal 2:OOto 8:00 P.M. general election, probably in Saturday lafe spring, which will give 10:0010o 5:00 P.M. everyone an opporfunity f0 express bis or bier opinion of Orono, Ontario à the presenf government, at glmm mmUMMMM MMM-~ *DX SE RVI 1C ESTA TIO0N * Highway 35 115l, just north of Newcastle Featuring: * Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable PricesI StoveOil& * Diesel OU * Available in any quantity I * Phone 987-4215 I * We have a complete lUne of* *POP-SHOP Soft Driniks. Save byI buying these a case at a time. MMM mmummUmmmmumumu

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