Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our qua lity and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask thec person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative The - Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phone Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5522 Phone 416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the Iargest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA RE PR ESENTAT IVES Ron Hurst 983-5131 Bill Grady 983-5149 Wil lia m Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Christa Wi nterhe t 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchiard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E, BOWMANVI LLE 623-3393 WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- ment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 623-4398. For Free Estimates Now Handling Vinyl Siding. WORK WANTED FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY-REPAIRS Steve^'s Furiliture Shop Furniture Refinishing' Dining sets to occasioiial pieces Yes, we do re-upholstery Fabric Samples Free Estimates STEVE JOHNSON R.R., Orono 983-9630 HELP WANTED Fuli-time or part-time beauty consultant required for an expanding company. Must be pleasant and mature. Training provided if quali- fied. For appointment caîl 1-986- 5655 after 4 p.m. NOTICE ORONO HORTICULTII SOCIETY The Annual 'Meeting Pot Luck Supper post] last week because of st weather will be belq Thursdayof this week, ruary 2nd, at 6:30_,p.m. Guest speaker, Mr. Daîrymple. FOR SALE Electrophonic stereo, new. Best offer. 1966 Chev in running tion. Best offer. Phone 983-9666. ARTICLES FOR SA] SWIMMING POOLý Leading, swimming manufacturer must disp brand new 1978 models. warranted, complete pump5, motor, filter, fei walkway and deck. Sugg retail price $2,350. Ava at pre-season speciî $1,322. Cali now for installation. Long term cing available. Call anytime 1-416-663-9508. SWIMMING POOL TORENT Will lease and instî homeowners, family si minum swimming pool patio.' Choice of styles, ing all fencing regulati a one, two, or three rental basis with opti own. Try before you bu3 collect anytime 1-416-66: * Our Fireplaces DONOT Smnoke OXFOR * rclyr -ItnmaosM * R O ONAIIHNE9350 RAL gand Lponed ;ormy Id on COMING EVENTS BINGO Kinsmen Bingo, Febi 7th, 1978, Orono Town 7:30 p.m. )ruary Hall, 1,ac. Feb- COMING EVENTS Red Cross Blood Donor A.O. Cinic, Wednesday, February lst, 1978, Lions Centre, Beech 1, a c. Street, Bowmanville. 1:.00 - 8:30 p. m. 25, 1, ac. like COMING EVENTS Orono Country Jamboree, condi- Sunday, February 5th, 2 p.m. Orono Town Hall. More good Country and Bluegrass 1, ac. Music. Aduits $150, Chiidren LE 1, ap. 'S pool COMING EVENTS pose of The Great Pine Ridge Fully Kinsmen present "Valentines with Dance", February l8th, 1978, >ncing, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Newcastle gested Town Hall. Price $10.00 per ailable couple. ai of For tickets caîl 983-5476. early 18, 25, 1,8, 15, ac. finan- collect "ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH TAXI'" 73 pagereadable guide on LS how to reduce tax. Send $6.95 to: B.C.G.L., 50 Richmond St. ail for E., Ste. 500. Toronto, Ont. ize alu- M5C 1N7. 4s with Lawyer authors Beach and meet- Hepburn guarantee delivery. ions on 1, ac. year ion to COMING EVENTS vy! Cal] The Orono Figure Skating i3-9508. Club will be having a Hum- f mage Sale on March 3 and 4, 1978. Anyone with any used * articles to donate may con- * tact any skating club member * or phone 983-5717 if pick-up is * necessary. * Proceeds to New Arena Fund. Nov. 30, 28, 1,22, ac. COMING EVENTS PAPER DRIVE Orono and Area, Saturday, February 25th, 1978. Pick up to start at 9 a.m. Newsprint only please. In case of rain the folllow- ing Saturday. Orono Amateur Athletic Association. 25, 1,8,15,22, ac. FOUND 1 small black kitten. Cal 983-5806 after 5 p.m. 1, ac. PETS Free to a good home two aduit dogs (Dachshunds), 1 black and tan male, 1, Reg. female. Papers can be had at your own expense. Phone 728-6690. 1, ac. CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank al the people -who sent me cards, letters, gifts and flowers while a patient in Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Evelyn Glanville. 1, ac. SUTCLIFFE - In memory of a dear fat grandfather, Russeill sed away February 6, God looked around hiç and found an empty He then looked down u earth, And saw your tired f He put his arms arou And lif ted you to, res God's garden must bE fui For He only takes th He knew that you wer And He knew you pain, imes, Wednesday, February îst. 1978-9 DEATH S JUNKER - Henry N., at SCambridge, Ontario, on Tues- Sday, January 24th, 1978. ~('Henry Junker in his 89th year. S Funeral service was held at . ambridge. Spring intermeiit S Orono Cemetery. 1, ap. IN MEMORIAM loving And He knew that you would Lher and neyer who pas- Be well on this earth again. th, 1977. He saw the road was getting s garden rough, space. And the hilis were hard to upon this climb. So He closed your weary face. eyelids, und you, And whispered Peace Be t. Thine. ý beauti- Sadiy missed and ever remembered by Daughter he best. Connie, Son-in-law Earl, re weary Grandchildren, Trudy, Bar- were in bie and Cheryl. 1, ac. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F JOHN DOUGLAS McKELVEY, late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired, deceased: Ail persons baving dlaims against the estate of the said John Douglas McKelvey, who died on or about the isth day of October 1977, are hereby notified to send to, the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1978, their names and addresses and full particulars of their dlaims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them duly verified, by statutory deciaration. Immediately after the said 3rd day of February, 1978, the assets of the said deceased, wili be distributed among the persons entitled -thereto hav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned Solicitor shahl then have notice. Dated at Orono, this l2th day of January, 1978-. JAMES HUGH ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD RHR. 1, Orono, Ontario. Executor. W.K. Lycett, Q.C., Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for 18, 25, 1, ac. the Executor. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL Shop Around Vour enq4uiries for homes, high income or hobby farms, country estates, land, building lots are cordially invited. Appraisals,, mortgages arranged. Cal us anytime without obligation. I "'s Attention, * Coneout anld choose your farm I * * 2produce fromn our I large selection. ApplesI Red & Golden Deliclousg Maclntosh Russet Bagged Potat oesI * FRESH APPLE CIDER I Mapie SyrUlp- Holey 'Fred's Fruit marketl *Hwy. 115 1- 1i mile south of Orono* I, Týelephone 983-5628 Town of Newcastle, Help Wanted Applications are'invted for the position of Animal Control Officer for the Town of Newcastle. Sealed applications mrarked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m.'or Animal Control Officers under the direction of the By-law Enforcernent Officer in the Town Cierk's Department are required to eiiforce the Animal Control By-laws and also look after the Bowmanville Dog Pound. This is a Union job ( Local 74, Canadian Union of Public Employees) and the current rate is $6.06 per hour, 40 hours per week. Apply in writing inciuding a complete resumn with references. J.M. Mllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LMC 3A6.