Orono Weekly Tirnes. Wednesday, February lst, 1978-5 Orono Public School News Items of lnterest Pod- B is having a book and toy sale to i-aise money for the arena. The contributions should be in by the 8th of February. On February 3rd grade five and six students are going to the Outdoor Education Centre to learn about cross country skiing. Grade ones in Pod A are collecting returnable botties to make money for the ai-ena. They are keeping a graph of the number of botties collect- ed. On Tuesday, January 31st the classes will be marking ail the arena money collected during January on our special bulletin board. The students and teachers ai-e doing a fine job. GRADE 6 The students of Mi-. Wither- idge's class were given 2 maps, one of the world and one of Africa and on these maps we have been measur- ing the mileage from one place to another and finding the beai-ing. For Human Growth and Development, Mr-. Witheridge Jiscusses things with us about :etting ready for the Pines lext year. 1by Mike Carnegie. Each group in the grade six class had to draw a picture of a skier on a piece of graph papei-. When they were finish- ed Mi-. Lunn came in and decided which one was the best. The names of the winners were Sonya Brach- vogel, Suzanne Allia, Shar- lene Jackson, Steven Clyens and Loi-i Lycett. All the pictures ai-e on display in the classroom. by Debbie Vanderveen. During themonth of Jan- uai-y the students at Orono Public Scbool have been busy participating in various act- ivities to iaise monies for the new Orono ai-ena. These activities mceluded sewing and selling gym bags to selliag bot dogs and bot was collected. chocolate. Sbown above is Mi-. Gray, Tuesday, January 31st, Mi-. chairman of the fund iaising Chai-les Gray was present committee, along -with the after the morming exercises to students wbo represented accept the donations from each class being: Scotty each class. A total of $12236 Bi-adshaw, Tammy Wood- ICouncil BriefsI LACK 0F INFORMATION BEING PASSED ON Monday Couac. Taylor poînted out that be did not have information aecessary to pass judgement on recom- mendations by, the Techaical Co-ordinating committee i-e- lating to changes in a Bowmanville main street study. Couac. Dykstra said be was surprised at Taylor's remarks and that lie would step down as chairman of the committee and let Couac. Taylor take over the position. Dykstra also said it would only delay matters to bave to preseat the report to the Public Works Departmeat. Taylor said he could not relate information la the committee report to the original document as he did not have a copy of the document. After some wrangling tbe mte-cleared up when Mayoi- Rickard pointed to some instruction on the cover of the document presented to him asking that it be passed along to Taylor, Woodyard and Gray. This did not happen as tbe Mayor did not under- stand the insti-uctions. NO COST INCREASE BY OBEYING LAW When discussing parking fines at council on Monday Counc. Don Allin said he bad always been opposed to the increase in parking fines The Parlour- Stove Ahl cast i-on with flat black finish and nickle window frame. Deluxe trim pack includes nickel foot rail, top rail, swing top and ura. Front and side loading for tops in efficiency as, a beater or a fireplace. Swing top exposes two cooking plates. It weighs 197 lbs.,ý is 31" higb, hes a 24" x 15" top and a floor spread of 26" x 23". Burns coal or wood. Reg. $169.00 Now $139,95 As is in box Ojrono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Lumnber & Building Supplies - Fuel OH - Oi Furnaces 983-9167 Station St. & Hwy. 115, Orono ward, Kevin Avery, David- Tamblyn, Mai-sha Blaschke, Donald Keetch, Mary Dues- bury, Russel Tate, Debbie Brough, Richie Dupe, Wendy Hutton, Ward Fei-nandez and Laurie Lycett. from $1.00 to $200. He said no one in Bowmanville was in agreement with tbis inci-ease brought about in a by-law passed in 1976.1He also said he objected to those outside Bowmanville (on council) always supporting the inc- i-nase. "Ask any businessman on the main strent wbat he tbinks", be said. Couac. Woodyard retorted there was no increase if you obnyed the law. The matter came before council when -it was learnd that parking tickets were being issued with a one dollar fine when in fact the fine shouid bave been $2.00. The parking enforcemeat officer bas been advised to impose parking fines as outlined in the by-law. TICKET FIXERS Couac. Woodyai-d suggest- ed that council was acting as ticket fixers by acceptîag a recommendation from the finance committee that fines be reduced from $l0.0o to $5.00 for a number of i-esi- dents who bad had their cars ticketed for illegal parking at the Trinity and St. Paul's Churches on Januai-y 22nd la Bowmaaville. "Wbat ai-e we saying, tbey are good people and we sbould charge only $5.00", said Woodyai-d. We can't modify a few tickets by resolution, lie said. This is a police matter now said Wood- yard. Couac. Dykstra said the police over-reacted whea tbe complaint was made over the, parking illegalities. They could have used better public relations, be said. Couac. Allia said lie had one resident approacb bim about tbe ticket charge of $10.00 and that the resideat had contacted the police and tbat relief mnay be made. The resolution was struck from the -minutes Mr,. Crawford and fellow students. The topic 1 have chosen to talk about is my hamster. No other animais ever became popular as fast as the golden hamsters. Twenty years ago tbey were uaknown. Today thous- -ands of people have tbemn for pets and 1 have one so, I am going to talk about him. His mane is Fluffy. We have had hlm for over a year'. They are only four to five inches long and weigb only four to five ounces. Wben they eat their food they put their food in their pouches. They eat carrots and coi-n and lettuce and we gave him tissues for bis bed. If you waat to hold bîm,- pick him up by bis loose skin at the back of bis neck and use the other hand to support it's body. He climbs on the top 'of bis cage and swings aci-oss it and when you take him out of bis cage and put hlm on thé floor Fluff y i-uns ail ovei- the place. Wben you put him on your back be climbs ahl over you. Qne night I forgot to put him in the cage and he was i-unning around the house for six bours. Wben we -got home my sister happeaed to look in his cage but he w&asn't there so ail of us looked ail ovni- the bouse but then my sistei- found him in the closet. That is ah I1 have to say about my hamster. Snow is light Snow is bright. Snow is twinkling in the night. Craig Mantel, Grade 3., *DX SERVICE STATION *Highway 35& 115 just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premnium Quality Produets =Pd- At the Most Rea sona ble Prices * StoveOCiU&k Diesel Ou u Available in any quantityi * Phone 987-421.5 * We have a complete une of* *POP-SHOP Soft Drinks. Save by i buying these a case at a time. ENTERTAINMENT BEV-MARI E AND FRI ENDS Cutyand Western COACH & FOUR Restaurant YOUR HOSTS BEN AND LISA an d T a ver n Phone 983-5560 PRIVATE ROOM FOR 1z Mile North of K;irby CLUB OR FRTENDS on Hwy.115 and 351 Short Stories MY HAMSTER See 9flc a -r e