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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1978, p. 9

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0MB hearings adjourned Ontario Municipal Board j chairman, Armour McCrae adjourned the hearings being heid in Hamptan concerniflg the Courtîce Heights last Friday after six weeks Of hearings. The hearings are to be reconvened an April 17th for a further two weeks. The adjournment bas caus- ed same concern'on the part of the Town of Newcastle and their representatives at the hearings, John Willms. Wil- lms bas stated that the failure to finish the hearings- May eliminate Newcastle's chance to obtain the second part of a grant amaunting to $248,287. for the development which had a deadline of March 3lst. The grant is the second part of an Ontario provincial capital housing grant. The Town council on Mon- day night are to seek a meeting with the Minister Of Housing in order to seek an extension of the deadline for the grant. The Town has received the first part of the grant which is being held in trust by the Town and can only be turned over ta the town's treasury once the 0MB gives the go ahead for the twa sub- divisions representing a total of 1,051 homes. The adjournment does not jeopardîze three Ontario Housing Action program loans for storm sewers, water and sanitary sewer services. The region and town have negotiated an interest- TRENTWAY TOURS Special To WWVA JAMBOREE (Wheeling West Virginia) Show Stars Merle Haggard IMar. 3rd to 5th, 1978 For Details Contact: Trentway Tours P.O. Box 772 Peterborough, Ont. K9J7A2 Phone Tol Free 1-800-461-7615 PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARN ESS Formerly Bert Tam kins Phone 786-2552 free boan with the province in the amount of $282,700 for storm sewers outside of the two subdivisions as weil as $3,546,204 for water and sewer services. These lbans have no time limait with respect to their implementation. Wilims bas aisa outlined that 0MB approval does not necessarily give the go abead for construction of the sub- divisions as the City of Osbawa could appeal the decision of the board and thus prohibit any construction un- tii the legal process bas been completed. Willms bas expressed some concerfis that delay in bous- ing in Newcastle could force expected workers at Ontario Hydro seeking housing ini other municipalities with tbe resuit that Newcastle would flot gain from the impact of the work force over the next eight years. As a resuit financial benefits would les- sen through the hydro agree- Thirteen months of negat- iating bas failed in ani agreement being reachedi between the Ontario Public Service Employees Union1 (OPSEU) and the Colleges ofi Applied Arts and Technology of Ontaria. As a result 115 teacbers at Durham Coliege bave been wîthout a contract since September lst, 1977. Negatiations for a new con- tract were begun January 1977 in hope of having a contract signed by September lst, As a resuit of the deiay in reaching a settlement the Council of Regents bas made a detaiied offer ta the Union for settlement of the contract. The big problem in reaching a settiement bas bee n the teachers have been against the rolling average in the workload with allows a col- lege ta assign more than 19 hours teaching time per week. The Coliege point out that this bas gone ta arbitrat- ion witb approval being given the roiling average. The colleges have agreed ta what amounts ta a 5.97 per cent salary iricrease while the teachers want the maximum (six per cent) as allowed by the Anti-Inflation Board. Any increase wili be retroactive ta September lst, 1977. The Council 'of Regents have offered for teacher masters and counsellors a minimum salary of $13,675 ta a maximum of $26,475.00 for a four year Canadian Univer- sity Degree or more r certif ication in a specific field. Dr. Gardon Willey, chair- man of the Committee of Presidents of Colieges and president of Durham Colege in a recent news release states that the committee bas aliowed some concessions in vacations and holidays in favour of the employees but that there is no changes in workload as suggested by the teachers union- ment with thé, Town. Oshawa's legal staff have been reported ta have stated that they would be calling upwards of twelve witnesses when the hearing resumes with the POssibilitY He' alsa states that the committee offer will not require a decrease in the Educationai program and that this is significant when Coliege revenues are under pressure from many cost demands. of including the chairman of the region as weil as the former Minister of Housing. It may take more than the two weeks now allotted in April and it is assumed that the Board would allot more time if required. Council approves partial intersection i ntercha nge With most council members expressing a desire for a full interchange at Hait Raad and Higbway 401 but faced witb staff reports that a partial Parclo interchange was al that is reaily required at this point and time council did support a recommnendation for the partial Parcia inter- change at the proposed Hait road interchange. Town Manager, AI. Guiler, recommended the partial interchange after studying reports from the planner, director of public works, a consuiting firms report as well as a report from the commissioner of public works at the regian. -Ia bis recom- mendation be did suggest that the Town cail upon Ontaria Hydro and the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications to purchase suf- ficient lands ta construct a full interchange if such be- came necelsary i the future. Councs. Taylor, Holliday and Dykstra in discussing the recommendation said they f elt the full interchange shauld be constructed at this time. Counc. Alun said if such was not necessary now it would only be a waste of money and it mattered not wbetber the money came from Ontario Hydro or the province. Bath the Town's planner and director of public works couid see no future deveiop- ments in the area'to warrant at this time a full inter- change. They noted deveiop- ment in the area was nat con- tained in the officiai plan of the region. GUARD Mention guard dogs and haîf the people in ear shot will tell you of ail the fine ones they have known, dogs whose primary life goal is 10 destroy everyone in sight. Terrific. Nowweall knowwhaaguard dog is and can-spot one every lime. Just as we can spot a professional boxer by the way he walks down the street smashing people in the face., A guard dog is NOT an animal who must be chained to keep him from wîping out everyone within a i MAUi FOR DOGS LMD P.O. BOX 298, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1 MO i 983-5396ý Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 15th, 1978-1) *UMMMMUM UMMMM *DX SERVICE STATIONI Highway 35 & 115, jus? north of Newcastle *etrig * Premium Quatity Products * At the Most Reasonable M PricesI Stove Oil& *Diesel O011 Fi*- Available in any quantityI * Phone 987-4215 I * We have a complete une of Ipop-sHOP Soft Drinks. Save byI buying these a case at a turne. * Corporation of the Town of Newcastle *Department of Community Services* Yoga Instruction Persons interested in having the Recreation *Department conduct Yoga Classes are asked to cail the* 0 Community Service Department Office 623-3379 or 0 * 987-5039. *Separate classes will be held in Newcastle a ' Village and Bowmanville.e * A minimum of 20 applicants must be enrolled* * before the classes will be conducted. Fee will be $20.00 for 10 weeks (1/4 hours per* *week> ýDOGS radius of-20 feet, on the contrary he is1 a well-disciplined and welI beha 'ved fellow who, properly train- ed and under the direction of a competent master, represents no danger. Far from a menace, he is usually an asset to his community, extending the aegis of his protection by the simple virtue of his presence. If you are seriously interested in learning the art of training the personal protection dog, then enrole in Su n Va1lIey 's 1'HilIton" for Dogs Ltd. course of ON S BE ST" F RIE ND For f urther- information cal 1983-5396. Course starts 7:30 p. m Feb. .28th 1'- Ail instructors are licenced College-teachers yet to reach agreement moi Imm lu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . il Il Z, à Iill

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