Go ahead given Darlington plant Mr. Jue Mcllroy, clerk for the Town of Newcastle, repor- ted to memrbers of the finance committce on Munday even- ing that the fuil go ahcad had been given for the Darlington ilydru Generating Stationf located west of Bowmanville. He said the result of the recent study of hydro nccds in Ontario had termed that the plant would be required. The Darlington plant cost- ing some $3.5 million is now expected tu be in operation by 1985. A eut has been made in the, Weslcyville plant that could eut cmployment at that plant by some 400 persons. The development plans would con- tain two generating units instead of four. Minister of Energy, Rueben, Baetz in making the report said the reduction at Wesley- ville would cust hydro $25 million in penalty custs but WILSON TO IIEAD LIBS (Continued from page i) Wilson, there will be nu Canadian econumy, there will be nu Canada. 11e said Canada was not a sick country but rather a reduce the total cost of the constructon $400 million. In the matter of site related employment it is to reach 800 by thc end of 1978 and increase to 1100 during the peak period of 1979. It was reported that the present plans would maintain the security of hydro avail- ability for the province in the future. healtby country in a troubled world. In making comparison of economic stability we must do su witb comparison with other nations of the world. He said Canada gross national product from 1965 te, 1977 averaged 4.9 per cent com- pared with 3.4 per cent in the U.S., 3.7 in Germany and 2.4 per cent in Great Britain. In the past few years, be said the economies of the western world bave been in recession and t hat Canada had weather- ed the storm better than most. H1e said it was illogical and petty to condemn the performance of the Trudeau governmcnt in the face of the facts. AGENDAS COSTING TOWN $350.00 PER MEETING Mr. Joe Mllroy, clerk of the Town of Newcastle, pre- sented a proposai to cut down on the production of councîl agendas which bave been costing the Town a sum of $350.00 per meeting which ranges over $8,000.00 for a year. Forty-nine agendas were being assembled for each and every meeting. Some cuts were made in the supply of mn-bouse copies as welI as some parties, threc, are now to purchase their copies if they wished them supplied. The chambers of commerce Trentway Tours Special To W.W.V.A. (Wbeeing West Virginia) May 12-14, 1978 SHOW STARS Buck Owens For Details Contact: TRENTWAY TOURS P.O. Box 772, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7A2 Phone Toli Free: 1-800-461-7615 à Oruno Wekly Tinies, .Wednesday, Aprill Ih, 1978..3 Wilson said that despite successes such as goods and services being sold around the world a large part of the work force is without work. H1e said that in spite of recession some 230,000 ncw jobs were created in Canada from 1974 to 1977 and he laid somie of the credit to the work of the Anti-Inflation Board. H1e here pointcd out that wage settlements were down from 20 per cent a year to 7 and 8 per cent with profits alsu declining from 28.5 per cent in 1974 to il per cent in 1977. The liberal candidate also took a swipe at Allan Lawren- ce regarding Lawrence's han- M I in the area are to be supplied with free copies as wchl as Ratcpayer's Association. Press and radio will also continue to receive their copies. There will also be a eut in the content of some of the public copies rather than containing ail information. WANT NO CADILLAC PARKING LOT Mr. Wilshire president of the Newcastle Village Cham- ber of Commerce saîd on Monday nigbt before the finance committee that bus- inessmen in Newcastle would not wa nt to pay for a Cadillac parking lot in the Village. He was making reference to an estîmated cost of $25,000 to cstablisb a proper parking lot north of the four corners in the Village on land now owned St. Savîours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worsbip Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Ahlan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. dling uf the Eldorado expans- ion plans. H1e said the performance of the incumb- cnt was found to be wanting. Wilson said the Trudeau government has been work- ing bard to alleviate the situation in unempluyment citing the northern oul and gas pipeline with 20,000 new jobs for the next five ycars incentives to industry for the new tar sands and heavy oil projects the $320 million pipeline from Montreal to Halifax the federal-sponsorcd redpct- ion in provincial taxes to inject millions of dollars into the cconomy. In finalizing bis address Wilson commended the lead- ership capabilitics of Trudea, stating that nu man is more dedicated, nor more able to maintain Canadian unity and nu more qualificd tu lead us. by the Town and vacant. The chairman of the corn- mittee, Jasper Holliday, is to, arrange a meeting with the chamber and other interested parties in Newcastle when plans for the parking lot and related costs would bc con- sidercd. .0 UNITEOCHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist and David Gray Sunday. April 23, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Evening Service 7: 45 p. m. SPRING CONCERT ORIANA SINGERS Wcdncsday, April 26th, 8:00 p.m. John Ford, Conductor. KIRBY UNITED CHURCII Sunday Church Scliool 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Dia 1-A-Thought 983-9151 NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING Memorial Hospital Bowmanville Corporation WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1978 8:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 132 CHU RCII STRE ET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. HEARING REPORTS 2. REPORT 0F HOSPITAL AUDITORS 3. ELECTION 0F DIRECTORS 4. APPOINTMENT 0F AUDITORS 5. APPOINTMENT 0F LEGAL COUNSEL REQUIREMENTS FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE 2 - BY-LAWS 1. The following persons shah hbe members (of the Corporation>: (a) a person who has donated or who donates Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in any one year to the Corporation shall he a life member; (b) the President or Chief Officer of-an association or corporation which pays the Corporation One Hundred Dollars ($100.0) in any year shall be ex offielo a member of the ,Corporation for that year; (c> oly those persons 18 years of age and over residing in the Town of Newcastle who purehase a Membership in the Hospital Corporation and have paid the applicable membership fee of One Dollar ($1.00) or sncb other membership fee as the Board by resolution establishes shalh be issued a membership card dated the day sucb payment is received and such person shall be a member of the Hospital Corporation until the end of the first annual general meeting of the Hospital Corporation held following the 3lst day of December of the year for which the membership was purchased, and every member of the Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville who hokis a current, valid and subsisting membersbip card in the Auxiliary shahl be a member of the Hospital Corporation; and Md> onorary members who have been elected by the Board and who shall not be subject to fees. 2. A membership year shall commence with the first day of Jannary in each year and shall terminate with the end of the first annual General-Meetig of the Hospital Corporation held following the 3lst day of December of the year for which membership is purchased. 3. Members eligible tu vote at Corporation meetings shall be those miembers who were members at any time between January lst and Deceniber 3lst of the year immediately preceding the annual meeting plus any member who bas been a member tbrougbout tbe period of 30 days immediately preceding the annual meeting. REQUIREMENTS FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION TO BOARD 0F DIRECTORS -Buna fide mnember of the Memorial Hospital Corporation. -Eligible for Board Miembersbip. -Nomninations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board in writing signed 1)y two duly qualified membhers of the Corporation at least 30 days before the date of the annual meeting. Nomination formis available at the Hospital during business bours, Monday through Friday. R.E. Elston, Secretary, Board oM Directors. I DEAL FORIMEAT LOAF OR BURGERS Medium Ground Beef $1.23 MAPLE LEAF 16 Ounce Pkg. Golden Fry Sausage Duncan Hines MOIST & EASY 6 Flavours Cake Mixes Pl U.S. Can. No. 1 Size 21 Green Cabbage 9 $1.35 &g. .69e ea. .45c For your Freezer A-1 Chuc k OÀ' Beef AVERAGE HANGING WEIGHT 70 LBS. ROASTS, GROUND, STEAKS &BONES lb. 93C LS- M I (3 Lb. Limiit) CORN ISH'S VALUES GALORE atyour RED& WHITE STORE lRed & White-first i*n Quality and selection in Meats, -Red & White for Saving BUTTER lb. $1,23