6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May luth, 179 Orono Public School News The Green Tbumb Club We the members of tbis club are as follows: Deanna Bottreil, Karen Irwin, Debbie Vanderveen and Sandra Wil- liams, bave been involved in the following projects:- 1. At the beginning of tbe year we made gym bags and sold them to tbe students. We made a profit of $20.00 and turned this over f0 the Arena Fund. 2. Later on in the year we made macrame bangers and pot containers and raîsed plants. Tbese latter things we sold at tbe Fun Fair making $138.75 whicb was aiso turned over to tbe Arena Fund. We would like to tbank everyone wbo supported us with tbese two sales. 3. Our last project as Green Tbumb members was to plant a group of trees at tbe front of the scbiool. We- would like to thank Mr. Buntîng and Mr. Breen for donating tbese trees to our school. We would also like to give our sincere thanks to Mr. Lunn who bas belped us througbout the year. Mrs. Allin's grade one class planted several trees along the soutb fence to make our yard more beautiful. Mr. Lunn was a big belp in selecting trees and digging holes. Tickets for our annual Spring Concert are on sale. Please indicate wbether you want afternoon or evening. Kim There was a young girl namied Kim Who tbought it was fun to be slimn Along came a roller And along came a stroller And now she is as flimbsy as a imb. Caroline McCarthy, Gr. 5 There was a young man namned Davy Crocket Who had five pennies sîtting in is pocket Tbey ail feil out And he gave a shout But no more pennies in, bis pocket. Stephen Murree, Gr. 5 Tolcday 1 had excitiflg news Mr. Simser came to our class to tell me that a lady from the Newcastle Reporter was comingý to take mny picture. 1 couldn't figure what I had donc. Finally I whisper- ed to Brad, maybe 1 won- the Mother's Day Contest. Sure enough 1 got thîrd prize in the 'contest. 1 can hardly wait to hear which prize 1 won for My Mom. Monday bas beeh a super day for me. Jim.Sharp, Gr. 3. Pod B News Congratulations to Jim Sharp. Pod B class are havmng a draw..this Friday. The prize is a gif t for mother. Tickets are 10 cents each or 3 for 25 cents. Ail classes are busy gettmng ready for the Spring Concert on May 17th. Community care volunteer awa rds *Two Town of Newcastle Comfmunity Care volunteers will be ameng the 14 receiving awards at a Regional Recog- nition Evening for Commun- ity Care's 500 volunteers on Wednesday, May l7th. David Spivey and Kathleen Grady have been selected as sym- bols of the commitment of Community Care volunteers in the Town of Newcastle, according to Regional Co-ord- inator Richard Jobuston. "Both Kathleen and David are members of the Volunt- ary Advisory Board which administers Community Care ini the Town of Newcastle. David bas headed up the Publicîty Committee whicb is -'responsible for attracting so many volunteers and clients. He did everytbing from designing letterheads tbrough te writing news releases and drawing cartoons," said Johnston. "Kathleen had been invol- ved in the pilot project of Community Care in Ajax- Pickering before moving te Newcastle and made her past experience pay off in esta- blisbing the office on King Street. Sbe volunteers in the office on a regular basis, helped organize displays at community events and took on countless other tasks." Two- volunteers fromn each locality served by Comnmun- ity Care will be bonoured. Mayor Garnet Rickard and the Town of Newcastle Com- munity Care Chairman Joan Higginson will make the presentation to Kathleen and David, Buses are being, pro- vided tetake volunteers te the clebratien at tbe iHeyden- shore Pavillion in Witby and between two and tbree hund- red are expected to attend. Members of tbe public are invited te participate with festîvities beginning at 7:30 p.M. The guest speaker for the evening is Mr. Lawrence Crawford of the Ministry of Community and Social Ser-, vices, tbe principal funding source of Community Care. Mr. Crawford will speak on alternate care possîbilities f or the elderly. REFGION REQUESTS LOCAL WORKERS Tbe Region of Durbam bas turned around in a decîsion tW seek to bave local workers involved in regional projeets. Some tbree weeks ago the Regýon of Durham passed a resolution tbat they would not become involved in asking or suggesting that contracter hire local workers for region- al works. Last Wednesday the issue was again brought before council and by a 17-13 vote the region is now to ask contract- ors to hire local workers for regional projects "wherever possible". Ontario has reformed its family laws. We tbink you and your family should know aboutx them.ý oI The purpose of the new legisiation is to strengthen and encouragetthe role of the family by bringing outmoded and unfair laws into 11nre with modem family life. Arng the subjects covered are: " Matrimonial property -the sharing of family assets, including thefamily home. " Support - the mutual obligation of spouses to support themselves and their children. " Domnestic contracts - what they are and how to make themn. " Abolition of the status of illegitimacy- equal rights for al children. The Mi nistry of the Attorney General has prepared an easy-to-understand pamiphlet wvhich summarizes the neW' law. For your free copy, write to: " Marriages - age of consent and civil ceremonies. " Succession rigbts -. the miles f'or making wills and rights of surviving family members. Thie new laws substantially Change the rights and responsibiliries ofevery person in Ontario. Family Law Ministry of the Attrney General 18 King Street East Toronto,,Ontario M5C 1C5 Attorney General William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario To help your children make a quick and happy adjustment in their new surround- ings ... Cali Your Welcome Wagon Hostess Phone Dianne MicGee Phone 9834-9502