95-Orotio Weekly Times, Wednesday, May loth, 1!>78 Newcastle man to run for P.C.s, Scott Fennell, 50 year old insurance broker and marina operator of Newcastle Village was chosen by the Ontario Progressive Conservative Association last Thursday to contèst the riding for them in the next federal election. EATING DIRT, SALT Cone, Woodyard on Mon- day night stated residents of Orono were eating dirt and sait which had collected along the Main Street during the winter. He asked for some help to have the region sweep the Main Street. It was pointed out by Woodyard that he had been promised that the work would be done last, Wednesday. It \was stated that the Town sweeper was too busy to do the work and that the region either Qnlv had one sweeper Fennell was unopposed for the nomination. The nomninat- ion meeting was held in the Pickering High School with close to six hundred in attendance. The Ontario Riding is now represented by MP Norm or rented a sweeper to do the work. Mayor Rickard said he would see what he could do. Counc. Woodyard and Gray were appointed to meet withi the Ganaraska Region Con- servation Authority seeking permission to fili in a porti on of the ravine south of the new Cafik, minister of multi- culturism. Up and Down the Book Stacks It was expected that Port Perry journalist Dean Kelly would contest the nomination but this failed to materialize. It wîll be the first time that Fennell, a father of five children, has sought an elect- ive position of any kind. He claimed there is a need for businessmen in government who know what a balance sheet is aIl about. FIIRE NEW PLANNER A by-law wvas passed last- Monday appointing a new director of planning for the Town of Newcastle. The appointment of Leslie L. Kristof is to be effective from Miay lSth. ADULT Tennis Love by Bille Jean King (a parent's guide to the sport) Almost everything you've- ever wanted to know about basebaîl by D. Forkçer Successful Sailing by Lou d'Alpuget And 1 Alone Survived by Lauren EIder (a young woman endures a plane crash and has to climb down a mountain. A story of courage and determinat- ion) The Cinder Path by Catherine Cookson JUNIOR Machines on the Move by D. Sharp (looking inside mac- hines to see how they work) Famous Aircraf t of ail Tîme by Kenneth Munson Liquid or Solid? That's a Good Question by Tobi arena complex for thç pur- pose of parking. The filling will aflso necessitate an exten- sion to the existing culvert. The Authority had given approva1 for the fîlling of the revine for somne eighteen feet in an original submission by the engineers for the arena complex w,ýhich allowed for a drîvew-ay to the arena from a parking lot in the southern portion of the agricultural property. The new request to fill in a further 200 feet of the ravine -would allow the con- struction of a parking lot immnediately south of the new building. The Authority 44S opposed the last request by the engineers. IFYDU DON'T HAVE 10 INCHES* 0F INSULATION IN YOUR ATTIC, YQU'RE LOSING HEAT AND WASTING MONEY, if your home is like 909' of Canadian homes, it's flot properly insulated. This chart gives you an idea of how much you could save by brmngmg your home from the average level of insuIation up to today's recommended standards. Of course, as energy costs go up, so wl these savinigs. 0OU Heat Gas Heat Elect ST. JOHN'S $209 N/A FREDERICTON $204 N'A MONTREAL $195 $176 TORONTO $159, $115 WINNIPEG $237 $162 REGINA N/A $130 EDMONTON $228 $140 N VANCOUVER $130 $120 $ These savinqs are base-cl n a tyr,,,-i 2-stunov nre- o me of 1,100 square feet *Based on insulation matenal woMh R-3 valuep er inch (24 m) ztric Hieat $296 $215 S202 $242 $320 $390 '/A $199 NOW HOMES BUILT BEFORE 1946 ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A HOME INSULATION GRANT 0F UP TO $350. If your home was bult before 1946, is your principal residence, and is three storeys or less, you're eLigible for a taxable grant of 2/ of the cost of your insul ation materials, up 10 a maximum of $350 (retroactive to materials purchased on or after September 1, 1977). For FREE and complete information -about how 10 insulate your home and how to apply for a grant, send in the coupon below. 34j Canadian Home Insulation Program I, Government Gouvernement of Ca nada d. Canada Canaduian Home Programme d'isolation thermique insulation Program des résidences canadiennes lionourable André Ouellet L'honorable André Ouellet Minister Ministre LSend me rtho frebook L Send me the grant application kit. t<eop(Ingthle -teat T]" (My home was btut before 1946, 710 Englî!sh -1on fIrnai 'i storeys or less, and is my Please print. principal residence.) nEnglishn en francaisI NAME U 1TY PROV ____ IPO-STAL CODE __________________ Mail 10:Cana iHome ,lInslation Pro(gr, t Po. Fox 1210, S tation T, Toronito, Ontano M6B 4A4 Or caýLI colect through 1yo)ur i telephoneopeatr(416) 789-0671 i'eae tow2.04 weeks for pocessing ad matîsg9A-E _ Tobias (science book for the very young) My Anxieties Have Anxieties by Charles Schulz EASY READING- AND PICTURE BOOKS Leo, the Lop by Stephen Cosgrove The Dream Tree by Stephen Cosgrove (delightful illust- trations) What Ernie and Bert did on their summer vacation by P. Thackeray. - Madeleine Hadlev. Want to f111 Orono ravine Clarke High School Band and Choir presents 5th Annual S PRI1NG CONCERT Thurs. , May l8th 8 p.m. Guest Band: Lakeview High School, Thunderbay. Adults $1.50, Stucients $.75 r- 1 ..0'