SPO PRTS The Newcastle Lakers ope- ned their home schedule in Newcastle Village last Sun- day -afternoon after senior bail had heen absent fromn the Village for a number of years. The Lakers had as their opposition' the entry from Pictured above is the New- Bowmanviile who took a 10-2 castie baker team (top row victory over the Lakers. On left to right), Mike MeGregor, Saturday the Lakers were Bill McCullough, Steve West, defeated in Oshawa by the Mike Carman, Doug Rickard, strong Oshawa entry by a Graydon Mloore, Randy Ten- score of 14-2. nant, Brian Anderson, Don B5elevilie defeats Kendal On Sunday, May 28th in Believille, the Kendal Eagles went down to their third straight defeat as Belleville defeated them 15-9. Ted Beeker took the defeat for Kendal, who out-hit the .Blues by a 15-12 count but had nine costly errors. Coilecting hits for Kendal were Dennis Knapp, with three while John Robinson, John Mathers, J.R. Robinson, Dave Puity and Vic Harreson had two hits each. Bill Robinson and Dwight Searle had West Division Ajax Oshawa Bowmanville Little Britain Whitby a single hit each. Kendal Eagles play their nextgame in Little Britain on Thursday, June 2nd then back home to Kendai on Sunday, June 4 to play Peterborou gh at 2 p. M. RHmE Kexidal 212 000 022 9 15 9 Belleville 130 233 21X 15 12 4 T. Becker (0-1), Thompson sth, Robinson 8th and J. Robinson, Vos Becke, Heffernan, T. Abramd (1-0) and Hay. Pct. GBL 1.000 - .500 'i .333 11½ .333 11/2 .002 1/ W L Pct. GBL 2 0 1.000 - 3 1 .750 - 2 1 .667 ~ 1 1 .500 4 0 2 .000 2 Belleville Port Hope Peterborough Newcastle Kendal Weekly Scores Wednesday Port Hope 12, Peterborough 6 Saturday Oshawa 15, Newcastle 2 Belleville 14, Bowmanville i Sunday Bowmanvilie 10, Newcastle 2 Belleville 15, Kendial 9 Port Hope 8, Little Britain 7. Ajax 4, Peterborough 3 Oshawa 13, Whitby 7. Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, May 3Ist, 1978-7 Ice-ýý rentais fees increase Martin, J amie Wright. (Bot- tom row), Mike White, Dave Passant, Dean Cox, Tim Walton, Dan Norton, Doug Taylor, Bruce Alldred, and Peter Maartense, coach. Ab- sent Tim Jenkins. New things for Bewdley A report was received by Hamilton Township last week for the waterfront area in Bewdiey. The total project would cost close to one haif million dollars,. The waterfront plan includ- ed an extension out into Rice Lake for parkland, waikways, man-made beaches, trees and parking facilities. Floating docks would provide mooring for up to 40 boats. Two smal isiands could also be încluded in the plans. The plan, could be impie- mented over a one to three year period or more depend- ing on furnds being available. The Township is expected to fund the project fromn $100,000 to $150,000 and is. reported now to have availabie for the project a sumr of $52,000.00. I..ý . . ..... . ..... E.O.B.A. SENIOR LEAGUE (including gamnes of Sunday, May 28) East Division Attention Farmners!! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON C ~ Diesel Fuel SMotor 011 SGasoline Phono 668-3381 -Colèct DXF U E L DII For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY Department of Community Services Swimming Registrations Ail Three Wards Bowmanville Iunie ("and 8 7:OU 1p.M. to 9:00 p.m. Bell Building (Immediately north of the Town Hall) Newcastle Vil lage Junie 1t and 15 7:00 p M. to 9:00 p.m. Newcastle Town Hall. Orono .a 0adJn 7: 00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Orono Town Hall. Fee $1(0)0 per persýon and $6.00 for third and foliowîng chldrninone famifly. Applicanits must be 5 years of age as of June 1978. NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION Wednesday, June 14, 1978 8:00 P. M. Council Chambers 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario For Purposes 0f: 1. Hearin.g Reports. 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Election of Directors 4. Appointment of Auditors 5.Appointr-nent of Legal Counsel 'J In an effort to reduce the defi:cit to a more reasonabie amnounit at both the Darling- ton and Bowmanville arena a new schedule of ice rentais and fees for hockey players and figure skaters was pre- sented at council on Wednes- day afternoon. Conne. Aif Gray spoke to council stating that further informafion had comne ,up sînce the recommendations as presented in thé matter of the operation ofthe Newcastle Village skating club that operates differently to that of the Bowmanville club, Com- munity Services director Bud Fanning said there should be a change in the figure skating rates that would save the Town in the neighbourhood of $5,000.00. The matter of new charges for ice time and fees was referred back to the commit- tee with some alterations to' be made in the figure skating fees between members of the Newcastle Club and the Bowmanville club. Under the new schedule of rates public skating' will advance to 75 cents with prime time ioe rentais gomng to $3500 for a longer time period from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Off time ice rentai charges are to be $2500. Fees to join the recreation hockey program have been bumrped from $2500 to $50.00. It is understood that both Orono and Newcastle Village teamni- which operate separ- a i iy to the recreation hockey wiil have their fees set by those groups conducting the hockey program in the two centres. In Orono the pro- gram wiii be operated by the Orono Amnateur Athietic As- sociation. With changes to the figure skating fees the proposed new charges and fees will again corne before council. cDq, yWall Taping -Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting W.maIIy Lucyk 98375516 ORONO