8-OrFono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 31st, 1978 A glimpse of the past Parernts protest principal shuff le *This shining 1930 Model A transportation on Sunday for visited the Orono Park. this car back to its original Ford was the mode of an,>Oshawa couple as they t took six years to restQre sheen. Smoking A Proposed National Polie3 on Smoking and Health formulated by the York Toronto Lung Association an( circulated to themn to al members of the Federa, Govémnment, has been adopt ed by the Durham Regior Lung Association. Ail 1Cp local Association memberE have been requested to for. ward a copy of the two pagý document, with a persoilà endorsement, to their MP and MPP. This action, together with a letter to the Federa Minister of Health and Wel. fare, Monique Begin, has been stimulated by the deep concern felt by members'of the local Christmas Seal Organization at the increas- ing incidence of smoking among -young children (a recent West Coast study indicates one in five children are regular smokers by age 12). Also of deep concern are spiralling health came costs, and heavy economic losses to bus iness and industry ýdue to iung disease related absen- teeism, (estimated at an average $100 for every emp loyee in Canada). The docu- ment contains three recom- What is one of our most common topics of conversat- ion? You guessed it - the weather. Thanks to a recent donation, we know now that some early settiers prepared themselves for advance 'not- ice of Canadian weather; Mrs. Irene Burley has most kindly donated to the Museum a barometer wich was brought fromn England in 1828 by the members of her family, the Laytons, who settled in Clarke on the fourth -healIth y mendations related to educat- rh, ion and reseamch, and the k- folowing twelve legisiative id proposais: al a) Bill boards, newspa pers ýt and magazine advertisement )n of cigarettes shouid be no M longer permitted in any partý rs of Canada. le al b. Gifts, schemes and all kd promotional incentives con- rcerning cigarettes be discon- tinued. al c- . The Minor's Protection IS Act and The Tobacco Res- )f trait Act be enforced. il S_ . Cigarette vending mnach- ýg mnes should not be allowed in a any heaith, education centre,. 'y goverrnment building or any r> ursupervised area available ýe to childmen. e. Legisiation be enacted .s requiring cinemas and theat- ýe res to designate a estricted -non-smoking area. n1 -f'. Smoking be prohibited - in ail supemmarkets and - public elevators. concession. We are certainly very pleased and proud to be given anything from the early days of settiement in this areà. This baromneter differs slightly in its readings from sorné modemn ones; it reads very dry, set Àair, fair, change, rai n uch rain and stormy. How does that com- pare with th e terms on yours? Museum HoPurs: 0Openr every afternoo,,n, except Wed- nesdays, 2-5 p.m. g. Lower nicotine content in cigarettes as weli as taxation pro, rata with the level of nicotine. h. Smoking be prohibited in ail schools, and in college ciassrooms. i. A smoking and health program be a requisite course in all educational, medical and health care programs. j. To make it unlawful for tobacco companies to sponsor, sporting events or advertise tobacco smoking ini any way at sporting activities. k. To allow a minimum of one hour per week for employees to attend smoking withdrawal clinics with com- parable time allowed non- smokers for physical exer- cise. 1. Stronger warning or imag- ery to be printed on packages of cigarettes etc. Copies of the document are available on request (at no charge) from Durham Region Lilng Association, 723-3151, and the Association hopes that members of the general public will assist them in promoting this plan of action designed to tackle what has become the greatoat health hazard 'of our time. L TEACH YOUR wIpa TOGOLPNOT TO PRIVE A CAR,- WITH GOLF SUR WILL RIT NOTHINGWITI4 THE CAR SUE NEVER MISSES iI IIM f Representatives fromn the South Cramahe Parent Tea- cher Society and a small delegation from Newtonville approached the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education last Thursday complaining about the recent announced shuffle of princi- pals. A large delegation fromn the South Cramahe Society pre- sented the board with a petition signed by 605 people including 120 of the 122 families who have children attending the school. Mrs. Pearson heading the South Cramnahe delegation said the community had hired Mr. Miller, principal, and that they were more than pleased with the operation of the school and the work accomplished by Mr. Miller. They sought to have him stay at the school. The Board took no action in the matter and a resolution presented to the board to i2-speed 20" box fan with five-fin blade. Motor is overload-protected. Safety grills. 500-2966-10 ... ......... ..........25.99 2 3-pe ihwegtpral fan with 10" motor. 500-2974................ .... 21.97 reconsider the portion relat- ing to South Cramahe and Newtonville was turned down by the board members. Hi111res Summer student The Clarke Museum has hired a summer student, Margaret Henry, as their researcher for the summer. Miss Henry is a student at Trent University being a resident. of the Campbellcroft area. The student researcher will be doing research on various areas of local history esp- ecially to those things that will relate and contribute to the Museum's display at the Kirby Schoolhouse for the Centennial celebrations on August 26th. The funds for the employ- ment of Miss Henry are made available through the Minis- ter of Culture and Recreation under the Experience \78 program. 3 > speedg' tan can beused as oscillatlng or straight-blow type. Plastic blades, metal grill. 500-3539 .... ................. 31.88 4 2-spee d 8" straight-blow fan, with choe-plated wire stand and. grill. Overload-protected. 500-2982 ý........19.99 5 8" Stralght-blow fan features childproof safety grill, safety protective fuse to pre- vent over-heating, silent opération. 499-5767......................15.77 6 1"oscillating fan with fwo speeds, 6 fety grill, safety protectiv/e fuse to pre- vent over-heating, 499-57715 ......... 37.77 7j 19" osclllatlng fan with protective metal grill, safefy protecve fuse fo prevent over-heating, for desk or wall mount., 499-5791 ......... ........... 35.87 8 2-speed fan is excellent for desk or countertop use. Safety flex blades, sîlent operation. 500-4802. 197 ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE - ORONO, ON'-T. 983-5207 National Policy on larke Museum Corner