Pretty 17 year-old Lynne Lane of Cavan is as much at home commanding a heavy bulldozer as sbe would be in the kitchen. Lynn bas been working with ber father at the Senior Citizens development ini Orono tbis summer operat- ing the bulldozer, backhoe and dump truck witb compet- ence and ease. For the past three years Lynne bas been operating a bulldozer as well as a dumap truck and started this year operating the backhoe. Lynn who just turned seyenteen on Tuesday of this week bas an ip Floral C 162 King St. East older sister in Calgary whe operates simnilar heavy equip- .ment and is presently emp- loyed operating a crane. It is understood she is the only woman in Calgary operating heavy construction equip- ment. She as Lynn obtained ber experience with her father. Mr. Lane of Cavan Con- struction,' is very compli- mentary of bis daugbters work with tbe equipment. So men move over another notcb or risk the advent of being bulldozed into another corner. .reatio ns Bow ma nv ille, -- - - -- -- -- IWilliam C. Hall, B.Comm. Chartered Account]ant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY *DX SERVICE STATrION M Highway 35 & 115,, just north of Newcastle M Featuring: Premsium Quality ProductsI i At the Most Reasonable MI Prices * Stove0Oil & * Diesel O011 Available b any gquantityI * Phone 987-4215 I * We have a complete Une of* *POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save byI buying these a case at a time.I Be sure y...- home is truly protected by a go"d poiicy Cail us new Milison Insurancel Agenicy office: Corner of Cburch and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 ORONO THE ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION STARTS NEXT WEEK The annual municipal enumeration wilI begin on Tuesday, September 5, 1978. During this month, anenumera-tor, carrying a proper i.dentification card, will caîl at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information required in determîning: " your eligibility to vote in the municipal and school board elections to be held on Novem ber 13 th is year; " the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems; " the distribution of provincial grants to local governm.ents-to help reduce local tax bills; " the preparation of jurors' lists; and " population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name, age, property status (e.g. owner'or tenant), school support and residency of'aIl members of the household. .When the enumerator visits, 'please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not, revise it and verify the changes. If you are not home, aNotice will be Ieft for you. If changes are riecessary, please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, in the self addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional information, please contact the local assessment office. OMir Rei Ontario nistry avenue Reg'l Assm't Commissioner W.H. Parnell Durham Regional Office Tel. No. (416) 668-9351 Zenith 67140 We ffer you* this introductory $19-95 "'free"l by becoming a Fina Fuel Oil 88N:5093 program approved value credit "FLOWERS WITH FEELINGS" FOR ANY OCCASION FRESH &DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUN ERALS, HIOSPITAL AND HOME Telephone 623-3377 FRANCIS TEILlANT FUELS, LTD SERVING, ORONOý-N E WCASTL E-BGWMANVI1LLE-N E WTON VI LLE HAMPTON-PONTYPOOL-KENDAL AREA Are you Iooking for confident home comf ort this wi nter? "'SPECIAL FREE OFF ER"'# Government approved heating equipment efficiency test Find out how well your heating equipment is working. Have your equipment set to its most efficient operation and save money, on next year's fuel bill. custmer.Cali today for your Free Test Quality refined petroleum products Automatie delivery - Interest free budget accounts 24 hour service pt RO F IA lCANADtA LTD