Crowds gather for fuelwood sale turned out to take advantage of the $5,00 per cord offer. Ôf these 121 people returned homne with a block section of On1 September 9tb the Ministry of Natural Resour- ces held a public sale of standing hardwood in the Ganaraska Forest., Unlike other years the wood was sold in a lottery type manner where everybody had a chance instead of a first corne first served basis as it has been in the past. Approxîmnately .988 people Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile Phono 983-5441 ORONO I William C.,Hall, FW B.Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WE DN ESDAY and SATURDAY * Evening Registration DURHAM COLLEGE EXTENSION COUR SES IN OSHAWA e* THURSOAY SEPT. 14 TUESDAY SEPT. 19 * 6:30-9:00OP.M.e lus standing hardwood. According to the ministry the sale of this wood not only helps out the forest by thinning out unwanted trees but it gives the buye'r a good deal when you compare the price of a cord of wood bought and sold commercially these days. Several important acade- mic management appoint- ments have been made by Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology this faîl. There is a new Director of Durham Collefie App)lied Arts Division. Donald Michie for- merly Department Head of Administrative Arts, has suc- ceeded David Skinner as Director of this Division. Mîr. Donald Michie joined the College in August 1970, serv- ing first in the Business Division as a teacbing mas- ter, then, assuming responisi- bility for the Cllege's Confer- ence Centre, before moving to the Applied Arts Division as a Department Head. Prior to joining the College, Donald Michie was an analyst for Sheil Canada and an organiz- ation and mnethods officer for the Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Ottawa. Don Michie received bhis B.A. f rom the University of MNanitoba. To achieve a better inter- face with industry in regard to trainiing and meeting training requirements there is now a Departmenit Head for business and industry in the Adult Training Division. John Long who joined the Business Division in August 1975, has been promoted to this post. Before joining the College he had served as Distribution, Manager for Silverwood Dair- ies, Production Supervisor for the Upjohn Company Super- visory Trainee for Dominion Dainies and as Salesman for Ortho Pharmaceuticals. John Long bas a B.S.A. from the University of Guelph. and a M.B.A. from York Univer- sity. Mrs. Mair Cove, who joined the Health Sciences Division in August, 1976, has been promoted to Department Head of Dental Programs. Prior to joining Durham College staff, she was in partniership practice in Den- tal Surgery in England. She has a Licenciate in Dental Surgery from the University of Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne, England. MIrs. Margaret MaIýcDoniald is the new Clinicat Supervisor Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Septem ber l3th, 1978-3 Pancake breakfast served Plane crashes pilot dies. John Thomas Kellar, a 22 year old Oshawa man died Saturda y following the crash of a Cessma 150 wbich he had renited from the Oshawa Airport. Mr. Kellar had left Oshawa at 4:38 p.m. in the airc raft and was headed for Orillia when the incident took place. A radio message was rec- eived hy another aircraft stating that Kellar had bit n bird and lost control of the plane Thicq résiilted in a crash in dense bush southwest of Blackstocký OPP spokesman said th at the plane was not located until Sunday rnorning when a witness to the crash came forward. Helping the Newcas- tle OPP in their search efforts were Whitby OPP, an Armed Forces Hercules and helîcop- ter from the Canadian Forces Base, Trenton. The Ministry of Transport are investigating the incident. The above photo shows taking advantage of a slack firefighter- John Clapdorp, period to have bis breakfast. of the Healtb Sciences Divi- sion. She has a B.Sc. in Nursing and a Diploma in Nursing Education from the University of Windsor and before coming to the College was a Health Nurse for- the Developmnentally Handicap- ped and a teaching master at ýt. Clair College, Windsor, she was Assistant Director at the Grace Hospital Scbool of Nursing in Windsor where she previously served as class- roorn teacher and clinical instructor. Mn. Stan Durrant bas been appointed Department Head of Skills Training in the Adult Training Division. He joined the Adui t Training Division in 1975. His employment history includes welding experience and supervisory experiene for several leading Englîsb companies as well as lecturer at Bishop Auckland College and Southbampton College England. Serving are Sterl Mather and Rick Patterson. Crew member' overboa rd A Toronto man feli over- board during a tbree legged, 95 mile sail boat race early Sunday morning. At about 3:00 arn. Sunday Hugb Bane of Toronto was washed overboard during a crew change aboaîrd the White Knuckles a sailing vessel out of Toronto. The race consisted of three legs from Oshawa to Olcott N.Y. Mackie and Reid Ltd. Specializing i Asphait parking and drivewaý Concrete sidewalks Bert Reid, C. E.T. 786-2501 then to Port Hope and back to Oshawa. The White Knuckles bad completed the first Ieg and was on its way to Port Hope when the incident took place. Involved in the search were the City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Association, the Coa st Guard Cutter Spindnif t and txvo helicopters from Trenton. Paving in ;lots Ys - sewers Tom Foster. 797-2548 Save on Qual1ity Foods at Red & White Canada Grade -A- Chucks O' Beef Average, 70 lb. Short Rib, Blade, Chuck Roats, Lean Stewing Beef, Ground Lean or Medium Beef, Blade Stakes - Bones Cut, Wrapped and Fast Frozen -- lb, $1.09 Mrs. Lukes Pectin CrainSrne hnGa Sani-PaIc Jamns Coffee Garbage Raspberry,' Strawberry Mate Bags 24 oz. jar 8CI8oz.jar 1.19 S,ý 2bag pkg.. 9 p. , I /1 Help Wanted Young man 16-20 vears eager to Iearn the food business. Hours - After school and Saturdiays. Ask for Carman. n Durham'College staff appointments