Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 2th, 1978-5 Rabbits judged at Orono Fair BOB DYKSTRA'S :AMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Friday, September 22nd, 1978, 4 KING ST. E. 7o 'cock p.m. 623-2303 623-2304 ~~ The rabbit show at the of the largest in North way in the above picture.' Orono Fair was blled as onie America. Judging is under- Pàort Hope candidate re%-elected to provincial executive At the annual meeting,,of the Ontario Progressive Con- servative, Party,' held in Toronto, September 8-10, Mrs. Kay Wetherall of Port Hope was re-elected to serve a second term on the Provin- cial Executive. Mrs. Wetherall, well known in Conservative circles, has ini a recent news release from -Ontario Hydro it was announced that hydro had travelled extensively throughout the Province as a member of the Campaign and Organization Team. In the 1977 Provincial Election, she was Associate Campaign Manager for Northumberland M.P.P. Russell Rowe. One of four women elected to the Party's 17 member obtained legal possession of al properties required for the erection of hydro trans- executive, Mrs. Wetherall was acclaimed to the position of 8th Vice-President. She is the immediate Past President of the Port Hope P.C. Association, Secretary, Northumberland Provincial Ridrnig Association, and a member of the election team for M.P. Allan Lawrence, Durham Northumberland. mission towers from the Cherrywood transmission station in Toronto east to the Haldimand-Cramahe Town- ship line. This includes prop- erties in the municipalities of Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, NeWcastle and in the Townships of Hope, Hamilton and Haldimand. Some 120 men are employ- ed in the construction crews who are erecting the towers throughout this stretch of the transmission line. Lt is under- stood that at this time over fifty percent of the towers have been erected. Contracts have been let for the delîvery of concrete for the towers which require 54,000 cubic yards, 1000 cu. yards more than required in the, construction of the CN tower in Toronto. Five Ontario Hydro agents are now meeting with approx- imiately 280 land owners in an effort to reach settiements within the area fromn Cherry- wood to the Haldimnand line. Appraisals have been sent out to ail owners of land affected by the transmission line. Wihout knowinqit9 you could be a tun-off. B oyou always take a bath, instead of a sh ower which uses Iess power? Do you fiiial etl fuit to make a single cup? Tumn on the washing machine for just a few things? 'Leave the TV on when7 no ones vatching? And do you often forget to tumn offithe porch light. even though everyones home in bcd? AII Any of these thoughtless littde habits can make you a t um-off. Because waste of electricity like anything that everybody really needs, can turn people off. Wouldn't you rathber turn off a light bulb tha n turn off a friend? Think about how you use etectricity Wasthg electricity tuns people off. lThIS ImeSSage is brouLghILt n ou b\ yo ur Hydro on behalf of people who care H1YS-3344 Hydro towers now appearing ûtticiap Opetiiog ot