Kelly Stainton, a grade three student from Kendal- Kirby Public Sehool, takes note of the cameta'as she paints what she saw on ber outdoor excrusion that mor- outdoor excursion that morn- ing at the Outdoor Centre. T/w expert shows how! By: Jili and Leon Unis (wonderful pbotographs and text on this ancient cîty) If Your Child is Drinking By: Nancy Woodward (ways to fight alcohol abuse in the home, school and com- rnunity) Mary Kay By: Mary Kay Ash (success story of Americas rnost dynamîýc businesswomnan) Mvastering Karate By: Masutatsu Oyama (very well illustrated) Vermilion By: Phyllis Whitniey (another sure best seller by tbis popular author) Little Girls Lost By: Doris Shannon (terri- fying thriller in the tradition of Flowers in the Attic) Go' Slowly, Corne Back Quickly By: David Niven (this is the author's first novel> The Avenue of the Dead By: Evelyn Anthony (spy story) The Children's Story By: James Claveli (an unusual story inspired frorn a true incident) The Last Great Love By: Marilyn Harris (her best novel yet) Sow Death, Reap Death Someone in the Hlouse By: Barbara Michaels (romantic suspense) Doctor's Daugbiters By: Franik Slaughter JUNIOR Crickets and Grasshoppers By: Anthony Wooton The Great Muppet Capeýr By: Jocelyn Stevenson (storybook based on the movie) The Latchkey Dog By: Joan Dalgleish (fast rnoving family story) Kirk's Law By: Robert Peck (a boy with everytbing Icaras to sur- vive in the wilderness) I Love You Stupid By: Harry Mazer (hilarious novel of love) Marna and her Boys By: Lee Hopkins (story of a single parent farnily told with love and humour) EASY READING & PIC- TURE BOOKS Cuirious George By: H.A. Rey One Step, Two By: charlotte Zolotow Pretzel By: Margaret Rey Little Bear's New Year's Par- ty By: Janice Durhamn College offers Heart Saver Course Outside we found Special Education students from M.J. Hobbs trying ouI their skiing ability. Feaîured bere we have the "expert" with bis cross-over on the far left. instructor at the centre who is Christine Brown, the skiing also a Naturalist. The not-so expert Durham College is opffering a "Heart Saver" course this January. Designed to help the ;enera1 public understand shat a heart attack is al Lbout -- the course gives in- struction inhow to possibly prevent a heart attack, and how to recognize when so- meone is baving a heart at- tack. Il deals with what to do if the heart stops -- utilizing a first aid procedure called Cardiopulmonary Resuscita- tion, or C.P.R. This is prac- tised on mannequins. The course also teaches how to possibly save a choking vic- tirn. The Heart Saver course is four hours ini lengtb, and is offered on Mondays, fromn 6:00 to 10:00) p.rn., starting January 25. The other dates on whicb the course will run are February,6 and 8,,March 8, 15, and 29, and April 12. The cost of the four bours of instruction is $ 10., and one can register by calling Durham College at 576-0210, ext. 236, for an official registration forn, or by com- ing to the Registrar's Office at the College, Sirncoe Street Nordh, 0o'n week days fromn 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. With the Experts you cai so. .woops! experts. That's what you may cali the Snow- la-Face technique. aîways find. ..the flot One activity Heather Chapell of Lindsay really en- joys doing is working witb ber hands. Wile at an On- tario Marcb of Dimes' camp flhr pbysically disabled aduits last sumnmer, Heatller spenlt niany bouts with arts and crafts. Heather and over 200 other disabled aduits enjoyed vaca- tions at camps operated by the organization at tbree locations; Claremont, Albion Hilîs and Long Lake, near Sudbury. While at camp, disabled people bave tbe opp)ortunrity ta participate îinact-ivities flot usually a part of their regular routine. About balf of the camipers live year round in cbronic care bospitals and in- stitutions. Heather, who was born witb spina bifida, lives in ber own apartmrent. In tbe past, she bas worked at clerical jobs but, as she says, "It's not easy finding work these clays, especi'ally i Linidsay.- She spends ber days doing- volunteer work in the liibrary of a public school and hook- ing rugs. 'Fle Ontario Marcb of Dimes belped to supply ber witb a brace and wbeelcbair for mobility and in- dependence. Her sumrmer vacation last year at tbe Claremont camp -was ber second and one that sbe really enjoyed. Heatber's first vacation at a Marcb of Dimes' camp was at Long Lake but, last year, she decid- ed ta try a niew location. Tbe emphasis at Marcb of Dimes' camrps is on wbat disabled people~ can do. Ac- tivities org-anized by staff and campers include swimming, Freedom from smoking Do cigarettes bave an iron grip on your person and per- sonality? Would freedprn from this addiction make you and your family bappier? Wby not join tbe non- smoking majority during Na- tional Non-Smoking Week (Jànuary 24-3tb) and take a giant step toward cleaner lungs and a bealtbier body? During National Non- Smoking Week, Durbam canoeing, camp outs and visits to local sites of interest. Providîng holiday vacýa- tions and items sucb as wbeelcbairs, braces, elec- tronic devices and hand con- troIs for cars are just a few of the many services of tbe On- tario March of Dîmes. The organization also offers job training and employment op- portunities and assists groups of dîsabled people on issues sucb as transportation, bous- ing, recreation and ac- (Continued page 9. Region Lung Association (The Christmas Seal People) will introduce an exciting self-help program - FREEDOM FROM SMOK- ING. This unique approacb ta quitting was developed by the Lung Association after four years of study, research, and testing. Freedom Front Smoking helps you help yourself during the difficult process of actually giving up cigarettes, tben demonstrates how to develop and maintain your niew non-smoking life- style. The package is attractive and well written witb rnethods both proven and practicaL. Dr. J. Allan Best, (Charimnan of the Depart- ment of Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo] endorses tbe prograin saying "The basic tools a person needs to stop smoking are universal, adaptable by eacb person on bis or ber own in - dividual needs! Tbis is wbat Freedom Front Smoking does--gives yout the tools anti helps you flnd tte best way to adapt these tools so tbat youi too will soon be the mnajority- a NON-SMOKER! Mae-rch of Dimes camp provided for disabled'