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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jan 1982, p. 8

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. . . ............ .. ..... ....... 8, Orono Weekly Mmnes, Wednesday, Januar 20, 1982. A special Iadder for Lake Ontario EeIs Pursant a te prvisins0f Section 3-5 of the Planning,ý Act, afllrory ownersihe f ormepr Village of Newcastle, now in the Ton iNecste and popetynwners !n the Municipalities abuttlng, ïnamely the Tawý,,nship-s of Cava, Hpe and Mvanvers, are hereby given notice, that1 the Towni of Newcstlehasenacted By-Law No. 81-1-55 entltled "A By-Laýw ta further amenarertd Area Bv-Law 79-44. af the Town o ecsl. and aýt the conclusion of the perlod for fîllng objections, wljll submî'1t th- said By-Law ta The Ont.arlo MncplBoard for approval. FORM 1 THE PLANNING ACT NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A BY-LAW BY THE CORPOR9ATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TO0 REGULATE LAND USE PURSUANT TO SEC- TION 350F THE PLANNING ACT. TAKE NOTICE that the C-ouncýI of the Town cof Newcam-2stle has passed By-law 81-155 on the 5th day of October 1981, purýsuant ta the provisions af Section 35 of The Planning Act, The Folowving Schedules are attached hereto: 1. Scheduîe 1, being a copy of By-Law 81-155. 2, Sohedule 2, consisting of the folowiýng: i. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Law. il. Lands Aiiected. 3. Scheduîe 3, being a statement from the Commissioner of. Planning of the Reglonal Munricipality of Durham.l, ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twienty-one dlays after the date of mailng, personal service or publication of this notice, file with the Clerk of the Town ofNecse notice of, an objection ta the approval of the said by- law or part thereof together with details of al or that portion ai the by-law ta which there iýs objection and detaîled re-asons thereof. ANY PERSON wishinig ta support the application for approval af the by-Iaw mriay, within twenty-onie days after the date of the mnaiîing, personal service or publication of this notice, file wth the Clerk ai the Town of Newcastle notice of suppoirt ai t1he application for approval of the said by-law. If no notice of, objection has been filed wuith the Cîerk of the M0unicipality withln t*he tïin provided, the by-Iawv shaîl not corne into effect until approv- ed by t1he OtroMunicipal B3oard. If a not(ice f bjctonha been iiled with the Clerk af the Munlcipality wit'hin the' timeprved the by-law shail be submitted ta the Ontaria MuiiaFoar-d and the By-law does not corne into effect until approved by the Ontarlo Munlicipal oad THE LAST DATýE FOR FILIÎ.NG OBJECTIO0NS - FEBRUARY 4, 1982. THE OBJETION U E RECEIVED BY THIS DATE IN ORDER TO BE VALID. Datia the Town of -ecsl this l3th day ai January 1982. David W. Oakes, A.M.CT., Town Clerk 40 Temprer-ance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6. SOHEDULE I THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Being a by-law toarand Restrlcted Area By-law No. 79-44 af the Tawn of Newcastle; Now Therefore, the Council ai the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Enacts as follows: BY-LAW NUMBER 81-155 belihg a by-law ta further amend Restricted Area By-law 79-44 of the Town ai Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advlseable toaramend Restrlcted Area By-law Number 79-44, as arnended of the Corporation af the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town ofNewcas- tle ENACTS as follows: 1. Scheçiule "B ta By-law 79-44, as amended, is hereby further arnended by adding thereto the folowlng special.condition 4, ta read as foiiows:- Speclal Condition 4 The lands shown on Scheduîe "A", cross-hatched and marked with the figure 4 encircled and lands that becomne subject ta special condition 4 by subsequent amendrnents shahl be subject ta the speclal regulations hereinaiter oontained and where there is any conflict between the regula- tions hereînafter set out and any other provisions af By-law 79-44, then the- provisions of this Special Condition shail apply, but In ail other respects, the provisions af By-law 79-44, as amended, shall apply. 1.1 Defîned Aoea The Areas subject ta this Speclal Condition are shown cross- hatched with the figure 4 enclrcled on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 1.2 DefînîtiQns 1.2.1 Group Home shail mean a single housekeeplng unit in a single famlly dwelîing house in whlch three ta ten residents, excluding staff andior receiving famlly, lîve as a family under resoonsible supervision, consistent wth the requirements af the residents. Graup Homnes shal be llcenced and/or approved under Provincial Statutes andshahl not be permitted ta locate wîthn 300 metres ai another Group Home. Furthermore, only one group home housing eiementary or junior high schaol aged chiîdren may be located wthln the area servedby any public elemnentary or junior high school. B1w Ro eid- Feders atm. Onta.srl atrJ ol-ists ' ee mcte ws ce n reate os h mighty00 St.csLane Rive nar Cornwai, bey th.ename o'l theý m os - Saunde irs Dam CnsUtuced orovideoflec- trncap r, heL dam iticratid ae dnew ae 45 m. lngandth flooded ot 8 mmunitiesan farms.ian othe projcs, bthe dam lsote blces h hsoi migration ruenotf the Aerae l. ey ittlecans edon to mcompiiâeste the- loshes of tcommunitLes an Infamlad trths are o ebu at last e heroun a wa prto v el th el. reî hesee cis lyae not thef dreaded lhape chcaitis- ed oae muhameanedtouth disheries of the reat Lakes.- int. ataey are not ed corn ecare nacaOtareie s o a specialty food, and their loss wascnidrda serious fisig ndsty.Aswe crstacnand ýIsreali fîs sailmon in that they m-igrate, except that eels miýratte In reverse. Adit eÎels spawn somnewhere în the Sargasso Sea area of tîhe Caribbean, Atlantic, and the young teels m igrate to) fresh water to feed and grow as part of thecir life cycle. In the process, the abundance of these eels piled Up below the Sauniders damn and clogged the iturbine hous- ing whenever the flow was shut off, creating serjous maintenance problems. The answer was found ïin 1974, when a wooden ladder was constructed by Ontario Hydro. A series of baffles in a herringbone fashion allow the eels to climb a trough with a steadly flowv of wtr and to escape into the rijch ffeeding grounds of Lake On- tario. By 1979, more than four million eels had mnade use of this laddîer to restore thýir traditional migration addîional Consucionofa new paringloti hitby is ex-" petd orelieve parkinig con- gestion forth GO station in the To-wn. t hals Lbeen aknnounced that a new 110ý-cair-par king lot viff- be constructed in, the neai ftr.The lot is beinig con- structed to service the Go stat0in on Brock Street, Snuth of Whitby. patterns. A new improved version of the ladder was recently in- stalled to provide a more per- manent solution to the eels' d;ilemmîa. With fthe help of OntiarLo Hydro anUd the On- tario -ove-mrment, it appears tAt American ceîs cco- tinue to be a part o)f the G(ýreat Lalkes fish cmuiyfor, a long time toi came. 1.3 Permltted Uses In additon tac thase uses permitted by By-Law 79-44, as amne,a "grou.p home" shah also be a perittled use on those lands sbetot Special C,-onditioni 4 and shail be used in accordalnce wththec applicabl- zone provisions. 2. This By-law shaîl corne into effect on the date hereof,, subject ta tîhe provisions ai Section 35 (10) of the Plýanninýg Act. THIS BY-LAW READ a i irst time this S5th day ai October, A.D 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ a second tirne this th day ai October, A.D. 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ a th;rd time and finally passed this Sth day ai Octaber, A.D. 1981. G.B. Riakard Mayor David WA. Oakes 'Clerk SOHEDULE 2 (1) PURPOSE AND EFFEOT 0F BY-LAW NO. 81-155 The Purpose and Effect ai By-Iaw No. 81-155 is ta amend Restrîcted Area By-Iaw No. 79-4401f the Town ai Newcastle, as arnended, for the purpose ai permitting "Graup Homes" within the Village ai Newcastle Small Urban, Area. The By-law stipulates that the use oi lands for thîs purpose la ta con- form with the applicable zone provisions ai the Restricted Area By-iaw No. 79-44. SOHEDULE 2 (11) LANDS AFFECTED The lands affected by By-Iaw No. 81-155 includes al ai the landssîtuate within the former Village ai Newcastle, now in the Town ai Newcastle. SCHEDULE 3 STATEMENT 0F CONFORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNiIPALITY 0F DURHAM 1, Mofeed Michael, the Chief Planning Offilcer ai the Reglonal Munlclpality af Durham, have reviewed By-law 81-155 ai the Town af Newcastle 1 arn ai the opinion that this By-law ls in conformity wlth the OfficIi Plan In effect for the Durham Planning Area. U)ated this 3rd day ai November,,.1981. (Slgned) Dr. M. Michael, MC.L.P., Cammissioner of Planning This Scheduie 3 is issued ta the Town af Newcastle for By-law 81-155, pur- suant ta Ontario Regulation 78180, a regulation made under the Planning Act. Anyone requlrlng additional information rnay obtain the same by telephon- ing the Planning Departrnent (Hampton) at 623-3379 (47) durlng the regular business hours. NOTE: The iast date for fillng objections la February 4, 1982. David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk A 40 Temperance Street BowmanvIlle, Ontarlo LiC 3A6. Date of First Publication - January l3th. 1982. FI le No. 60.35.149 r~

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