A. "Jergens" 4-pack Soap Lotion-mild facial bars. 360 g. total. .97.. B.Jîerqens"9 Bath-stze bar tam- ily pack. 390 g total. im9Il C. 9Ivoa 4-pack op Personal-size bars. 400 g total. .97«a. D. 3-pack. "Zellers" Deodorant Soap Bath-size bar vialue pack. 390 g total. .97., E. "Alce Vera"- Beauty Soap Complexion soap with real aloe vera! ,88 g bar. .97.. F. "Lovely Day" Lemon Soap Transparent soap. Made in West Germany. 125 g bar. . 9 7 e G. "Vitamin E" Beauty Soap' With Vitamin E and coconut oil. 88 g bar. .97.. H.12-pack "Hotel" Soaps Bag of 12 little soaps just like you tind in a hotel! 21.97 A. "Mouson" Toilet Soaps Vour Choïce 120 g soap, in carnation, apple blossom, ABorC rose or jasmine scents. B.' Honey & Glycerine Soaps 47 3-pack transparent soap for delicate skîn. 270 g total. C. "Seringen"Soap-On-A-Rope ea. Bath-size soap with handy round-the-neck rope. (Not shown) Zellers 6-pack Jumbo Soap 900 g.-total 1.47 ea. Luxurjous "Morny" Soaps A, B& C-8 g hand soap orl150g bath soap in pretty plastic lidded dishes. 150 g bath soap in box. Sandalwood, lily-of-the-valley, French fern or pink lilac. D. 3-pack guest soaps in sandalwood, French fern or -§47 lily-of-the-valley. 75 g total. D. N pack Your Choice A, 8 or C 19 ela Zellers Liquidl Soap New improved formula with moisturizing jojoba oil. White. 500 mL. "Faberge" Wet Soap "Essence Magique" in herba, floral or musk. 350 mL. ea.e