A tantalizing trio with embroidered scoopVorC o e necks. Long gown, shift gown or naughty littie baby-doit with matching panties, ail machine-washable in bright "Antron"~*ï- nylon. Lustrous orchid,-green, peacock and other fascinating shades. Gowns in S-M-L and O/S, baby dotis in S-M-L. PLUS, SAVE 33% AND MORE OFF THE REGULAR PRICES 0F OUR ENTIRE SELECTION 0F HOLIDAY ROBES AND LOUNGEWEAR! S-M-L AND O/S. *DuPont Reg'd T.M. Siave 33% and "More!. A A. "Daisyfresh" Fuit-Figure Bra Reg. $14 Fuit-fgr cofrt and controt. ae-rimmed seamiess motded polyester cups, nylon/spandex back. White or bege. B, C or D 3640 B. "Nuance" 'Lacy Fuit-Support Bra B&CCup D Cup Reg. 13.50 Reg. 14.50 S ea. ea. B Frankly feminine low-ptunge seamless polyester cups trimmed with nylon lace. Gently underwired. White or beige. B 34-38, C 34-40, * ~~C. "Natur-Ette" Front-Ctosing Bra Reg. 8.50 y ~ Daingtydecotiete bra of satiny 4P Antron"* nylon/"Lycra" span- dex power net with lacy sie insert, smooths and shapes ~w ~< naturatyWhite orbeige. A, B 336, C 34-36. D"Daisyfresh" Decottete Bra Reg. $11 7 29 Low-cut: seamtess bra with dainty stretch lace trim on tus- trous pot y :ee tricot CuIPS. White or beige. A 34-36, B-32-36, C-34-36. "Paplln Bra Seamless stretch nylon/ spandex bra with "Butterfty" appliques, deep plunge styt- ing. White or nude. A, B, C 32-36. *DuPont Reg'd T.M. ý 4 1 Il