-~ r - - Kfrby-Kendal Boys win Silver Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 3, 1982, 7 Durham to examine planning policies The Region of Durham bas received a grant of $17,925 to plan for energy conservation, Municipal Affairs and Hous- ing Minister Claude Bennett announced today. Durham will use tbe grant to examine its planning policies and standards and to identify opportunities for saving energy. Part of tbe study will involve determin- ing tbe arnount of energy now being used by different types of developmnent ir ibe region. The Energy Conservation Tbrougb Land Use Planning Grants Program is designed to promote energy-conscious planning by municipalities in Ontario. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housîng is ad- ministering the program witb $250,000 from the Ministry of Energy in 1981/82, after wbicb tbe level of funding will be reviewed. Grants of 75 percent of study costs are provided witb a maximum in- dividual study grant of $50,000. The program is part of the Housing Energy Manage- ment Program (HEMP), set up by the two ministries to support tbe government's energy objectives in the bous- ing field. The Kirby-Keaidal ing home the silver-medal.' fourteen gamnes. Stuart Irwin, Roger Daras; Volcybali bys team at a re- The boys lost to the Pictured above are: back Front Row: Kenny Davies, cent tournamnent field in Newcastle Public Scbool en- row, left to rigbt, Jim Jeff Grabam, Patrick Bowmariville and sponsored try in the final gamne of tbe- Du puis, Coacb, Derek Woods, Richard Erhardt, by the Bowmanville Kinsmen day and throughout, the tour- Zander, Andy Bamsey, ike Tonnant and Brian Hil. wenit to the final gaine to br- namient played, a total of Ricbard Harris, John Toon, Kùrby-Kendlal Girls win Bronze The Kirby teams have always been comenters in the annual tournament and were in competition with al schools from the western area. The Kirby Kendal Girls GM giving up to $2,flJ rebates Botb General Motors in Canada and the United States are offering a rebat on the price of a isted number of 1981 and 1982 cars and trucks. The announcement was made last Friday and became effective Monday to be in force for a sixty day period. The automaker is offering rebates of $500, $750 and $2,000 on models ranging from Chevrolet, Chevette and Pontiac Acadian to mid- size cars, trucks and the ",000- on the Cadillac ville. Volybail Team was the win- with twelve other teams. ner of tbe Bronze Medal in Pictured above are: Back tbe recent Volleyball tourna- Row, left to rigbýÏ, Jim ment beld in Bowmanville Dupuis, Coach, Shana Hîllis, and sponsored by the Heather Hoy, Patricia Meta, Bowmanville Kinsmen. Tbe Alyson Wesheuser, Tammy girls from Kirby competed Car purchasers can receive the rebate from the company or can appty the mnoney to a down payment at the in- dividual dealers. Tbe programn is being spon- sored by G.M., il suppliers, dealers and salaried staff wbo recently were handed a cut lin benefits from tbe company. Althouagh *,le company states the move was in no way directed against tbe Union who bave failed to accept wage or benefit cuts tbe Union feel it is a move to fur- ther embarass the Union. Canada President of G.M., Donald Hackwortb, said tbere is a need at tbis limie to get tbings moving for tbe in- dustry wbich bas slumped and forced the layoffs of lhousands of autoworkers in botb countries. Hensen, Vanessa Wallace. Front Row: Jackie Hood, Susanine Cochrane, Leanne Reid, Deanna Roughley, Andee Van -Doleweerd and Nancy Byers. [ arppnino.. ROUTINE INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN SHOOTING What commenced as a routine check out of a car being pulled out of the ditch early Monday morning at the Newtonville exit witb Higbway 401 resulted in a number of shots being fired and a 38 year old man undergoing surgery in the intensive are at Sun- nybrook Hospital, Toronto, The incident began witb Newcastle OPP officer Eugene Fit- zgerald asking the driver of a car just pulled out of the ditcb into the back seat of his cruiser. The officer soon became suspicious when the man pulled out a 45 calibre handgun. A number of shots were fired with the suspect jumping out-one side and the officer out the otber side. The suspect ran to bis car to, be aprebended in Cobourg by Cobourg officers of the OPP when the car bit the median and came to a hait. The suspect was taken to hospital suffering severe chest wounds. The Regional Police are continuing their investigation. The car was stolen from a car lot in York Region on Sunday nigbt. J'Me Fashions Last Week TO CASH IN ON Big Savings 1 Dresses Up T. 40 Percent Off Blouses 20 Percent Off Selection of Jeans $17.99 Le Mans, Chen de Fer., Angeis Wing NOT ALL SIZE AVAILABILE Try Some Deliclous Fia voured Tee Speciai: Pear, Passion Fruit, Peach and PIum Reg. 2%/ $1.45 Save 25 cents on 2 oz. Sale Ends Femy lOth, 1M~ with the TOYOSET Potable Kerosene It's economical, efficient, and it's portablie. Use it in your workshop or basement. Or to keep your greenhouse growing! And if you're an outdoorsman, -the TOVOSET RSA - 1OG': is great for your camper or boat. Radiant he-.at up to 9400 BTUs. That's the TOVOSET R3SA -10G. Beats the cold any time! Enjoy The Wînter Mon ths with TO YOSET Roiph Hardware Dominilon Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario