Grades 2 and 3 entertain at Parent 's Night Stuimts of Grades 2 Mad3 of the two grades with dance, ed physical education ac- the routines for the evening ai the Orono Public School song and gymnastic numbers. tivities while the class of Mrs. were- Dana Stagg, Ashley performed for their parents ;Above Mrs. Cowen's class Deremo presented classroom Burnham,' Sarah Pooler, last Wednesday evening at a perform a dance routine., activities. -Alicia Fennel and (centre) Parent's Night. The brief Mrs. Brown's class perform- Pictured above in one-of Carey Henderson. programn included ail students - ing her audience but also en- joyig herseif thoroughly. Canada Post 'trouble shooting' programrs. show early resuits A series of new 'trouble priority of the country's shooting' pcgam eent- newest Crown Corporation, ly begun bUy Canada Post it is linked closely with'the Croration has already re- wider mandate which in- sutd in improved postal cludes promoting a har- service throughout the monious industrial rela- country. tions climate and eventual- Details of the "quický ly attaining financial self-. start' programs (so cailed sufficiency: hecause of their immediate "Service, people and response to problem areas) money are, in order of im- were outlined by Corpor. portance, our, chief con- ation President R. Michael cerns.« Warren speaking before Mr. Warren also ident- memb ers of the Advertis- ified improvements already ing and Sales Elýecutive apparent in labouar/mian- Club of Montreal. agement relations at Cn-- The first resuits of Can- ada Post Corporation. He- ada Post's programs aimed cited as an example the at improving service were recent memorandum of evident to thousands of agrecment signed with the Canadians dutring the pas t 21,000 member Letter Car. holiday season, riers Union of Canada. He 'We just -had the best attributed much of the Christmas servie in haîf a sucoess of the negotiations decade", said Mr. Warren. to the introduction of "Pro- "The quick starts were be- ductivity bargaining"i. ginning to bite. Volumes "iWe worked with the were up. But what reaîîyÎ union te identify a va riety made the differenoe, i of cost savings associated believe, was that Canada wîth the delivery of mail. Post Corporation empîoy - e then negotiated a shar- ees worked that extra ittie ing of these savings be- bit harder at providing yau tweenr the union and the with better service."IlCorporation. The union The six critical areýas ure- directed its share to finance sently being etammiJby additional Wages and bene- special project teams are. fits while the Corporation an orecd misso t rta duce the overail cost of the goa r m issns-terss that new settlement and to help augo astay i h ytm finance future letter carrier oeusig deay . delivery service improve- 0 Improved coordination ments."I of the 25 to 50 million In his closing remarks to pieces of mail Canada Post the Advertising and Sales handles every day Executive Club Mr. Warren 0 Priority emphasis on* stated that the changeover second class mail, primarily of the Post Office to a newspapers and magaznes Crowni Corporation has * Rethinking mail trans- given the organization a portation systems for im- unique opportunity to re- proved reiability and effic- store its earlier high stand- îency ards of service. suad "lt is also a unique op- 0 Development of a bet- portunity for postal cus- ter quality control program tomera to contributep, he of checks within Canada's said, "through yourcoontin- 1miechanized postal plants ued business and by giving Mr. Warren reminded us the time to make Canada his audience that although Post Corporation perform improved s ervioe is the top better." Oronn Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 24, 1982, 9 Teacher- of the Week Mms. Robertson-Craig By Wendy Procher Mrs. Robertson-Craig was born ini London, England moving to Canada with her famnily at an early age. She gew up inl Don Milis, On- tario and had always wanted to be an actress. Wanting to teach was a decision brought upon her in grade ten. To this end she at- tended and graduated from the University of Toronto. Upon graduation teaching jobs were not that plentiful bu Mrs. Robertson-Craig was able to obtain a temporary position on the staff at the Clarke High School. She was able to obtain a permanent position* in the English department and is now in ber fourth year ai Clarke. This semester she is teaching English and assisting with Guidance. In future years Mrs. Robertson-Craig wouldn't mmid reporting, researching or writing herseif into the field of news work. Mrs. Robertson-Craigruns everyday, but prefers wat- ching people run in competi- tion - especially her husband. When she has a bit of time on her hands she loves reading socîalizing, socializing, and socializing. CLARKE - NEWCASTLE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVIE ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting and Election 0f Of ficers Thursday,_ March 11, 1982 8:00 P.M. COMMUNITY HIALL, NEWCASTLE EVERYONE WELCOME Kîdniey Foundation NEWCASTLETOWN HALL Saturday, February 27th. Music BY: Cindy Lane and The WiId Country Lunch Pro vided $1 0.00 Per Couple Tickets Available At The Door 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.' For Information Cali 983-9597. And enjoying every step hîgher Pictured above is Andrea Trafford not only entertain- JOB PRUNTING ORONO WEEKLY TIMES