- --'~. 8,Orono Weekly Times, Wednesdav. Auril 14.,1982 Orono IL O. O.F. Tri-County Champions On Monday, April Sth. lte Orono I.O.O.F. Peewees fac- ed a do or die situation after losing 8-1 ta Fenelon Falls the previaus Wed. With the Tri- County Peewee Champion- ship on the line the Orono boys came up witb a big ef- fort ta win 6-3 ta take the. series 3 games ta, 2 with anc gaine tied. Fenlon Falls struck first less than a minute inta the game ta take a 1-0 lead. Orono tied the gaine a short time later on a goal by Darren Dennis assisted by Brian Souch and Robert Snack. Fenelon Falls pulled ahcad 2-1 at 'the start of the second period but, Orona struck back quickly an a gaal by Robert Snack assisted by Brian Hill. The visitors pulled ahead 3-2 before the end of the second period sa the local boys faced an uphill battle gaing into the third . Robert Snack started the period with a bang with a goal assisted by Brian Souch ta tic the score 3-3. Tbis goal seemed ta lift the l.O.O.F. Peewces as they struck for 3 unanswered goals as Brian Hill scored assisted by, Robert Snoek, Brian Souch assisted by Robert Snoek and Brian Hill, and Robert Snoek again assisted by Brian Hill and Darren Dennis ta take the wýin. Con- gratulations to the Orono 1.0.0.F Peewees for winning the Tri-County Champion- ship which topped off what bas been a very successful year. We would like ta thank everybody for the tremen- dous fan support which helped us ail year especially in the final game. Winner of the 50-50 Mrs. Shirley ýHenry.' Back Row (Left to Rigbt) Dean Cox (Coach) Nancy Bridger, (Coach) Mike Lane, Wayne Atkins, Robbie Jerome, John Taon, Dan Hall, Richard Bouwmeester, Brian Hill, Goran Zagar, Jin Souch (Manager) Bob Boumne (Coach. Front Row (Left ta Right) Robert Kelpac, Cory Melville, Brian Souch, Dean Diaz, Jeff Grahamn, Tim Mercer, Chris Richards, Dar- ren Dennis, Robert Snack, Absent: Jason Carleton. Stutt-'s near Ontario champions thec Stutts Pharmacy Bantains travelled ta Plattsville for the fourth gaine of the finals. Plattsville won the gaine by a score of 4-2. It was a very cx- citing game that cauid have gone ither way. Robert French scored bath Orono goals with the assists going ta Richie Dupe 2 and Greg Vcy 1. Plattsville were ini Orono on Friday, April 2nd. for the fifth game of the finals. The Orono Club was in high gear as they poundcd Plattsville 8-2. Robert French scared 4 goals, Greg Vey 2, Stephen Murree 1 and David LaFrance 1. The assists went ta Greg Vey 2, Ken Bailey 2, Keith Vey 1, Stephen Murree 1, and Paul Rosseau 1 . Robert French and David LaFrance played strang games. Robert French has scored 6 goals in tbe last two games. The Stutts Pbarmacy Ban- tams travelled ta Plattsville on Sunday, April 4tb. for the sixth gaine of the finals. Plat- tsvillc won by a score of 8-5 in overtimne. The Orono boys only played well in spurts which was there downfall in M&H PeeWees LNHL champs TheMatthews andHiit ms., O.M.HA. Peewecs cIlased lasing the gaine. Robert French scored two goals giv- ing him eight goals in thrce gamnes, singles went ta Paul Henry, David LaFrance and Stephen Murree. The assists went ta Greg Vey 2, Stephen Murree 2, David LaFrance 1, Ken Bailcy 1, Paul Rosseau 1, and Keith Vey 1. On Tuesday, April 6th. tbe Stuttts Pharmacy Bantains hostcd Plattsville for the seventh gamne of the finals. Plattsville defeated Orono 8-7 in overtime in a very ex- citing gaine. Greg Vey scored out their excellent season in style tli s past Easter Weekend by wvinning the Oshawa L.N.H.L. Tourna- ment held at the Donevan Arena. Winning the four goals, Guy Brachvogel 2, and Richie Dupe 1. The assists went ta Stephen Mur- rce 3, Paul Henry 2, Greg Vey 2, Ken Baiiey 1, Guy Brachvogcl 1, Paul Rasseau, Keit h Vey 1, and Robert French 1. Greg Vey, Guy Brachvogel and Chris Langford pîayed strong gamnes for thc local club. Every player on the Stutts Pharmacy9 Bantarn Club shauld be proud of what tbey accomplished this scason and the fact that tbcy did not quit until the final buzzcr in the sevcntb gaine. L.N.H.L. along witb the Pine Ridge twa weeks previaus capped an excellent season for the Orono boys. Orouo 2 Kitchener 1 The first gaine on Friday, Apr. 9th. saw the local boys camne up against an excellent team fromt Kitchener. Thei first p)eriod saw 1the local boys, domninate play only ta sec Kit- chiener strikle first blood as Barry Reloskie caughit thre Orono defence up ice and put Kitchener ahead -0. TFli local boys then came right back 0:20 seconds later Io tie the gamne ati1-I. With Stuart lrwin firing the 'puck out fromt the corner and put one in off the goalie with assists gaing ta Steven Lycett and Brian Hill. With 0:04 seconds left in the period -Brian Hill put Orona ahead 2-1 on what was ta be the winnning goal with the assist gaing ta Patrick Woods. The final two periods saw bath teams witb many excellent chances only ta be shut dawnr by saine ex- cellent goal tending ai bath ends. Excellent teain effort guys. Orono 4 Oshawa Cliff Milîs Bruins 3 On Saturday, Apr. lth. the apposition was the Ciff Milîs Bruins who earlier in the season won tbe Orono Tournamnent in the Cham- pionsbip gaine agaînst Orono. The first period saw the Bruins came out flying and befare the gamne was 5:00 min. aId hcld a 2-0 lead an goals by 0. J. Sidor and Denis Leger, with 1:25 left in, the period Shawn Bailcy cut the margin ta anc on a wicked blast froin the point assisted by Scott McCullough. The second period saw bath teains play some excellent hockey witb exciting end ta end ac- tion, with 0:13 seconds left in the period Denis Leger came up with his second of tbe gamne to put the Bruins ahead 3-1 on an excellent three way passing play which Jeff Martin the Orono gaoalie had no chance. The third period turned in- ta ane of the most cxciting periods of hockey of the year as the local boys led by the Standout performance of Scott McCulougJi dug down for that little extra. At the 8:39 mark Scott cut the margin ta 3-2 assisted by Dar- ren Lewis. For the rest of the period the localy boys kept tremendous pressure on the Oshawa Club which finally paid off as witb time running out Scott put in his second of the periad assisted by Sbawn Bailey ta tic the gaine 3-3 with 0:30 seconds left on the dlock. The gaine then went into sudden deatb overtime with the Orono Club having ta score as if no goals were scored Oshawa would win an a first goal basis. The overtimne saw the local boys keep tremendous pressure on the Bruins having much the better off play but little luck around the net as the Oshawa goalic xsas, nothing short of se toil Finally with 0:44 seconds Ieft .in overtjime Darien Levwis came upt- with the winner with asS;îsts going ta Br-ad Roberts and Scott 1McCullough. Special Mention ta Scott McC-ý(ullough for his sensa- tional standout performance and also ta Brad, Brian, Shawn, Brent, Darren L. and Darren D. for thiat litle ex- trîa. Orono 5 Bow)ýmanville Toros2 Oni Sunday, April 11lth. the Championship game saw thec local boys came up against the Bowmnanville Minor Taras. The fîrst period saw the local boys led by Br-ad Roberts (with bis finest gaine of* the year) jump inita an ear- ly 2-0 lead. At the 9:18 mark Brad openied tbe scaring with his first of four goals with assists going ta Darren Lewis and Scott McCullough. With '4:11 left in the period Brad made it 2-0 with assists again going ta Darren and Scott. The second periad saw the Taras storm back witb two goals ta even the caunt at 2-2 on goals by Brad Carnagie and Brad Rusbak. Again, Brad Roberts went ta work as he came up witbhîs thîrd and fourtb goals in a space of one min. 8 twenty seconds ta, up the score ta 4-2. Assisting an É-rads goals were Darren Lewis 2, Shawn Bailey and Brent Hutton. The third periad saw the Taras give it ail they had but cauld not put one past Jeff Martin who came up With another superb effort in the Orono nets. Witb 0:58 seconds left in the gaine Scott McCullougb put in tbe final score Orono 5 and Bowman- ville Taras 2, with this win the local boys won the "A" Cbampionsbip Trophy. Con- gratulations Guys on a wcll deserved win and a super team effort. Along witb the "A" Trophy each boy receîv- cd a crest and a medallion. Aise as part of the Tourna- ment aIl the players had free swimming everyday after the ganTes. The Matthews and HillI ms. O.M.H.A. Peewees would like ta thank the Cliff Milîs Bruins fo r the Tournament Invitation and ta con- gratulate tbe Oshawa L.N.H.L. for an excellent run tournarnent, a great turne was had by ail. At this tine the coaches (Denis Mumford, Dave Bailey, Pete McCullough, Dave Armstrong) would like ta tbank the parents for ail' their support throughout the season and ta the players for learning ta play as a team and showing some excellent ex- citing hockey. Have A Fun Summer Guys! Mlatthews and HJil ls. O.M.H.A. Peewees Final Player Statistics 81-82 C~~r x . Darren Lewis Brad Roberts Scott McCullough Kevin Mumnford Kevin Hartwig Shawn Railey Stuart lrwin David Bailey Steven Lycett Brent Hutton Russell Sullivan Dcrek Anderson Patrick Woods