10, Orono Weekî> Times. WednesdaY, April 14, 1982 WORK WANTED D& R Custom Fencing and custom chaî'n-sawing 983-9627 or 623-7353 Orono, Ont. BOB STEWART HEATING' Main St., Orono 983-5515 Furnaces Cleaned Repaired, & Installed 24 Hour Service Insurance Plans Available 0. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Pole Uine Construcion Phone 983-5546 Orono, Ontario., Profession ai Services Mel Hartwig Excavati ng ORONO ONTARIO 983-5140 Bulldozing - Back Hoe Septic and Tule' Beds Sand, Gravel and Top Soil Floyd Nicholson R.R. 4, Lindsay Carpentry Goneral Repairs 30 yoars exporlence good workmanship reasonable rates Cali Colleci 705-324-09071 Clarke Public LIBRARY Tues.-Thurs. Fni. Sat. 1-9 p.m. 1-6 p.m. 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays 983-550 Newcastle Pbi Library Board Office 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Susan M. Sawyer HAMILTONS INSURANCE Main St, Box 309 Orono, LOB IMO JOB PRINTING ORONO WEEKLY TIMES insurance Bro)kers Lirnited ALAN MOTE Manager OPRONO, ONTARIO Office 983-5032 P.O. Box 340 LU B 1MO Res. 987-4619 Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block ' Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile Phone 983-5441 ORONO ORONO ELECTRIC LTD. ELECTRîCAL /APPLIANCES COLOUR T.V. - HI-FI Sales and Service HOTPOINT R.C.A. ELECTROHOME WHITE WESTINGHOUSE WOOD'S FREEZERS SIMPLICITY HOV ER5 Phone 983-5108 Monuments and Family Memorials Our qualI ty and service beaves nothing to be desired Ask the person whO bought from us, a neîgh- bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phono Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5222 MANGAR'S GARAGE Licensed Mechania *Radiator Service *Air Condition Service *Plastic FiIIed Ball Joints And Steering Ends On Cars OnIy *Exhaust Service Major and Miner Repairs Cali Mike for an Appointment ORONO, 983-5130 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING INCORPORATED Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 0GIf William C. Hall, § B' COMM. Chartered Accountant § Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AIL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY -- - -- - FR WED Te 16Ni - inM ia u u iged/J Floral Creations "FLOWERS WITH FEELINGS' FOR ANY OCCASION IEH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEI for )DINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL AI lephone 623-3377 ;St. East BE i a n N M a M M M M a N M M N E ~MENTS N M MD HOME M M M ~VKERR I N Bowmanvlîle a I iUMMUMMMUUMMUMMMUMMU~UUUUUNUUUUUUUUUUUU a TELEPHONE 62366555 u MAUL CGA gOMNVE JOHNTANIOELC.G.A. PaesPlumbing Heating Electric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono Oxford Bricklayers. and Stonemasons Orono 983-5606 Ail types of Brick-Block Stonework Chimneys, Fireplaces. Chimneys cleaned. -ALLTHE CHINCE - My X JÀM gramomm