1 /3 Off SweetTreats And Stationery "Breaktime A.dy Pet" Choice Photo Album 8 sheets, app. 20" x 26" each. Biscuits Ragge Candya is n iz htorph Reg. .9.......... .1116pack 5 assortments of yummy eg13Me.Ftansiehogrhl B. Bag Of 15 Bows A biscuits ta choose from. B. 8 oz Tub 0f Fudge 1o'Inyrnedpseo Stick-on bowsin assortedcolours __ 40 &50 gbas.Chclaemaleor Vor corners" again. Attractive Re..7U. -hclae *al r r1 covers in asso -rted colours. eg. .... ....................Me Reg. 1.29 vanilla. Choice Mea. Reg. 5.4,9 C. "Erasermate" Pen "~' Reg. 1.79 Eraser-end pen with erasable, C. 600 g Ce llo Vour -~Reg. 1.99 ............. a Bag Candy ® Choice ea. ea. D. "Laurentian" Pencis 39a6 ea. Re. 1.996- 3 6624 brilliant colouring pencils.pc Reg. 5.49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Items on this page marked. with (t) may flot available in Mini Z stores. C.heck back page for Iist af aur Mini Z stores. n