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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1982, p. 2

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2, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 21, 1982 Second Class Mail Regstration! Number OMO368 Published Every Wednesday at thoffice of Publication M«jin Street, Orono Rov C.Forrester. Edtor v Standing Tail One. of the greater accomplishments in Canada of recent years lias to be the patriation of the Constitu- tion over the wee k-end in Ottawa. It could be nothing more than electrifying with the Queen and the Prime Minister of Canada signing the final document putting Canadians in the position of being masters in their own house after some 115 years. SCanadians can now stand tail in their own nation and with guaranteed constitutional riglits. Sureiy most Canadians took the timne to watch the ceremonies over television and even seasoned reporters report a strong emotional feeling arising during the ceremony which could flot be detoured by a downpour of ramn. In, speaking Witli Diane, Hamre, who with lier family left Orono Saturday morning at 5:00 a.m. to be part of the activities on the iawns at capital hili, Ottawa, said it wus a most moving experience and one of whiicli lier whole family are now glad tliey did not miss. She spoke of the emotion and the tears that poured down everyone's face with the signing of 0 Canada following the signing of the document by the Queen and the Prime Minister. Although there was a lot of haggiing and aithougli the constitution may be determined flot perfect ià las brouglit Canada to a position that ail Canadians can now stand tali. Tommy Douglas in an interview paid higli tribute to Prime Minister Trudeau who through his determina- tion and dedîcation to patriation of the constitution lias been the driving force for the accomplishments which were completed on Sunday. Yes there were others and one could certainly makenoble mention of Chretien and those primniers who initialiy lield out against the tide of opposition. The future lies in the hands of Canadians and- may they well protect the riglit and the heritage they have been given. A right to be lield dear and sacred. Canadians do owe a lot to this country and may tliey in the future be prepared to return that delit on to future generations of people living across this great ex- panse from sea to sea. HYDRO PLANTING TREES THIS YEAR' According to Jim Tedford of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority the proposai for Ontario Hydro to plant some 75,000l trees in the Town of Newcastle will be un- taken this spring on Authority proprty in the north-east sector. of the Town. The propertiy has become known as the Parker property and lies north of the eighth line of Clarke Township. The property will also be used by the Kendal HuIs Gamne Farmn Dog Trails followîng approval of this use by the executive of the Authority. Over the past year the Dog Trails group and the Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources have been negotiating this use with the club opposing the comn- plete foresting of the property. During 1982 the club must ask the Ganaraska for per- mission for each event and mnust flot uise cars, trucks or motor- cycles on the course. The Authority also refused removal of a fence separating Authority property with that, of a prîvate land owner in the area. The Dog club has used the area for a number of years to run their dogs which -use was setup during the time Parker owned the property. FOREST CENTRES WEEKEND RATES INCREASE At, a recent meetecing of thre Ganaraska Region Conservation Aut horit y executîve adjustm-ents were made to charges for t he week-end use of the Ganaraska Forest Centre. Rates for use by week-end g-roups will increase to- $1 50.0 for up to fifty p)ersons f romn the former rate of $ 120.00. Week,- end rates have not been iýncreased over the past fouir years', it wasR pone0ut. Char -ges fo.,r week-dayý use of the centres rm i.uchanged at $5W000fr up to forty per;sonis for a two and a haîfday stay. On the otherý hand ising food costs have nec-essitated that the Authoityinreae ood chiarges. The rate has been increas- e-d from $ 12.5e0 per stý'udent t o '0 1 4.50per stu..dent for six mal during the peýriod of a tw-o and a haif* day stay. Day; rate chrgsof$5.0pe-r haif day are to remnain the samas ýiýd11rin.g19. Kendal News. It's fun to plan a garden in beauty ail arrayed, .But lovely dreams wilI flot corne true Without the fork and spade. The temperature has been much below normal the past winter. The average temperature in March was 311 degrees F. We will have a late spring as farmers will flot be on the land until after April the 2Oth. In the year 1908 when my brother was born on April l8th. we liad a field of peas up. Then the farmers grew peas to be pianted in the gardens of England the foilowing year. Sunday was cold and -Win- -dy. The Church attendance was smali, The scripture reading was Galations 6: 7-18 and Sermon "After Easter-A Symbol. " When a group of chiidren were asked to name a symbol of Easter. They answered the Easter Bunny. We have a lot of Christmas symbols like Christmas tree liglits, tinsel, etc. A poppy that we wear symbolizes a war hero. A symbol reaches beyond. After the Easter the "Hosan- nas" and the "Hailltelujahs" are past but the greatest sym- bol is the cross. It reaches beyond itself, It remîinds us of the crueityv of man. The cross stili stands "Towering o'er the wrecks of time." The Group Home by-Iaw repeal (Continued from page 1)' soicitor for an opinion on the matter. Edwvards did say that thie Children's Aid did have somne concern over the report and the repeal of the by-law and had asked that the matter be tabled. It was pointed out that the Children's.Aid are anxious in selling the buildinîg in Stephensons Road but it may take five or six months. Counc. Hamfre pointed out that the Children's Aid. were now capable through addi- tional financing to place children in a foster home at- mosphere rather than in Group Homes. ht was feit that foster homes would pro- ve better being on a one to one basis. The committee on Mondlay approved the repealing of the former by-law which in it selýf amended the original Clarke Township by-iaw which does not have included in it provi- sion for Group Homes other than such as interrupted by Terry Edwards. cross is at the centre of our faith. The empty cross tells us that Christ lives again. We are aIl one at the foot of the cross. It reminds us that to live a Christian life today is not easy. Paul would flot glory in anything but the cross. Amen means "so be it." We are accepting respon- sibility for what we sing. We are neyer late for service. We corne to Church to worship we go ou tIo serve. Mrs. M. Stevens and Mrs. E. Foster have returned from their trip to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia where they visited with Mrs. Steven's daughter Mary, Mrs. George Hamilton and family, The Kendal Women's in- stitute met on April l4th. at, the Dutch Oven for a group dinner. Eleven ladies came. Later in the evening we journeyed to the home of Mrs. Reg. Elliott for our business meeting and election of officers. We support a Poster Child. in Haiti. We are hoping for a good attendance at our Pen- ny Sale on Saturday night of this week April 24th. in the Kendal Public School. There will be the beautiful sunburst quit, an afghan, beautiful bird houses and mnany other fine articles. Tickets may\ be placed on articles anytime during the day. The sale of home baking begins at seven p.m. The Penny Sale at eight p.m. after il lunch will be served. On May 5th. Newtonvilie Institute are celebrating Promotion Day (Continued from page 1) ther three sessions being undertaken and these one hour sessions, running simultaneously, will begin at 2:00 p.m. and close prior to 3:30 p. m. Couinc. Woodyard chairs lndustry in Newcastle assisted by J. Blancard. John Fabius, Industry Develop- ment Consultant will speak on the Ministry's Develop- ment Programts while R. Nicol, development officer for the Region of Durham will speak on development plans in the Region of Durham. The session of Tourism in Newcastle is being chairedby Counce. Ann CowNman assîsted by David Oakes. clerk. A. Campagnola of the Central Ontario Tourist Association wîlI speak as wil Bud Tress of the Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council. Miss N. Church of VIA Rail Canada will make a presenta- tion "An Approach to Pro- motion." The final session of the afternoon is being chaired by Counc. D. Hamire with assistance from T. Edwards, plannin-g. Edwards will pro- vide the session withi a presen- tation, "Housing in the 80'S" I A closing address at 3:30 by Mayor Rickard will1 com- plete the Prom,-oion Day ac- tivities for the Town of Newcastle, An invitation points out that NewcastlePrmto Day is anr, oppjrtuintýy for local businessmnr,1Tonýi residents anid local seventy years. Two of our members are invited s0 our vice-president Mrs. H. Caruso, and secretary Mrs. D. Gosson will attend the banquet. Our District Annual this year is May 2th. to be held in Maranatha Church, Bowmanville. June 3rd. there is a bus trip to the Erinlee Home beginn- ing at Bowmanvîlle. A light lunch was served by Mrs. IL. Stapieton and Mrs. D. Gosson. The samne officers were re-installed. President Mrs. B. Holland, Vice-President Mrs. H. Caruso, Treasurer Mrs. D. Gosson, Secretary Mrs. J. Dykemian, District-Director Mrs. L. Cathcart. What did you think of the celebration on Saturday of the signing of the Constitu- tion? It began with the Queen and Prince Philip coming in the Royal Coach to the Parliament. After they were seated, the choir sang "0 God our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come." That was a good beginning but there was no prayer for God's guidance in the troubl- ed times ahead. The Bible says, "Where there is no vi- sion a people perish."1 Have we no poets in Canada to br- ing us a vision of the future of this great land? The Queen did lier part beautifully as always. History repeats itself. In the year 15,88 whefin Queen Elizabeth the first rul- ed England King Philip of Spain sent the Great Spanish Armada to conquer England. The big ships took shelter in a Frenchi harbour. Sir Francis *Drake's men lit little boats filled wîth tar. The wind blew themn into the harbour and the big Spanish ships had to corne out or be burned. They fled north to the North Sea where a great storm struck them and most of themn went clown. Today a Spanish speaking nation Argentine has cap- tured the Falkland Islands and placed and armny there. A British Armada is on its way there. When 1 was on the R.C.A.F. station at Defoe, Saskatchewan on the way' from dinner we passed airmen planting trees. "How,ý foolish," one girl said. "When the war is over th, will be a sheep pasture.-ý Another said, "When those trees are grown our sons will bc drilling liere for the next war." This is 38 years later wiil there be war again? PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Dr. John W. Hawrylak D.C. Chiropractor 270 King St. Eas; Bowmanville Phone 623-4004. St. Saviours ANGLICAI4CHU RCH Orono, Ontarlo Regular Sunday Worshlp Service - 9:45 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Wayne Wright, B.A., MI. Div. SUNDAY APRIL 25, 1982 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Scho*l 1:15 a. m. Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Thursday 7:00 P.M. Friendship Room SUNDAY BRUNCH Sunday April 25th.p.m. Ham, scrambled eggs, salads and muffins Aduits $3.00 Children under 12 $2.00 Pre-School Free SPRING FAIR Saturday April 24th. 11:00 a.mh.to 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Orono U.C.W. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Schëoi9.45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. From April 26, 1982 to May 1, 1982, Phar- macies across the Province of Ontario wilI be participating in a project to get old, out- dated or unused medications out of your home. These unused medications can be a HAZARD 0 If YOUNG CHILDREN are around. a If they have LOSI STRENGTH and do nothing for you when you reaîly need them most. 0 If stored for a very long time under poor conditions, a few medicationsma even become HARMFUJL. Why not remove this potential danger f rom your home by taking unused drugs to your local pharmacy for destruction or evalua- tion be.twý,een April 26 and May 1, 1982. This project to keep people of Ontario, healthy is being sponsored by the ON- TARIO, PHAR MACISTS' ASSOCIATION and STUTTS PHARMVACY1.

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