Winners of NHL dra ws to-4 Bowman vîie The wnwcrs of the Orono Hockey Mother's NHL final gamne draw have been deter- mined and last week presen- tations of the money prizes were awarded to the winners. Above Betty Lycett, co- ordinator of the draw, $25.MO for selling the winning presents a cheque in the ticket from Carol Graham,' amnounit of $500.00 to president of the Orono Dorothy Robinson, the win- Hockey Mothers. ner. Cheryl Klawvitter accepts The local hockey mnothers a cheque in the amnount of not only provide fundting for w rono Music night a popular e vent The ladies of Unit No. 3 of Orono U.C.W'. sponsored a deightful musical eveniing last Wednesday, May l9th ini the Main Hall of the Church. The St. Thomas Anglican Church Jr. Choir fromi Millbrook thoroughly cap- tivateti the audience wvith their charm and poise. Their drector, Mrs. Ruth Warburton and Conon Dyer led the evening-s activities. Many ail time favourites such as "Ail in the April Eveniing", "AIl thro' the Nigt-, and the ever popular "Climb Every Mountain" were enjoyed by alI present. Thieir choirs' of only 9 children, ranging in ages 7-14 project real professionalism. Two well-known ladies "Lezzie and Maggie" brought a comnic picture of two old ladies in rocking chairs anid singing "When You and t Were Young Mag- ie." The aforementioned ac- tresses turned out to be no other than Toots Barrabal and Doreen Swýan. Several lucky draws were held and the ladies ser ved a tasty lunch to the performers and au- dience to close a very en- joyable evening. numerous aspects of hockey promotion in Orono but also help out with timie and assistance in the winter pro- grain for young hockey players in the commuwnity. 12 teams take part in Orono tournament Over the past holiday week-end a successful Slow- PitchhbaIl tournamient was held in Orono with a total of twelve teams in competition, fromn the area and district. The entry of the New Dutch Oven wvere the champions of the tournament which com- mienced on Fridlay evening and continued through to Sunday afternoon withi the championship game. The New Dutchi Oven entry defeated the Highi Flyers of Newcastle Village in thle championship gamie by a score of 23-3. Thi, winning, club was awarded $300.00 for- the top prize. Laverne Brown of the Pon- (Continued page 7) Telephone users in the Orono ech-ýlange have ap- proved the elimination of long distance charges on calîs betwev en 0Oro no and Bowmanville. Ormna Lyttie, local Bell manager, said a survey con- ductedl by Bell Canada show- ed more than 79 customners in the Orono exchiange were in favor of adding Bowmanville to their local calling area. As stated in the survey let- ter, telephonie rates in the Orono exchange will increase when this Extended Area Ser- vice is imiplem-iented in- 1984. "TJhe monthly charge for telephone service is based on the number of telephone numbers that can be reachied wiîthout paying long distance charges. Becauise the propos- eti changes would inicrease the number of subscribers a caller couldi reach, the mon- thly rate for- service will in- crease," Mrs. Lyttle saîi. At thie timre of calling the survey Bell rindicated a rate increase of 90 cents a month for residlential lines for Orono customers fromn $6.70 to $7.60 a mionth. This was based on rates as of February 1, 1982. Bell is at the present time requesting approvat of rate increases fromi CRT C of up- wards of 30 percent for the year 1982. Other increases will be sought in followinig years. The suirvey was carried out because new guidelines for Extended Area Service were approved by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommnunicatio3ns Com- mission in August 1980. These include, 51,\percent approval on the survey results, a defined level of long distance callîng maintaineti between exchanges, exchange rate centres no more than 30 miles apart and contiguity. Soalut e to Holland Iat Horticulture A good attendance at the regular Spring Flower Show and Meeting of Orono Hor- ticulture Society, last Thurs- day, MIay 20, in Chuirch Hall. The evening was designated as "Salute To Hollantd Nighit", and posters, bou- quets of tulips nd table demionstrations by Mlinnie Zegers, added greatly to the themne. The president, David Har- rison, wýelcomied the crowd and thanked ail for such a beautifl display of flowers and arrangemnents. Business included the selec- tion of delegates to the O.H.A. Convention in June, this year in Guelph Universi- ty, June 16, 17, and l8th. T hose attending fromi Orono societ y, Mr. and Mrýs. Lawrence Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Cyili Baird and Mr. andi Mrs. D. Harrison. Two very Iovelly films from "Hawaii" and "Sp)ringtime in llolland- were showý,n to the appreciative audience. The judges for the lower show were Mr. andtiMrs. Mer-lin lueOf BowýVMan,- ville, andi also) in attendance weeour friends, Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Tinik, also Bow-manville. Th-e commit- tees in charge served a very different and exciting lunch as A the dîfferent cookies, cakes andi breatis were "dutch treats" courtesy of Mrs. Mostert, Mvrs. Zeg-ers andi Mrs. Cornie Deionge. The j udges gave their cýom- ments and expressed the opi- nion that the coïmpetition was extremiely difficult and each (ContinUed page 2) ci Eiptîî~. AUTOMATIC NUMBER IDENTIFICATION IN '82 According Io O. Lyttle customers of the Bell Orono exchange are to have automatic number identification on their long distance calîs late in 1982. The company has schedule the wvork to be comipleted in 1982 but ai present are confronted -with a strike by Northern Elec- tric installers. Work will commence on the automatic, numbering identification when the strike is settled. SHILOH UNITED CH-URCHî TO CELEBRATE l20th ANNIVERSARY Shîloh Unted Churchi are to obsý-erve their l20th Anniversary on Suinday, June 6th, 1982 wýith a special service comimencing at 2:30 and uinder the direc- tion of their minister Rev. Auibrey M. Tizzard. B.Th. Al are welcome to attend this anniversary. CLARKE MUSEUM AUCTION AND SALE Clarke Museum are holding their Auction, Pen- ny Sale and Bake Sale on the lawn of the Library, Orono, Saturday afternoon, 1 to 4. Donated items still be accepted. Plan now to attend. This yousng greup of held in the basemrent or tMe singers from the Mllbrook Orono Uniteti Church last Anglican church presented a week. delightful ,rograin of music 1 The group of nine wvere at the Unit 3 Music Night well accepted by their au- duence andi excelled in their program Iast Ihursday after- efforts anti in some two-pari noon at the Kirby Centennial harrnony. Public School and again were TI'e group aiso provideti a well received. *roîw Ueehtp tw Published Ever-y Wednesday Orono Weekly Timés, Wednesday, May 26th, 1982 Sing ai Orono and Kirby