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Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1982, p. 4

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4-Oronto Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 269h, 1982 Graduates VICKI CLARK Miss Vieki Clark,'Orono, recently graduated from Western University with 'a B.A. in English. Vieki is the daughter of George and Beryl Clark, Orono, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Day, Orono and G. Clark, Lon- don, England. Energy Board approves Ont. hydro export sale Ontario Hydro w on p proval from t lie Nit itial Energy Board (N[B) to ex- port electricity to GeiicraI Public Utilities via under- water cable across Lake Erie. The NEH approved the l0-year sale off upr to 1.2 million kilowýatts 0of electrici- ty, beginning- in hle 1985, to the New; Jersey utility on April 27. A public hearing on the ex- port application wvas field in. Ottawa last January. The proposed- sale must stili be approved by the ftederal and provincial cabinets before construction can begin on the 103 kmi cable wlîich will run from Nan- ticoke, Ont. to Erie, Penn- sylvania. Hydro estimates the elec- ,tricity sale could mnean $3 billion in revenue and 7,000 ian-years Of C11pîoynîentI1 associaîed with bujildiig (the The expoitagreemnent wil nlot affectI1Hydro's cominîi muent to cut its acid gas ms sions in 1hall',by 1990. G~reenpeace Progest Thle 1lasti ot thIlree Greenipeace eostaos who climbed a i98 mietre stack at Nanticoke Generating Station to caîl at- tention to acid ramn, made a sale descent On Apr-il 22. Thie demonstrators h lad climbed the stack early on flhe morn- ing of April 19. Al three men were fined $53 by police for trespassing. 1Power Agreemient Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. agreed to buy, 400 mnegawatts of electriciîy for 50 ,weeks from O)ntaio agi[ Lciml lW * w cli weîîtlf lit C, l Apil 14 . Hydr o Selling -1SurpluLIOil Hydviro so[Ld part i)o its( suriplus, iil\ventloryof residLIl ohl at the Lenncilox eertn Station rnear kingston. Over Ilhe course of a'yarRio AlMgom ofLElliot Lýake k tak- ing 225,000 bharrels lor use in prloduc1(ing process steam ftor its iing op 'aElls Te ou is being truicked to Elliot Lake. Sipco Ltd. of Toronto b1ought 210,000 barels for resale InI the United States, and the oil is beinig sippedi-( by barge fron) King-stoni. 1-ydro obtained a price, for the oul that was highier thian itsý book value. Buyers for the remiaining surplus 250,000 barrels are being sought. Hydro will continue to maintain an inventory of about one million barrels at 1 cnîIim, nouh 1t) covel tor-_ rent and Ircatnucds. Pleak I>emand l>eak demanid on Hlydro's sysîrn fr Apil was an cstirnated 15.8 million kilowatts, ani ncrease of' 13.3 [erCf ent over the April 1981 pecak. Ontario energy con- sumptIion foir te month was ailso onarthe rise with 6.1 per- cent inc:rease to 8.5 billion kilowatî-hlors, 2omipared to 8 billion kilowanthours in April 1981. Exporîs Dow.n Plower exports t o the Liniitecd St a t esýinriApril anmunîed to 868 million kilowýatt-hours, four percent lower than in April 1981. The electricity sales earned Hydro a net revenue of $13.8 rmill ion. May 24- heralds the big planting weekend SEND OFF THIS COUPON NOW Well it finally arrived, the BIG plantîng weekend. As longý as 1 can remember <wich is not-tolong) tradi- ionally it is safe to plant ou.t your annuals with the daniger of frost almost over i. However, a word of ca!ution is in order, since thie last we had a couple of night frost after the 24th. of May s0 wAatch the weather forecast for the next several days. The best way to plant an- nuals is to make sure that the soil is well prepared. Dig over the area to be planted and add somie peatmoss and mianuire, with a few handfulls of chemnical fertilizer such as a 5- 10- 15, to build 4p a good rieh planting soil. Since most annuals vwill gel a shock wheni they are transplanted, you shouild gie he a boost by waterng îthemimmnnediately afier planîfing wýith a starter fertilizer sc as PLANT- AID, this will stimulate the root system and get them tarted right away. With the flowvering an- nutals, il will help to remove the flowers after transpian- ting-, ince this wýill let aIl the strenigth go righit into thie developmnent of the plant. This of coursFe is not a mIle that has to be followed since I also lîke to see the flowers on the p lant, but for faster growÀIith his will be helpful. Due to the hot weather a lot of plants are taîl and sîr- ingy especially the tomato plants and a simple solution is to take off a Ihird of the j 'Me Fashiogns Main St., Orono Phone 8o 94 The latest in fashions for al times and ail needs growth which will make them, bush oui and -develop into a fuller plant. Belore you plant make sure that the right plants go into the right spots. The shady plants should go into the shad such as Impai- tients, Fibrous and tuberous begonias and the sun loving plants such as the petunias and the marigolds should get aleast a hallf a day of' suni. Planters should have the old soif removed from lasi year and then a poîting mix of haîf« potting soif and haîf weil composted manure mixed together and then placed in the planter. This will give you an excellent growing medium. Th e manure will feed the plants right through the summer and a monîhly f'eedling of a liquid plant food will give you a dazzling lush display of colour. With the bot weather the tent capterpillar has -already appeared making tents and preparing to destroy your treces by eating aIllthe leavecs. Now is' the time to get rid of themn before lhey becomne adult suze. In some cases you can r-emove the tent wýith a stick and (then burn themn. Do this early lin the mornîng or after the sun bas gone down when the return to their nest for warmth. The reason for burning the twigs where they made their tents is the fact that the eggs which, over- wintered fromt last year will still -hatch for several weeks to come. Another etff-ective way is to spray them with Sevin, which can be-applied as a spray or a dust. Some cedar hedges have not come through the winter as welI as usual, due to the severe cold during the last three moîîths. The best lime to give ihem a helping hand is right nowý. By applying a product called Cedar Feeder. This cani be directly applied to the foliage with a sprayer or a watering can 'nd will brinlg outIlthe lush green colour and ini îurn will start the growing proces Until Next We'ek, IHappy Gardening. ~GO Propane îs a wonder- dT C9 fully convenlent fuel ' N S lbr cottagers, canprs and backyard barbequers. It's deani, qu , and efficient for cooking, re2frigeration and lighting. But, like Ai flammiable materials, propane miust be used witlh care. Did you knlow, for instance, that: oPropane barbecues should neyer be used Iin an eniclowed area. o Iropanie cyliindersnust be stored outdoors and chiecked f'or safety every 10 years. nA propane cylinder should always bc rnoved or stored 111 an uprighit position. oPropane cylinders mnust be located ousic recreationial vehicles or in a compartment that is gas-tighit to the veidce initerior and vent îlated directly to the outdoors. oIt i-s strongly recommended that propane- 4'-E .EKENDS UP ftile ergrtr [OKEe' ~be cendadajse every year. You'II find thiese saf--ety f"acts and more in our f'ree bookiet. Mail thle couLipon today and get your copy. It's a great ref erence guide, and it will ensure that propane is always a helpmnate-rather thani a hazard.to you and your flai1y. Th7le Ontario Goveriimienv-ýWorking to Hielp Pleopie. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations e Ontarlo Robert Elgie M.D. Minister William Davis, Premier . . . . ........ .......... ..........

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