Phone for appointment Anniversary Wedding and Family Portraits ln Our Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 813-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Calil 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or seiling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFIELD INSU RANCE ions ou r free 505 mrc, rd 3 f N. ýone en t .td. NOTICES If you have any questi or concerns about y miunicipality, please feel to caîl me at either 983-5 Diane Hai Counc., Wri T. o WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Ph( 623-5747 for appointm, and information. Hooper's Jewellers L HELP WANTED Looking for relia teenager to babysit oc sional evenings for 2 year( Main Street area. Ph( 983-9759. NOTICE Dr. A.F. McKenzie's off wili be ciosed July 21- Aug 15 inclusive.. 7,14,21,28,4J1l,a 983-9438 lWev Check And Double Check! Orono Towîng MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Ail Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 CARPENTRY FuIIy Licenced 10 Years Experti.ence Renvoations Cabinets, Decks, Roofing Etc. Cal I 983-9759 FOR SALE' 1981 - 1-12' Spring R0K 7.5 Evinrudle. Best O 'ffer. 1 Remmington Model - 788 22-250 Cal. 2.5 k 8 Bushinell 80 Rounds of Ammo. Best Offer. 1 Remmington 22 Cal. Semi Auto 6 x Weaver Scope. Best Offer. 1-Espana Double Barrel 410 Gauge. Best Offer. Phone 983-9706. 14, pd. * FOR SALE Firewood, aIl Hai Delivery or pick-u le 786-2633. Id. FOR RENT ne Apartment For R~ P Large self-contairn bedroom apartmî modern country homc ce commuting distance o st borough, Oshawa ani say. ,. Cali 705-277-2084. YARD SALE 3 Famiiy Yard S Saturday Juiy i 7th 10:00 a.m, - 4:00 p. Leskard Road 2V2 north of Taunton (East Side) YARD SALE Friday, July 16 an i7th at Rowe St. Oroil Antiques, coiieci many good used tools, dolîs, books. Ramn or shine. 9:00. 5 P.M. Watch for Sigi GARAGE SALI July 17 and 18th (Stuff and Thingi Main Street, Orono, from entrance to Park. COMING EVENTS Orono Seniors Hockey Club DANCE Orono Arena Return to the 5's Dance Saîurday, July 17, 1982 At 8:00 - 1:00 a.m. $8.00 A couple Refreshments and Prizes, Tickets a vailable at H-aitons Insurance and Mom's Kitchen, Orono. 7, 14,a.c. COMINU EVENTS rdwood At The Kirhy Schoothouse irdwood Far from "Basic Black" p. Cali An exhibit of Victorian t. ladies' clothing, July 2 f. -August 1, Friday - Sunday, 2-5 p.m. 7,14,21, a.c. tent ed one ent in ~ COMING EVENTS [within Federal Business df Pein- Deveiopment Bank id Lind- Our representative-JOHN MOULAND, will be in 14p. Bowmanviiie area on 14p. THURSbAY, JULY 22nd, to discuss FBDB Services: 1. Financiai assistance for aie on business. 1from 2. Counseiling te improve ).m. onl business or soive problems. miles 3. Management training and Road. information on government programs. 14,a.c. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL JOHN MOULAND, (416) 576-6800 [d Juiy Federal Business Develop- ne. ment Bank tibles, 22 King Street West, cheap; Oshawa, Ont. 14,a.c. A. M.- ris. 14,a.c. ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE E Wedmeday, August 18 b Orono Park s) Roast Beef with ail the trim- across mings served hot fromn the Orono Barbeque. 5: 00 p.m. to 7:00 a-c p.m. 3-14-21-28c ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, Orono are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of- their o nly daughter Marie to Terry Bossence, son of Mrs. Doreen Bossence, Oshawa; Mr. Roy Bossence, Stratiord. Couple w iil be wed in the Spr- ing of 1983. 14,pd. M THE 1 ýegdvan -glu214 KIngSt. EL,j Cali for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or for information on properties in the area. 987-4733 623-4445 Chris Stapleton Sales Representative 983-5093 Fash ions Childrens' Jogging Suits Sizes 2 - 6, brown and blue GREAT FOR COOL SUMMER EVENINGS Regular $13.95 SAVE $2.00 Girls' Jean Niokers Sizes 7, 8,10, 12 and 14 Only ACRYLIO PANTS For the Small Fry Sizes 3 - 6X PRO-GARDCN LArIDSCAPIrIG... * COMMCRCIAL & RCÇIDCNTIAI -IrITERLOCKING ÇTONE (viALKWAYÇ, PATIOÇ, DRNCEWAVÇ,tý,.-, A -WJI MAINTETIANCE * ÇPRING CLCAtI Up - ÇOD DING & ECRTILIZING * RCC C7TIMATCS CALI 983-5915 OROO.. ~-4 Potted Dwarf Fruit Trees $ __ New Hard Maple Railway CHIMNEY SWEEPER J 'P. Roy Orono, Ontario Cail after five O'clook F-or Free E-stimates 983-9262 SALEM CHRISTIAN - FELLOWSHIP Liberty Street North of Bowmanville 576-9011 - 983-9341 - 983-5962 TEACHING and MINISTERING SEMINAR BY REV. WIN WORLEY JULY 199 20, 21, Mon., Tues., Wed. 7:30 p.m. each evening Rev. Win Worley teaches that it is every Chritian's job to practice the commission of Jesus Christ, as in Mark 16-Verses 15 to 18, Rev. Win Worley is an Ordained Southern Baptist Minister with 32 years of Pastoral experience. He is presently pastor- ing -fuli-time in Highland, Indiarîna plus travelling across the country sharing and ministering. Rev. Win Worley is the author of several books on deliverance, as "Demnolishing the Hosts of HlI", " Battling the Hosts of Heli", "Conquering the Hiosts of Heul". ALL ARE WELCOME Healing & Deliverance Mlnistry Each Eveningý olh ion a- Tic, gu The family of Mary and Jack Carscadden North Orono invite relatives, friends and neighbours to an Open House at the Kendai United Church Sunday Schooi on Sunday, Juiy 18, 1982 from 2p.m. - 5p.m. on the occasion of their 5th Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes only please. 7.14.a.c. "zoo