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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1982, p. 4

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4A Change in Lifestyle Whether it lias been by design or just pure accident there lias been a definite change in my life-style of late, especially for those hours of leisure. As you have read before most of those leisure hours i late spring and up to and past mnid-summer were spent in tramping trails, unopened road allowances and wet areas in the northern part of Hope township in our effort in Atlasing Breeding Birds of Ontario. That pursuit of pleasure came to an end or almost came to an end three weeks ago with what appeared an innocent negative statement at the dînner table. -You enoy Dinah Christie' s singing? "With the Wallaces we're going to the Auto Pub at the Holiday Inn in Oshawva where she is appearing.'> There was no reason for mie to object for I do enjoy Dinah Christie and lier vigorous approacli to her profession and as well it would provide the opportuni- ty to sit back, relax witli a "cool one" and mnake con- versation with friends. Christie I enjoyed, I think, but the rest of the environ- ment was flot one of relaxa- tion and casual conversation. Her backup band of three guitars, two percussionists and keyboard rattled and bruised every miarble in the attic. Right then and there it was apparent that our lifestyle had cianged and there coud be no comparison wîth the quite solitude of sitting under an oak tree in the backwoods of Hope waitîng to hear a bird caîl or sing. Wliy musicians must feel tliey have to be heard as in- dividuals, with greatly amplified sound in a room the size of the Auto Pub is a mystery to me, always has been and I guess always will be. But Christie did sing- wel and had an excellent take-off on Trudeau, wasted on mne but would have been enjoyed b>' our Conservative friends. TIhe evening was not over liowever and it mneant a trip to thse Tartan Club and then to investigate the new British Buldog. Yes my lifestyle has changed,. "You enjoy AI Mote and lis jazz group?" "Weil AI and his band is playing at the British Bulldog this Wednesday." It was back to the British Bulldog and yes, AI and the boys do have a lot to offer in dixie or jazz and you have to enjoy their ability and style. With this outing I do believe the pub nights are over but a week and a haif ago on the weekend the cultural revival at home was Sstili alive and il was off to Niagara On Thse Lake to the Shaw Festival. I was thoroughly impressedi with Niagara On Thse Lake, its three theatres, its restaurants, its four or five boutiques, its settin, on the lake, its marina and its park. The Village of 1,600 was jam- med with theatre goers, and it was a selI out at aIl theatres and reservations were neceded at the popular restaurants. There was no indication of a recession here. T We enjoyed "o reT Be Good," a Bernard Shaw play, in the Court House Theatre. The theatre 'is located in a stone block building with Municipal Of- fices on- the first floor and the tlieatrd on thse second floor. It would hold somnewhere bet- ween six and seven hundred and it was jammed packed. What other can I say than it was a professional perfor- 4, Ormo Wmoldy Tintes, Wednesday, September 8, 1982 A t4tolnd Home Ontario Tax, Grants for Seniors is a program designed to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes and home heating costs for Ontario residents 65 and over. The Property Tax Grant portion, of up to $500 per househiold, is provided in two instal- ments annually. The first înstalment of the -1882 grant, based on 1981 appications, was mailed in the spring. The Minîstry of Revenue lias just completed the mailing of Property Tax Grant applications which seniors must complete in order to qualify for the final instalment of tIs grant. If you received a 1982 Interim-Grant, you will receive an application. *In Metro Toronto, dial 965-8470 Province approves Brooklin scheme mance and a story that is as relivant today as-it was when ià was written.,, Niagara On The Lake is a neat community and well worth a visit. The Shaw Festival is of course the domninate feature and must bc a factor is almnost every deci- sion that would now affect the community. Someone at somnetimie mt have had a vi- sion that hias mnatured to a successful promotion. On the way home we stop- ped at the Royal Botantical Gardens in Hamilton and spent close to five hours walking through the floral ai- rays, the rock garden and of course the nature display. The Gardens involve hun- dreds of acres and on this particular Sunday were being enjoyed by thousands of peo- ple. It would'seemn that our change in life-style has corne to an end but just in case that is not so I am prepared for the question on the Ballet. development while there is already some 14,00)0 acres of serviced land in the Region of Durhamn. 1 Whitby council supported the developmnert with the 0 Ini Area Code 807, ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 Region of Durham also giv- ing their support 19-9 las* year.1, The Planning Department of the Regiofi of Duirham lias stated that the development will be a $5.6 million liability to the Region while the Regional Finance Depart- ment has stated tha* the developmnent would be a boom of $4.2 million to the Region. PEIRLOISSLICK 50 ISTHNED The Ministry of Housing has given final approval for a housing devlopment in the hamlet of Brooklin which is expected to increase the population from the present 1600 to 10,000 over the next ten years. Brooklin is in the Town of Whitby, The proposai cails for the developer to extend both water and sewer lines into the hamniet of Brookliin. The developer expects to construct somne 2,700 homes in the developmrent over the next ten years on ex- ecutive sized lots and ta cost some $120,000.00. The Regional Planning Departmrent and that of Whitby and the Tývn of Newcastle oppo5.d the Imnproves Lubrcation Improves Perfornmncýe I creases Hors p ower Increases Gas Mïleage GUARANTEED IMPROVED PERFORMANCE Or Your Mon.y Back ONE TIME iNVESTMENT Contact DARREL E. DEVOLIN woryON *If you have flot received an application within 14 days and believe you are eligible forth Property Tax Grant, please contc the Ministry. - Those seniors who reach the age of 65 betle July and December will receiv their application early ini 1983. * Those seniors who reach the age of -.65 in 1982 will receiv a grant for the full year once theyreturn the application to the Ministry., a If you moved permanenfly mnto Ontaro during 1982, your grant is based on the time you resided hi Ontario. If you have not received an application, pflease contact the Ministry. *Seniors Who are flot eligible for federal Old Age Security but who have previ- ously established eligibiIjty for the Property Tax Grant wiil also receive an appflication. If you reside in a tax-.exempt property such as a chronic care facility, a home f or the aged or a shnilar institution, you are no t eligible for the granqt. However, if you move mnto a tax-exempt property during 1982, youare eligible f or a Property Tax Grant based on your rent or property taxes prior to your move. On December 3, the Ministry of Revenue will mail a $50 Salles Tax Grant cheque to ail Ontario seniors. No application is necessary for. tis grant. * In ail other areas, dial 1-800-268-7121 Or write to: Ontarlo Tax Grants for Seniors, MinistrY of Revenue, Guaranteed Income anid Tax Credit Branch, Queen's Park, Toronto, Oritarjo M7A 2B3. Ministry of Revenue Ontario George Ashe Minister T.M. Russell Deputy Minister, Reduces Frction and Drag Reduces Operating Temperatw'res Reduces Wear ReduceFi 011 Consumption Ontario Poep erty LaxtGrant Applications. TAKE GARE TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION ACCURATEIX- Take a few extra minutes to f111 out your application, and then check it again for accuracy. This miakes it much easier for the Ministry to process your form and get your cheque to you. In particular, you should remember the following: *F111 in your taxes or rent for the entire year; a Sign your application. Spouses 65 or over should also sign; ,D If your marital status or address has changed, f111 out the appropriate section on the application. The Ministry wilI begin mailing Property Tax Grant cheques in- early November and continue to do so on a regular basis. FOR MOIRE INFORMATION CALL TUE MINISTRY'S MULTILINJGUAL INFORMATION CENTRE:

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