Fl ut e trio play well at Clarke Concert gain Orono %contract Town holds back on reply to Eldorado The General Purpose Committee on Monday put a hold on any reply to Eldorado Nulear Ltd. as to Eldorado's proposal to set up a commnittee to consider a proposed location and design of a waste fadlity in Newcas- tde. Eldorado has sought the establishment of a committee to consider the decommis- sioning of the Port Granby waster disposail area along with a similar site in Welcomne and as weIl consider a pro- posai for a future permanent waste disposaI facility on somne 685 acres in the Town of Newcastle. On Moniday any reply to Eldorado was tabled. The matter has been sent back to staff and the two area councýil mnembers, Barr and Hamnre, to recompose a letter to be sent to Eldorado. ln speaking with Counic. Hlarnre she said she is agrecable to, sit on a commit- tee considr decommis- sioniAng of the Port. Granby facility but that at this time wilI not consider a new facili- ty in the Town for disposed waste by Eldorado. She also said there is no reason to have a member of the Hope Township council sit on a cornmittee concerning proposai affecting the Town of Newcastle. Eldorado had suggested that their proposed comrmittee have a mnember from Hope Township coun- cil. The reply to Eldorado will now corne back to comrnittee or coun-cil for conisideration after a meeting of staff and councîllors frorn Ward 3 in the Town of Newcastle. own absorbs deficit The General Purpose Cornmittee on Monday recommends to council that the Town of Newcastle ab- sorb a debt owing theTown in the anlount of $28,005.23 by the Newcastle Village arena. The, issue had previously been referred back to staff for further information which was available on Fri- day. The debt to the Town has been building up over a number of years and involved expenditures by the Town for insurance premiurns and heating où. The Town treasury also submitted a report showing an oper-ating deficit of the Newcastle Arena in the ainounit of $ 12,490.53 for the year 1983 up to the end of October. Lt was pointed out that the report did not take into consideration outstani- ding commitments or outstanding accounits receivable. The general purpose com- mittee o f the Town o f Newcastle has recornmended to council that the Town ac- cept the garbage collection conltra[ct of Regional Reclaimers for the areas of Orono, the Orono Estates and the Village of' Orono. Regional Reclaimers were the lowest of four bids receiv- ed by council. t is the first time that the Orono Estates and the Village of Newcastle have been included in the an- nual contract with the Village of Orono. Earlier this year council through a suggestion by Counc. Hanire had recorn- rnended the extension of the Orono contract to include the Orono Estates and the Village of Newcastle Prior to takinig any action advertîsements were included in the local new were included in the local nlews media as to the inten- tion of extending the weekly collection. In a report to the Town cornmittee staff reported only three letters being received as to the intentions of counicil. 0f these three one was frorn a contract objecting to the manner of the contract, one from Samn Cureatz asking an extension of the area of col- lection and a third objecting to the Town becomning in- voived in garbage pick-up as it would be too costly. It was noted by the Town Treasurer, Kathryn Camipbell that in fact the contract price was under $4000 per pick-up based on an average assess- nent of $2,500 and this com- pared to annual individual charges of over $50.00 Regional Reclaïrmers mnon- thly charge per residenitial unit was submitted at $2.74 comparing with $2,85 by Phil Groenveld and Sons; $3.25 per month by T. Puckrin and Son, Whitby and $55.00 per month by Browns Disposal, Kendai. The Orono contract has been held by T. Puckrin and Son over the past two years. The new contract will becomne effect as of the first of the year. The Orono Estates and the Village of Newcastle previously had their garbage collected by mndividual con- tractors and in somne cases were paying up to $60.00 a year for weekly pick-ups, PTown development greatest hi rural area Mayor Rickard at Mon.- day's meeting pointed out ,that residential developmnent in the rural areas of the Town were considerably ahead of similar development -in the urban area where ail services such as water and sewers are available. He suggested that the Town staff and council members consider this matter and that a report be filed with the general purpose commit- tee from staff. t was nioted in a building department report that in the past two years only one residential house had been constructed in Bowmanville per year. In 1982 this cornes with six in Solina, six in Tyrone, two in Mitchell Cor- ners, three in Courtîce and two each in Orono and Newcastle Village. 0f a total of 59 single dwelling permnits issued 44 have been for agricultural zones. The number of hous- ing starts this year numnbered 48 compared to 71 in 1981 for the first eleven months. Per- mits have been issued for 56 Christmas Sing-A long at Orono Public School Santa-Hlay Rides Santa visits Orono this Staurday and will be at the Orono Town Hall from 2:00 p.m-. to 3:45 p.m. t,, greet children fromn the area. Along with this visit Santa has arranged hay rides also starting at 2:00 p.mi. The hay wagons will load at the Town Hall and tour parts of the Orono Tree Nursery. Everyone welcome to take part in these ac- tivities in Orono. Sponsored by the Orono Downtown Businessmens' Association. APPOINTED CHAIR-MAN OF SOCIAL SERVICES Diane Hamre who bas been a mern ber of the Town of Newcastle and Region of Durham councils for the past two years and re-elected to office at the recent municipal elections has been apppointed chairman of the Region's Social Services Committee. The committee controls one of the largest budgets .'- the Region. Congratulations. The Orono Public school 0f the course the big Graves have a few words with with Christmas Carol sungîng held their Chrîstmnas sing- feature for the younger this most popular legend. following a short prograrn of along and Chiristrnas party at chldren was the visit by San- There was a gooci atten- Christmnas music by the the school 'on Monday even- ta and above Jason Taylor, dance of parents present for students of the school. ing. Tereza Henderson and Brett the occasion and ai joined in Published Every Wednesday eenr119J Orono Weekly Tirnes, Wednesday, Dcme 518