Orono WVeekîy Times, Wednesday,, Decemb er 22, 1982, 15 'v * i tee e - e, THE Phone for GOIJLD appointment PHOTO Annlversary SHOPý_ Weddng and IIIEITEEO Portraits in aur Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 Kng St.W. Bowmanville 623-2404 Phone 418-623-3393 Orono Cail 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFIELD INSURANCE 983-9438 Orono Towing MECHANICAL REPAIRS To Al Cars and Trucks 24-HOUR TOWING Phone 983-5249 Steves Fumiture Shop We Have A Large 301Ction of Antique and Decorator Furniture for Sale, by Appointiment or Chance 983-9630 Orono 1 Mlle East of Hwy. 115 at Taunton Rd, We aiso do Upholsteîy & Refinlshing. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for ap- pointmnent and information. Santa Claus Special Regullar $8.00 Saturday $5.00 Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. NOTICES If You have, quesýtions or- conceFrns about your municipaîity, please'feel free to cati 'me at either 983,5505. Diane Hamre, Counc., Ward 3 T. of N. FOR SALE Firewood, ail Hardwood. Deiivery or pick-up. Cali 797-2184 PUBLIC NOTICE Commencing December 15, 1982, the following telephone numbers wilI be in effect for use during the 1982-1983 Winter Season: NORMAL HOURS: 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday) Division 1: DARLINGTON AREA..... .263-2292 Division 2: BOWMANVI LLE ........... 623-13391 Division 3: CLARKE TOWNSHIP, INCLUOING ORONO AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE. .983-9178 IF NO ANSWER at Divisions 2 or 3, cail Division 1 (263-2292) AFTER HOURS AND WEEKENOS: ALL AREAS ANSWERING/RELAY SERVICE..................... 623-3391 In case of concern or emergency relative to road maintenance or conditions, please cali the ap- plicable telephone number-. R.G. Dupuis, P.,Eng., Director of Public Works. 4, Town cf Newcastle HAMPTON, Ontario. LOB IJO. Date of First Publication: December 15, 1982. Date of Second Publication: December 22, 1982. PUBLIC NOTICE REGULATIONS FOR WINTER SEASON rea Residents are hereby advised of the Provin- cial and Municipal regulations applicable to the winter season, as follows: The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980): Section 147 (10) prohibits the parking of vehicles o)n any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 147 (13) provides the authority for the remroval of any velhicle at the owner's expense, found to be causing an obstruction on a highway. Section 157 prohibits the depositing of snow or ice on a public roadway. By-Law 79-1, Town of Newcastle. Section 5 (i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period of longer than thi-ce (3) hours, and îs also applicable to overnight parking on any road under the jurisdliction of the Town of Newcastle. In case of contravention of any of the foregoing, immediate action wi be taken against the of- fen dier (s). c V R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works, Town of Newcastle, HAMPTON, Ontario. Date of First Publication: December 15, 1982. Date of Second Publication: Decemnber 22, 1982. WORIÇ WANTED GP Service Centre Smali Engcines Sales and Service Hydraulic, Diesel, Propane Equipmient Sharpening Service George Payne R.R. 1, Campbellcrofi, ont. (416) 797-2889 8, 15, 22, a.c. COMING EVENTS DANCING PLUS! Saturday, January 15, 1983. 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. at Clarke High School Auditorium. Varlety Dancing to Ed Morton and "Motif". Special Guest Artist: Shirley Canmpbell. Featured performer with Oshawa's Little Theatre and Choral Society. Presenting selections from various Broadway Musicals. Also appearing 'The Dix- lielland Debonaires' - Tickets available from CHS Band and Choir, students/parents, or caîl 983-5682. $ 10.00 per couple. Spo'nsored by CHS Band and Choir Parents' Associa- tion. Lunch. 15,22, 29. a.c. CARD 0F THANKS A very grateful thank you to so many who remembered me with flowers, cards and gifts of delicious foods dur- ing my recent iilness. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to, You ail. Mary J. Morris. 22, pd. CARDO0F THANKS Glenn and Kathleen Clark wish to extend thanks to these neighbours for aliowing the Behtnay His Hunt to ride on their lands this fait; Fred An- drews, Glen Andrews, Clarence Burley, Aleck Mof- fat, Doug Moffat, Dick Mor- ton, Gord Morton, Robert Morton and Paul Staples. 22-ae IN MEMORIAm MACDONALD, Dorothy In Loving Memory of a dear sister who passedi away December 21, 1980. You stili live on in the hearts and minds, 0f the Loved, ones you left behind.* Lovingiy Remembered by: Ray, Gerry, Jack, Elsie and Famiiy. 22, pd. Some thoughts about the housing crisis. The federal government has done nothing about it. Most provincial sehemes are ineffectual, and the municipatities seemr to think the probîem lies with some other level of govern- ment. Would-be homeowners wring their hands and sug- gest rightly that with mortgage rates and building costs wvhat they are, there is no way they can be part of what used to be the standard Canadian dyream., And archltects continue ta design one-family dw'tellings that in other p~laces might have been used to house wvhole tribes. 1 think the easiest level of government to attack is the municipali- ty. The federal government lives in some other worîd en- tireîy, and aven the provincial governments have become so massive and complex that they are increasingly remov- ed f rom the taxpayer reality. Municipal governmants are dloser and more vulnerable, and what they should be forc- ed to do is reduce lot sizes and minimum floor area re- quirements for housas. There is no reason wby most young couples and most older ones couîdn' t live comfort - ably in 600 square feet for example. And a 600 square foot bouse, is a manageable size, the kind of house that most people who know how to use a hammer and saw could buiîd themselves. The problemr is that most cities, towns and townships have size requirements that were designed for an age of affluence that's passed us by. With rising fuel material and labour costs, thé smaller house ought to be inévitable. It hasn't corne about becausa governments react slowly to newv realities, and we tend to bumble aîong beside them squawking Ioudly and un- constructively. One way or another, if I were in my 20's and starting again, 1 would build my owvn bouse, bit by bit, as I could afford the necessary lumber. Thera is no reason at al why the average young couple, with some friends haîping, couldn't f rame, roof, and otherwise close in an adequate bouse on summer weakends. It is time consumning, but not particularly difficuît. And once you understand what you're doing, you'll probably build it bet-, ter than any contractor. So raise hall with your munîcipality about lot and bouse sizes, buy some books on bouse con- struction and think about it. A mortgage, inflation index- ed or not, is just the sama as setting fire to thousands of dollars. Tbat's not news but that too is reality. FRUIT MARKET Offers To You Fresh Crisp Macîntosh, Red & Golden Deliclous, Mutsue, Russet & Spy Apples From $3.95 Up 1½2Bushel Fîemiîsh .Beauty And Bosc Pears Fresh Eggs & Potatoes We Make the Best CIDER at ibis time of year Fredf's Fruit Market Hwy. 115 and 35, Orono, Ont. Flower Den 28 David's Crescent Dried,& Silk Floral Arrangements CUSTOM MADE 983-5423