8, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 22, 1982 Sam Cureatz's Christmas Mess age THE festive season cornes but once a year and since it is such a special time, 1 think we aIl need to stop and ask ourselves why it is SO imnpor- tant. For Kathy and 1, as the parents of young family, we are especially blessed because we can enjoy the hioliday season through the eyes of our young sons, Draydon &id Rion. No one enjoys this time of year more than children, and whether or not you have children of your own, the ex- citemnent andI anticipation these young ones feel cannot help but make you share their Wonder. There is no doubt that this is a famnily time which is why it is s0 sad that there are those who do not have anyone with whom to share the holidays. Fortunately, there are many public spirited community organizations who arrange special dinners and other ac- tivities to bring those whe are alone together at this time. For those of us who are for- tunate enough to be wth our families, we should not take the time for granted. The family has been called the backbone of society, and yet the economic uncertainty we are currently experiencing is causing some families great stress. As a result, family stability has neyer been more ïimportant. If 1 canl leave you with this one suggestion, this holliday season spend some timre reac- quainting yourself with your families. More important thani gift giving, and good food, is showing your love and concern to your children, your hu-tsband' or wife, parents and ail those people who have supported you in the past. *Take time to strengthen the family bonds this holiday so that whiatever the New Year brings, you wiIl be able to meet it together with courage and optimism. Genelral Orono U.C.lW. Christmas meeting, With tables decorated' in the Christmas theme, at the Main Hall of Orono United Church, about 35 ladies eni- joyed a delicious pot luck noon meal oni Decemrber 9. Following the dînner, President Isabelle Challice extended a welcome to everyone present and gave two readings, "lKeeping Chrstmas." and "My Gifts te, You". Christmas devotions were given by ladies of Unit 1. Dorothy Barnett ighted candles and gave the meaning of the lights. It was mention- ed that Advent was the period of the four weeks before Christmas when one candle is lighted each week and then a white candle for Christmas. Stella Carson read a poem "Candle Lights" and Vera Staples told the legend of the Christmas candle. The circle of the wrêath has no end and the green colour represents hope. 'The Christmas tree originated in Germany. Several carols Sherry Lane residents get one month reprieve Sherry Lane residents, whose homes face on a private road, were given a one month reprieve on Mon- day in that the Town wili con- tinue to maintain the road until February lst rather than to January Ist. The Town staff, through correspondence, had sought agreement from thse six residential property owners asking for "quick dlaim" deeds in order that thse Town could legally take over the road and thus, continue maintenance. Staff initialiy received no replies to their re- quest. Counc. Cowman on Mon- day stated she had received phone cails fromn four of the property owners seeking in- formation and she requested council authorize staff to call a meeting of the owners to discuss the issue and that the deadline of January 1lst be ex- tended to February Ist to alow the calling of the meeting before services were cutoff. Council agreed to extend the deadline and gave authorization to Don Smith, administratýor to caîl the meeting with required sta.ff being present. Roots Hair Design 21 Silver St. Bowmanville Telephone 623-6333 Main Street Telephone 983-5333 Orono were sung with Bertha Touchburn as pianist. Marg!aret Hancock closed 'the Devotional withi prayer. Two ladies were recipients of life memberships. Mrs. Anne McNally was presented with her pin by her sister, Mrs. Ethel Lycettand Mrs. Bertha Touchburn received her pin from Mrs. Edith Taylor. Both U.C.W. ladies have contributed in many ways, through the years, to thework of the church. Business was conducted and annual reports given.Margaret Gunter reported for treasurer Merle Gilbart who was absent. The proposed budget for 1983 was brought to the meeting. Betty Chatterton conducted an "In Memoriam" in tribute to the ladies of our church who had passed away during 1982. Mrs. Olive Milîson carried out the installation of the new Executive, whd are as follows: President - Mrs. Lois Brown, Ist Vice-President - Mrs. Donna Scott, Recording Secretary - Mrs. Marie Tamblyn, Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Theima Vagg, Treasurer - Mrs. Doreen Wood, Christian Education Committee - Mrs. Ruth Grady, Supply and Ser- vice - Mrs. Bertha White, Pianist - Mrs.' Joyce Gray, Press and Pu',licity and Manse Committee- Mrs. Thelma Vagg, Citizenship and Social Action i; Mrs. Olive Milison, Literature - Mrs. Dorothy Bailey, Friend- ship and Visiting - Mrs. Betty Chatterton and Mrs, Eleanoir Shetier, Stewardship - Mrs. Stella Carson. To consider Memorial plans The Regional Health Council has been informed that the Minister of Health is to consider a proposai of ma- jor renovations at Memnorial Hospital in Bowmanville. Memorial Hospital had, at one time, planned a new wing for thse hospital, but now have reduced the scale of the proposai to renovations using fire insurance mionies and monies from the province of Ontario. The Board is awaiting ap- proval from the Minister of Health. The Health Council has placed the proposaI se- cond on their list of priorities. .. . ......... . ....... . ...