Tennat Fue A tos exitevith new toques Th e TenatFue tm prigternw yaqie er-a o HamiltN Midgets The Hïaminîà nsranc Midgets travelledt oor on Dec. 21 and didn't receive a very nice Chrisýtmas pre- sent. Orono oOpened the scor- ing with two quick -goals and lookd a if heywereoffta a greatgaebureeeBin Turgin, had othier plans for the Or-ono lads. At six min. mbit the second period with the score 3 to 2 for Cobourg Mvurray Dni picked up a fighting penalty and when the smoke had cleared aIl five men on his line were jected froin the gaine for not leaving the zone the afight was takýing place in. This left Orono with one complete ine and onerly one replacemen'. As the gaine wore on the cOrono boys jusr rais out of gas witb goalie Dino NMedd Just hiaving too many shots to save thein ail. * ennant Atoms spit on two weekly games On Dec. 21, 1982 Orono Tennant Fuels Atmiis travell- ed to Bobcaygeon where they got back te thieir, winning ways by tfouncing their hosts 8-0. Brian Rodd started things off with just 43 seconds left ini the lst peiod completing a nice passing play from lane Souch and Jason Brachivogel. LIn(tie se- cond, period - Anthony Webb got into the act puming three goals behuind the Bob- caygeon goalie within two minutes. Jason Mayor, David Sheridan and Brent Osmond helped Anithony collect the hat trick. The thlird period saw Or-ono shell Bobcaygeon for four more goals BRhume Souch counted two with singletons going to Todd Gray assisted by BMaine Souch, and David Sheridan froin Kevin Roberts. Brian Rôdd earned assists on bath of Blaine's goas with help also coining Jeff Hartwig and Jason Brachvogel. Mike Goodmurphy earned the shut-out with a fine effort between the pipes. On Dec. 22 in the spirit of Christinas we handed a fast imnproving Ops teant a 5-3 victory thanks ta saine very hot goaltertding by Chris Mc- Col of Op§. We started off. strongly on ýoaIs by Anthony Webb assiýted by Jason Brachvogel and Jeff Hartwig j The team neyer lost their sense of humour and con- tinued ta press Cobourg when they could, Orono travels ta Markhamn for their Chiristmnas Tourba- ment on Dec. 28 anid 29 and play their next league ginn Bewdley on Sunda, ,,,Jan. 2 at 12 noon. This is a makeup gaine that could not be played earlie'r. Coaches Frank, Lloydad Mike wou4id lîke ta wish everyone a Happy New Year. and Todd Gray froin An- thony Webb. The turning point came, however,-in the second, period when Ops scored 3 goals in the space of a minute and à half. Ops then scored again te start the third period but. less than a minute later Todd Gray connected on a nice passing play frotn Anthony Webb and Brian Rodd to cut their lead to one goal. [n an al dut barrage we threw everything but the kit- cheni sink at the Ops goalie ta no avail. They scored their lastgoal inta an empty niet ta make the final Ops 5 Orono 3. New 4-H proýj ects offer experience The importance of personal appearance and health and Ontario's foaod heritage are the suhjects o! twa- new 4-H1 home- making clubs this year. These projects offered by Last week theTnnt Pictured above Mr, Fuel Atomnis were Tennant makeýs a presen- presented with Petro car, tationi of a toque to the toques by their sponsor goalie, Mike Goodmur- Francis Teninant. phy. the Ontario rMïinistry of' Agri- culture and Food (OMAF>, live up to the 4-HMotta cc;learn to do, by doing", sa.ys Joyceý Canning, ùf the rural organi- zations and srie branch. The first project "Loo,4king Great, Feeling Great"- accents the importance o-f good gom ing habits and a reguilareer cise prograM', Members may prepare their own shampoos, andfailp- ducts or test and comupare grooming produjcts.1MThey may also inter1view stoýre clerks orï managers te learn about, retailer's probleins. "There's also an underlying consumerism theme in tis project ta encourage members ta became better and srmarter consumers", says Canning. Through titis project, 4-H members learn about their rights and resp2onsibiities as consumners, inceluding the in- portance of reading labels and comparison shopping. "They aise learn how ta complain effpetively if thev have a consumer problem and where ix> turî for answers to their probleins."- Ille second project, "On- tario Heritage", encourages 4-H members to try foods o)f different nationalities and ethnie groups which contribute ta the eating habits in the province. Members wiIl samiple foods froin native Indian gr-oups, the French, Scottisit, Englishl and Irish pioneer,Scandanavian counitries, ecsterît European countries, Germainy, Greece, Italy and the O0rient. The proje-ct alsoivo ve "And bychacetheproject is comng eout on-e year prior te the celebration of thervince's bicentenni'al, ta tis proýjeet will be agodnroutn" AsFpart 4)f the project, mnembers hast, a pazrty for friends and relatives using foods introduced at club meetings. There are about 14,000 4-H1 homemnaking miembers, aged 12 to 26, across the Province. Anyone interested in partici- pating in these new projectse should contact their local OMAF office. INOTICE OFIGHW] CLOSING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Couricil oft*he Corporýa- tion of the Town of Newpcastl, at, the Coun.cilý meeting to be held in Court Rocom t12, Police Bujilding, 132 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontarlo on Monday, the 1Oth day of January 1983 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a ,by-law to stop-up and close and authorize the sale of Parts 5,6,7,8, and 9, according to Plan 1OR-1042,. more particularly described as follows: ALL. AND SINGULAR those certain pa rcels or tracts of lands and premises sit uate, lying and be- ing in the Town of rlewcastle, Regional -Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario and being composed of: FIRSTLY: AIl of Victoria Street, lying between Bocks F and G, according to C.G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village 0f Orono more partlcularly designated as Parts Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) according to Pian 1OR-1042 depositied in the Lard Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (#10) on November 13, 1979. SECONDLY: ail that portion of an unnamed street easterly adjacent to Block F, Victoria'Street andi Block G, ail according to G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono, more particularly designated as Parts Four (4)ý, Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) accordlng to Plan 1OR-1042 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Divi- sion of Newcastle (#10) on November 13, 1979. AND FURTHER TAKE NIOTICE THAT before pasa- ing the said by-law Council, on a Committee of Council shaîl hear in person, or by his counsel, solýicitor or agent, any person who dlaims that his land Mill be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard. Dated at the Town of Newc-astle, this 9th day of December 1982 4 David W, Qakes, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvifle, Ontario. Date of First Pubication: December 15, 1982. Date of Seconid Publication: December 22, 1982. Date of Third Publication: December 29, 1982, Date of Fourth Publication: Jamuary 5, 1983. Our File: 16.7.116. I ques. SPORTS PETROLON'SSLICK 50 FII-LS THE NEED Reduces Friction and Drag improýves Lubricat!on, ReducesOperating empera.tures Ipoe efrac Reduces VWear increases Horsepower Reduces 0GsmtO n increases Gas rileage GuARANTEED IMPRQVED PERFORMANCE Or Vour Money Back ONE TIME INVESTMENT Contact DARREL E. DEVOLIN ORONO 1 r