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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1984, p. 1

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Promotîng Mini-Departmnent Store in Orono Partners expanding in Orono to open new sales centre The former Armstrong block on the east side of the Orono business section recently purchased by the Partner famnily is now being extensively renovated to in- itially accommodate a new mnini departmient store and expanded offices a ndc workshop for Partner Pluma- bing, Heating and Electr-ic. In speaking with Harvey Partiler, he points to expan- ding facilities for the plumb- ing, heating and lectrical operation whicb is to be ac- commodated in the north store of the now Partner block. The store will provide facilities for, a showroomt and office with ýarPeted flooring and with a new interior decor. Partner will display complete bathroom units as well as heating units in the showroomn and intends to open a Do-It-Yourself sales departm-ent for plu.mbing and heating. Harvey states they will be able to provide comi- petent advice to the Do-lt- Yourselfer. An expanded workshop and sf orage area is being developed across the back of the building to accommodate this part of the plumbing and heating business. The new facility for Part- ner is to open in March and may be arranged to coincide with the March 28th opening of Jr's Country Store. in speaking with Harvey he said tbey had planned to put three apartments on the se- cond floor of the building but may now choose to uise the area for rentai office space. The area between the former Armstrong Store and the presenit Partner store is to be closed-in to create addi- tional commercial rentai space. This area mnay be join- ed with the present Partner offices. The front exterior of the building is also f0 undergo a facelift with the removal of the present vinyl sidinig. Wood or birch is expected as the replacement and this work will be undertaken early this year. The good news for downtown Orono these days are the developments on the east side of the business sec- tion where the Partner family are renovating the former Armstrong buildings to, create at least three new stores. Pîctured above is Jim Rombough and bis daughter Cindy of Pontypool who wîll be ope nin g a miini - department store of sorme 1200 square- fet in the former IGA store location under the name of JR's Country Store. Cindy will manage the Orono store while Mrs. Romibough. takes over management of their Pontypool store under the saine namne. The. Rom- boughs opened their JR Country Store in Pontypool in late 1983 and are now ex- panding their operation into the Orono business section. The Romboughs are aimn- ing for their opening on March 28th and presently are assembling stock for the new venture in Orono. Jim Romn- bougb states the renovations at the store are progressing quickly and that the store wýill be ready well in advance of their opening. Although plans are not final the store is expected to bc open Tuesays througb Sunday. Rombough points out they will be carrying a full Drama Workshop reh-earsing play Rehnearsals are underway for Bowmranville Drama Workshop's next production, -You Know I Can't Hear You Wben the Water's Run- ning! " whic-h will be sfaged at Bowmianville H-igb Scbool's Theatre on M'varch 1, 2, 3. Curtain 8:15. The play is an adit corn- edy ini four parts. Be prepared f0 meet sonie n teresting people. You will see a producer and -a writer of a brand new stage play wbo, are discussing what should or shouidn't be seen on stage. You will overbear a husband and wife discu ssin2 their mar- ried life while fhey are buying a new bed. You will be in- troduced to a mniddle-a-ged mnan with a wife and three children who realizes he can'f live in the past but Ujoebi! feel be fits into tbe present andci you will mneef MuLriel and Herbert, an old couple Who are living on their memrories. Tbose wvho bave affendied our performances in the past will recognize mnany oif those in the cast. John Amesbury, teacher at Clarke Higb School will play one of the starring rotes. i beard one of the club memnbers say that tbey tbought that this play was one of the best pînys we've donc yet. Come out on Marchi 1, 2, 3 and see if you agree. Just a remainder. The play is aimed at an adult audience. Tickets: phone 623-5416 and 987-5122. THIRD ANNUAL, KIDNEY F-OUNDA,ýTiON DANCE. The Ransberry family -are sponsoring the third annuial Kidniey Foundation dance wibwill be lheld ini tbe Newcastke Communiity Hall onSaudy Marcb 3rdi. IMuisic ýiI! bc roiddby the Tradesý,men, a five- piece counitry and weten nd contemiporary bnd.Fur- .iler inl'formatiion ,availabJc from Haroldt RansboerrY, 98-3-9597. lune of confectionary, which does allow a Sunday opening. The store will carry a full,, line of clotbing and footwear for the whole family in- cluding infants. It is to a have yarn and sewing department, haircare departmnent, sta- tionery and office supplies, houiseware, glassware, wicker, toys carded and box- ed, a children's book depart- ment, magazines, pocket- books, pet supplies, work gloves, coveraîls, overalîs, hats, socks and also have a pantybose and scick depart- Ment. The store will also handie a w,ýide variety of video movies and VCR machines, Coune. Cowman ready to turf Town's 1980 reassessment bid If would appear that if is within the realm of the possi- ble that an aftempt will be made to have the Town of Newcastle reconsider the re- assessment of property throughout tbe municipality. Re-assessmient hias been an issue tbroughotu the Town especially for thiose wvhose property assessment has been increased and somre property owners are quite bitter about the whole issue. In speaking with Countc. Cowman shte states shie has neyer had so rnany calîs on an issue as the present re- assessment and dlaims somie seventy percent oft property I And look who is appealing their assessnient! None other th-an, the Town of Newcastle. Somte years ago, sbortly after tbe formnation of the Town of* Newcast le, Town, counicil purchased a sm-ail inisul- brick bouse directly West of the Bowmnanville Towýn Hall witb the iew of expanding, offices wesferly fromi the Towni Hall. As we understand!, the former owNner was given the rigbit f0 live in the bouse rent free under the ternis of pur- chase but would.pick up the tab for the taxes. Along came re-assessmenf at 1980 market value with ail the blessings of the majority of council. The sbocker came when fhrougb lire-assessmnent the assessed market v alue for the insul-brick bouse xa.s raised from $37,000 to $77,000. The tenant lias objected and the Town of Newcalstle bas picked uip'tbe challenge and bas called for- re- assessmfent by the assessmienlt department. Anr interesting case to keep an eye on and also be- ing mindful that it is located in a commercial area. Orono Showcase Co-operative Tbe Orono Sbowcase Co-operafîve wbicb suffered soot damnage to thieir premises and articles in tbe Orono Ar- mouries 'buildinig short ly af'ter tbe new yvear are niow re- openinig tiswee-ed A newý furnace bias been inistalled along witb a general dlean-uip of thie building afier the mnisbap. New, ar- ticles are ailso on disp1lay at tllesowae Oronio Sbowcase opensidayFebruary 10]tb front 4:00 to q:00 p.mi., Saturday from 1 1:00 a.m. tlo 4:00 p.m. and on Sndyfromt 12 noon untîl4:0pm Pay a visit bere a new look exists. owners in bier ward have bad increcases in their property assessments. The re-assessmient issue was a topic of' Conversation at the general purpose mneeting on Monday witb Counc. Cowmian asking the treasurer if the council wvould now have the power to request recon- sidleration of re-assessmient. At the timne Katbryn Camp- bell did not knowx but would contact the assssment office. Tuesday morning Counc. Cowmiian w)as contacted and said tfie treasurer was iniform- ed thiat the Miite as as yet to signi the re-assessment ap- plication and that - in fact cnclcould appeal to the M1inister dihrectly to bave tbe re-assessmýnent repealed. When aske-d if she would support tbrowýinlg out re- assessmlen-t Counic. Cowmian said she wýould althougb it could develop into) a real ket- dIe of fisb. If there is support even for reconisideration it would bave to be undertaken this comning Mfonday ai cotucil meeting. Counic. Hamre notes that any change now could upsef those property owners wbo have biad their assessment reduced compared to that us- ed for the 1983 taxation year. Inifially Councs. Hamnre and Hobbs opposed re- assessmnent wbile Counic, Cowman was absent for the vote. Katbryn Camrpbell inform- ed counicil mnembers on, Mon- day thaf the unofficial list is expecfedi in her office on Wednesday and that the Pro- vin-cc iitfends f0gieofca approval tô tlie new assess- mient roîl on February l5tb. Camtpbell point-s ouf that the wascsssmenf deparf ment possibly wi!1 make somle cha-nges to the roll followving their open bue esin eld in Bomnille last mlonth. Jutbefore going- to press if is uni-dersýtood that Sam Cureatz bias bad conversa- tions witb tbe rMinisfry and thaf a group of citizens arecto appear beforec- ounicil on Monday mornoing opposing the new assmns Source separation for hoùsehold waste Members of the Town of Newcastle council received a report from their dtirector of public works as to source separaf ion of bousebold waste on Monday. The report was the result of a former resolution submiffed by Conce. Diane Hamre thiaf the Town look into source separation and that the department of public works investigate sucb a possibility and report f0 the general pur-, pose commitfee. Ron Dupuis, director of public works, informs coun- cil members thaf contact bas been made witbi various groups and agencies to assemble the relevant infor- mation on the subjiect. He stafes bis deparfmnenf is now in a position f0 report on thie metbo-ds, imnpacts and that recomendaionscould be made. The director theni points ont that as a resuIt of a recent meeting such action mnight be premature. Dupuis -notes the atten- dance at a meeting of Regional Pubic Works departmient heads of lakeshore niicipalities ;in- cluding the Region itself. The report states tbe Region is, itself', interested in helping f0 get the concept off the ground as is the Town of Newcastle. . The report points out that the City of Oshawa bas been approached on the subject by a private firm interested in embarking on a project in the city and that further the Town of Whifby is trying to arrange a presenfation by the firm operating the source separation project in Kit- chenier. The director states thaf with ail this acfivity i, is feh thaf a co-ordinated effort mlay b benfi il ad ithat followýinig futuremeeinsof those itee ; ubs;equtent r-epo3rts be fUuisýhed to tbeI Published Every Wednesday Oron Weely imes Wenesday, February 8, 1984 ~japp~ntng~.,,

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