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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Feb 1984, p. 9

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Scouts , Parents banquet The Orono Scouts, Beavers arnd Cubs and parents held a banquet ini the Orono Church base- ment last Saturday evening wvith about 150 in attendance. Camp Samnac provided a slide showý and Keith Stevenson, comedian and magician, entertainied to thec delightn of ail. Jamiue Cowani was presented the Junior Scout leaders award by District Comissioner Buton Watson. A most eni- ioyable outing for ail. 'Orono Figoure Skating competition winners Wrinners in Novice (First tre - gold; Candace Vey and Denise Bugden, right. Figure> - Kellie Peacock, cen- Orono WNeekly Thrns, Wednesday, February 29, 1984-9 St. Francis of Assiî Newvs St. Fr-ancis C-.W.L.. held their monthly meceting on Februkary 9li ith Presidçnit Pat Kidd presidinig. Date set fur the annual C.W.L. Bazaar is Saturiday, October 20th, Bea Malloy spoke on Youth Minîstry and shared her expIerienices int workinig with the Cor movemrent. Next meeting is March 8th and guest speaker will bie Mark Courtemranche, Central On- tario Representative of the Arthritis Society. Parish CoLuncil mlet on Suniday, February I9th, withj Mike Vogels in charge. The resource centre books are cataloguied and ready f'or bor- rowing. The following evenlts were outlinied - a couirse on, the sacrements to be offered in the six weeks of Lenit by Father Pat; Ecumllenical Lentçn Services in 01rono and Newcastle and theBomn ville Conicern For Life Bake Sale on Thiursdayl, March 1801 froml 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 P-111 in, the Bowmianville MaIl. A St. Patrick's dance is planned for NMarch l 7th in the Paish,ý Hall. Next meeing of Parish C(ounicil is April 29th at 7:00 p.m. Preparationis are tunderwayýt for those studenits whio wlbe celebrating First EuLcharlist, FirstRcniito and Coni- firmnation. There wýill be a meeting of the St. Vincent de Pal Socie- ty hisWetnesayFebruiary 29th at 7:00 p.mn. *Fathier Tomi Walsh is, still a Patient ini ICU at St. Josephi's Hospital iiPeterborough. The World Day of Prayer is this Friday, March 2nd(, With services Lat 2:00) p.m. in St. George's Churlitch, Newý,castle and 7:00) p.m. at st. Savîourf s;ChurhOrono. Me-morial Orono Novice tied in playdowns Now withi the playotf1 gamnes underway the Novice boys have won 2 and lost 2 of their 8 gamne series. The first gamne broughi Millbrook to Orono on February l8thi. This gamne gave uis our first loss of 3-1. It took uintil the third period for Orono to get on the score board witih a goal fromn J.P. Tousignant with assists going to Chris Yeo and Stephen Stadelmnann. Orono received the onily 2 penalties of this gaine going to Mike Doty for tripping and Camneron Tomnkins for slashing. This gaine was the closest score bet- ýween Millbrook and Orono Haines on one ajid Chris Yeo on the other. Adamn Wallace took the only Orono penalty for tripping. On Saturday, February 25th, Omiemee returned to Orono to take revenge by dowýning Orono 3-i in this gaine. Orono's only goal was scored by Stephien Stadelmann, assisted by Chris Yeo and John But- tigieg. As 1I missed this gamne I was told that the Orono boys played a very good game, with aIl the boys playing their positions very well and very liard. Il seasoni. So it looks like the On Sunday, February 26th, boys are starting to put their Or-ono travelled to Ops and sitilîs to g-ood use. came home with a 6-1 vic- tory. Orono goal scorers were On Tuesday, February Chris Yeo, unassisted; Bran- 2lst, Orono travelled to dont Ovenden, assisted by Omnemee for- their firsýt en- Chris Yeo and J.P. Tousig- couniter OwithOemee in the nant; Paul Flintoff, assisted playoffs. The result of this hy Stephen Shietler and Jeff gamne was a 4-3 victory* for Wilson; J:P. Tousignant, Orono. Thie boys played a assisted by Chris Yeo and very liard gamne against Stephen Stadelimann; Omnemee in this gamne as this Stephien Stadelmann with 2, is the first gaine that we beat assisted by Chris Yeo and this teami. Orono goal scorers J.P. Tousignant, and Chris were: Stephien Shetler wvith an Yeo and Brandon Ovenden assist for Adami Wallace, on the other. This game wvas Chris Yeo, assisted by J.P. played very wvell wt the boys Tousignant, Stephenl doing a lot of' passing which Stadelmann wýýith 2, assisted payed off. So you can see by J.P. Tousignant and Neil what wvill happen when we pull topether as a teamn. To appointmenlmjts made to stock yardfs Tw-,o individuals have been Van Camp, a hog producer, appointed miembers of the is the director fromn Durhami Ontario Stock Yards Board, east on thec board of' the on- effective January 1, 1984, tai io Federation of AgLriculture and Food Agr-icuLlture. Mlinister Dennis Timibrell ant- The seven-mlember nouinced today. stockyard.s board administers David Bradley of Pain- file Ontario Stock Yards at court and Merrill Van camp Keele Street and St. Clair of Blackstock have beeni ap- Aveue in Toronto which an- pointed for three years. nually handles over one Bradley is one of the larger million livestock transac- caittefeeders ini Kent county. tions. Hospital gets the Winiers in the Orono tions (Intermediate Dance) - Aad DtoieKargen Griso Figure Skating Club competi- Silver Award to Candace Vey Aad Kiten Hare a io Winners 'in the Orono (Prelim-inary Dance) - Silver and Shannon MacGr-egor;-l Skating club competitions Awýard o lio n Cochrane Gold Award to Ashley Buir- nham and Tani Osinoncd. 'good word' from Ministry Mr. FHairryLocke, (Chair- man of the Board of Direc- tors Of (tie Memnoriai Hospital, Bowmanvmille, Oni- tario is pleased to announice that The Hionourable, Keîth Norton, Miniister- of Health for the Province of Ontario, has giveni formnai approvai and firm commiiitmnent to the H-ospital's Redevelopmenti and Building Programn. This approval letter commiiits the M/iniistr-y of Heaith (o a $3 million grant and allowvs the Hospital to proceed to detail- e d dr-awings; and specification deveiopinent. J. Bruice Bateman & Associates, Toronto110Architects, will be providinig the necessary ar- chitecturial/eng-iiertinig work in concert waih local Hospital officiais. This process is ex- pected to take approximiately nine monthis, followýing wýhichi the major construction pro- cess Cani begin. "This hias beeni a long, ar- duous undert(ak in[I enating fromi the fir1-e disaster of 1980", said Mr. Locke. liwve, e said, "the Officiai receipt of' the a pp ro va) for- th mri)aj or un rder tak inrg seemns inow to make it ail wthwie. he Honourable Keith Norton, in his letter-, commends thie Hospital tforlits "owr Ilhining" plans and pro- griams wvhich will benefit r-esidenits of thre service area f'or years to cornle. MIr. Locke wshs o ex- tend appreciation to the manyri% supporters of our need, (lie District Health Counicil. and cespeciallyv Mi. Sami Cureatz, Our MPPwho wokddiIijgenity and hard, behind the Scelles to expedlite agreements that eventuaily cuinated in this, finial aip-e. proval. "Sam-'sý patience and subtle strateg-ies did a great deal to bring our proposai to fition," saidM. Locke. A comiplete report is nlow beingp developed that \wiII outine for general public interest the necessary wvork to be under- taken over thle next three years and the services, pro- gramns, etc., thiat will be made available to the area residents thfro0ugh-Ilthel c Memor ial Hospital, Bowmanv.ille as itS coniniunity hieaith centre. i i i i Manufacturer's Clearance Sale of Furniture Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Etc. Open Fr., March 2 - 4 - 9 p.m. Sat., March 3 - 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CURVPLY, North Plant Hwy. 115 at Mill Street East, Orono

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