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Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1984, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wediîesdaý, May 911, 1984 Education Week in ',The OId Fashion Way" oui]TUARY William Lawrence Greenwood Grade 4 wecre u in for ce Willard, Sbean Kennedy Elaine Beier, Kevîn Scoît, Tomkins, Christa Clapdýorp, ta celebrate the days of years (left) Jimmy Partner MelanieC -ameron Esler and andrea Karrie Forrester and Vicky, gone by. Pictured above are: Rypstra, Leslie Plazek, LeVac, (lefi) Scott Hall, Power. (from top down) Matthew Shellie Nowak, Amnber Peat, Shane Gylytiuk, Grant The Orono Public School box social on Friday along everyone as they came in at- Grade 5 students (left to teachers -and students com- with other activities relating tire realting ta their grand- right) David Stender, Kristi pleted their Education week ta the pioneer days. parents. Sanders, Tami Osmond and activities with a noon hour It was also dress-up day for Pictured above are a few of Jason Major. Outrach roupt() andicapped Nurse P.T.A.G. will be havng a guest speaker at Kirby Centennial P.S. on May l6th at 7:45 p.m. Johanna Ricketts and friend from the"Outreach Group". The topic of discussion wil be "street-proofing your child" - prevention of sexual assault on children ý- concern for the safety of children - dealing with sexual assault bath by strangers and people who the children know. How ta discuss Ibis with your child. How ta deal wth the situa- tion if it bhas already happen- ed. .Please plan ta attend a most important evening, dealing wth facîs to help you and your child witb Ihese everyday occurrences. "'Horseless Carrnage Men" concert, May 1l13th On Sunday, May l3th, Newcastle and District Concert Series Organization presents the "Horseless Carniage Men" Barbershop Chorus. The concert is being-held in the Newcastle Community Hall starting at 7:30 p.m. Rushi seats for aduits $5.00, for students $3.00. alofSubscriptions f'or the next series of four concerts in the ;Iof1984 and spring of 1985 will be available at this last con- cert of the present series for $20.00 for aduits and $ 10.00 for students. If the response warrants it, other concerts will be ad- ded. -wins Suit Nel-Gor Nursing Home in Newcastle Village says il will appeal a landmark ruling in- volving discrimination in hir- ing the handicapped. The owners have been ordered ta offer Cindy Cameron, 19, of Newcastle, the next nursing job that becomnes available at the Nur- sing Home. Labor Board Hearing Chairman, Peter Cumming, also ordered the Nursing Home ta pay Cameron $4,55 1.00 in losI salary, general damages and i nTlhe r&srision is the first lot ere.L The decision is the firsi made under the new Ontaria Human Righîs Codes aimed ai protecting the handica~p- ped from job discrimination. Cindy Ca meron bas a deformed left hand of which the middle lhree fingers are not fully developed. Cameron states ber hand is fully functional. The chairman of t he bo ar d said he was satisfied Riley and Marlene Nelson, owýnets of Nel-Gor, made thecir deci- sian flot ta hire Camieroni honestly and without malice However, be said, thie dci- sion was made withouî giving enough weigbt ta Cameron's own opinion that she could do the job and those of ber doctor, who supporîedi Cameron's cdaim. The owners state îhey feared the Home could be held legally responisible if' Cameron were 10 drop- a pa- tient because of ber han- dîcap. William i 1a\wîuce (,î cci Wood, ai llong 'ILresident of, Clarke To (-, ip, a.ssed a\wy()on April 5, 1984 ai Bowanviýiiille Memiorial Hospital aller a courageous balle agan i caner. Son oi> ihe laie William iarid lorenýce Grecnwood, lie was born at Kirby on Jiinc 10, 1912. Hle moved swithhbis pareniîs b Orono and later io the Sixîh Line of- Clarke. Thiere he began what proved to be a lifelong career in far- ming. On Decemnber 5, 1942 he married Gladys and îhey con- tinuied ta reside on the Sixth Line until Novemiber 1983 whien they moved ta Station Sitreet, Orono., H-e was a-memnher of' Ken- dal L.O.L. and Kenidal United Churehi. lHe was a stogbeliever in thie impor- tance of eommity spirit.v One way he demionstrated tbis was through his interesi in education. For a number St. Francis of Assîsi News On Suniilday, ayfilI, at 11 :00 a.mn. EuIcharliSithe newIlCý ex\ecuive of'theic.(W.L. was installedI. Followýing thle Eui- charisi a delicious breakfast was prepared and served bymien of' the Parishi. The new Pr esidLenILt, Josie Welteri, ýwelcomed the members and guests, and presenîed the Pasîi President's pin ta Pat Kidd. A chieque for the building fund \vas presented ta Fatheri Pat. The guest speaker was Sister Mý,arg Shea who spoke ont 'Today's Role of WVonr in the Cilurch(J and Societyý'. Parish Counicil met on April 291h with chairperson Mike Vogels in charge. Highlighits of the variousý committee reports are as follows. The Lenten and Easter srie were well ai- tended and appreciation w\as expressed [o [tie CW..for foesandrfesmns Twenityn lewvoILunîeers have offered iheir serviýces as readers and Eucharistie Ministers. Two new challices () yeais lie was a tusoea ihe local sehool board, ithen WI ibe Clarke Townsýhip Scîtool Area Board and laIe!r the Northumberland and Durham Board of Educat ion. An av id conversai ionalisi and card player, in.his later year.s hie cnjye ese activities whihbis many lriends. L ef'i i1imourn bis passing are bjis wile, Gladys; sons Ralph of Kendal, Grant of BUr l ingl on, Brian of Kimberley, B.C .; daughîer Linda (Evans) of Kendal and five grandchildren.- He was predeceased by a sister, Velma Brown of St . Catberines. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saîurday, ApIril 70h. The serviceswere conducted by Rev. Wayne Wright and Rev. Donald Evans>. Interment was at Orono Cemneîery on April 24th. are being donaîed. 1Est im'ates are being prepared for roof repairs and a remiodelling of the east en- tranice ta the church and hall. The Youîh Group is plann- ing a danice for July 71h and thle CP1A a book fair on May 101h l. The C. W. L. is sponsor- ing a Seniior Ciîizen's Day on May 141 h. May 6[h la the 131h is Pro- Life Week in Durht'nt Region and acivýities supportinig Pro- Life are planned. A courise on sexuality and Chirisîianiiy is la be given at St. Fr ancis in the faîl. St. Vincent de Paul Society contiies its good work and representatives visited the classrooms in St. Francis Sehool It explain the wýork of Ibis socieîy. A playý and Easierci-ards made by the children were presented ta local nrighomes. Eleciný for Parish Coun- cil are ini June and three replacemenCjts, are necessary. More about Ibis by the iinmiaing committee will appear ini the bulletin. The annual Parish Picnic is Juily 8tb. Nexi Parish Council meeting is Sunday, June lOth at 8:00 p.m. TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the supply and delivery of the equipment listed below, addressed ta the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6, will be receiv- ed in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained tram the Purchasing Office at the above add ress. Tender No. T84-10O- ONE (1) H.D. SIDE MOUNT FLAIL MOWER Closing Time & Date: 12:00 noon, (Local Time), WVednesday, May 30, 1984. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Mr. D.M. Homneniuk. ,P #M5 Purchasinig and Supply Agent lelephorte (416) 623-3379 Ext. 67 Date of Publication: May 9, 1984 PurchasEOrder N AIQ03 speak -at Kirby,-PTA

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