Taking Part in Appreciation Hour Taking part in thie Clarke week were (left to tight) Mr. newcastle Board of educa- Pamn Yeomians and Mr. J. High Schuol Co-op Educa- Sifton, Director of Education tion, Duffy Hamre, chairman Taylor, Principal at Clarke tion Appreciation Hour last for the Northumberland and for the hour, Co-op student, High Schiool. 5~y Chris Hooper Published Every Wednesday Starting Tuesday, May 29th the Tow,ýn of Newcastle firefighters wili begin visiting homes as a part of their first home fire prevention pro- grain. Fire trucks, mannied by a crew of firefighiters wiIl be driven through r-esidiential areas stopping at each home. They wvill ask perm-ission to inspect the premises and offer advice or dJiscuýss fire preven,- tion miethods ,withi residents. The Newcastle Village Post Office wilI be one of the stop- over points this year for the annual Smith Falls Stage Coach run. The Stagecoach wich starts in Ottawa and passes along the lakeshore com- mnunities will calil into the Newcastle Post Office on June Ist at 2:30 p.mi. where 500 pieces of mail will be hand stamped before the- Stagecoacb moves off to its final destination point in Toronto. The Stagecoach run is a prelude to the aniual- Smith The program wýill be con- ducted on Tuesday, 9:100 a.mi. to 12:00 p.in., Wedniesdays, 1:00 pi.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The purpose of this pro- gram) is to assist tlle hious"ehldcer in fire preven- tion practices, identify poteni- tial f'ire bazard.s in the base- ment and garage area and give Out fire emergecncy fine stickerS. Falls Settlers Days festivities ~.hicli are held June 29tb to July lst. The Stagecoach is a- replica, designed after the original coach, honse drawn, dhat at one time ranî dajil bet- ween Perth and Brockville passing through Smnith Falls. it was bit locally in Smith Falls frdm m rodels of the original mud coach and is an example of' fine craftsman- ship and represents the formi of communication and transportation existing in the Plan Darington Nuclear protest A group calling itself the Cmag for a Nuclear- Free Ontarlo plan a cWi disoediece pcocestatithe Da- ington Nuclear Gnea ingSation in tie Ton o New.cas- A. The prtemSi called for Monday, June 1lltb. RESULTS 0F TOWN HALL EUCHRE MAayý 9/84 Ethel Goble - 91; Hilda Caswell - 90; Francis Thompson - 87; John Lowery - 85; AHeleeuner - 84; Lowv - Hehna Vagg; Draws - Mrsý. NMorgan and Bey Wakcfield. Nexi euchre May 23, 1984 at 8:00 p.m.. Clarke Museum opens to by Chris Hooper The Clarke Towýnship Museumn and Archives, located above thie Clarke Library at the corner of Church and Centre Streets in Orono, opened for a new sýeason on Saturday, May 1901. 11t\?il]lremlain open tuntil October 7th. One mnay visit Tuesdays ithrough Fridays 1:00 - 5:00 p.mi. and Satur- days and Sundays 2:00 - 5:00 p. M. The cxhibits such as a Pioneer Cabin Interior, Comn- munri y N, Developmnienti, Seasonal Activities ai.d Clothing, are on area history dating fromn 1800 to 1918. There is also a Hands-On Ac- tivity Room for children. T his room p ro v ides childreni with otd tools (domestic and business) which they cari îouch and handie. An old typewriter and stamp pad were the favourites last year. Contained in the Archives are census and newspaper microfilm for Clarke and some othier Durham County Towniships. Aiso, there are file cards of births, deaths, mnarniages, relocation as Well as data from newspapers and various other, archivaI materials available. Appoint- ments must be made before to gain access to the Ar- chives. A strawberry social is being. held by the Msu board on June 23id on the lawns of Clarke Lbarw;îh the Clank1e Higb ch lBand and ajiplyof iantique, cars. Alo assýociated wvith the Muýseum is a phowography ones Peserve Clanke Tonhpin Pîogýraphs" Tlle muen so e con- tacted fr1n-rmtincon- Aý)nother 1remliii rof ihe p1ast,,iThe Kirb)v School public House Exhîbît Gallery, cani be found on Highiway 35-115 (Continued page 2) A ms reieandex celiln ispayo wodci- i ng was ehi ', i thene cent Onono TwîHall Spring, Art Show by Jeff Grieer ofî Oron.o who i s sbown abov)e Co-op Education honour participants by Chris Hooper Clarke High School has The University of Toronto almiost comipleted another and Ms. McCaw at Canlet-on uccessfulyyear with their University in Ottawa. The Co-operative Eduication Pro- SUCcss of the Clarke pro- grammife. gramme is attributed to Mrs. The programmec, headed Nichols and hier assistants. by Mrs. Nichiols aicsted by At the start of this school Mr. Vickery and Ms. McCaw year, transportation wasa began in 1974 and this year problemn due to the rural loca- alonie 217 studients areivo- tion of Clarkec Hi.gh School. ed in the Co-op programme The problemn was overcomie from Clarke. with thec Newcastle and Nor- MIr s. Nichols is also thumrerland Board of Educa- secretary and newsletter tion providing funding along editor f'or the Ontario Co- wîth addition financial sup- operative Edutcation Associa- port from the studcents. tion at thec provincial level The Co-op programme is and bias been asked to teach designed to give the students Co-op Edcuation maniage- actual on-the-job training, ment at flhe Faculty of Educa- buit also to provide them witli tion this July. At flhe sanie a glimpse of what life might timie Mr. Vickery will be tak- be tike after their schooling is ing the management course at (Continued page 2) Conference rejects- homosexual issue The Bay of Quinte Con- ference meeting in Belleville rejected by a narrow niar-gin the national report of the United Church wvhich would have permnitted the ordination and commiissioninig of self- declared lbomosexuals. It also rejected further study of the current report but voted 80 percent in favor of a new church-wide study of the saine issue, provided that any newý task 'force ap- pointed was representative of the United Church both w'iîtu ls ood cr , o Greai ýfBIlueHeronl. bis ~ \ exîbts ich included and oie Bjie Hro georgraphically and theologically. Many- delegates voting against the current national report emnphasized that they were accepting of persons, whose orientation was homnosexual while opposed to themn being ordained or com- mîssioned by the United Church. Opinions voîced at the microphones showed a widie variety of viewpoints. Somne spoke of homosýexuality as a - (Coninued page 3) O)\cr 350 mere in atten- daiice:v ait eshw \hicb in- cludedsoe in1 pecsofart wil hl a wide 1i ange of sub Ijecîs, Aldso a 1 o11 inresing S;Lex- To conduet home fire prevention visits Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23, 1984 Stage Coach to p ay Post Office visit mý 0 n le a ýg is h it is i