- r ~ 5WJ1 Iw,.Jr ~ UU.Jr.rrr..rM..J.IrV ~, .L flN t~~tNW!W t-t ________ Agri-Crew at work in orchard the Durham Agr-crew Iast week at the farm of Mr. Robert Hendry on Conces- sion Street in.- Darlington Township were hard at work in the orchard. From the Dim and, Distant Past JuRy 7, 1938 Neya Rose Raîney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey of Orono and Paul C. Snodgrass were mar- ried on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Hoar were the on- ly attendants. The Wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's parents. Social gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Watson this Week in honour of Miss Archer, a popular teacher in this sec- tion. Mr. H.N. Scott, chair- man, asked Archie Watson to read the address. Miss Ber- nîce Colville presented Miss Archer with a ring and Jack Colville presented her with a picture. A little music was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rowe last Wednesday when Mrs. W.C. Lynch and pupils gathered there. Piano solos Were played by Tommy Coatham, Howard Coatham, Armand HollingWorth, Jean Patterson, Violet Holi- ingsworth, Marjorie McLaren and Kathleen Simp- son. The Annual District Orange Church Service and parade of Clarke District at- tended divine service in Park St. United Church last Sun- day evening. The Kendal Fife and Drum Band hecaded the parade with Wor. Bro. T.A. Reid as District Marshall. Rev. Bro. S. Littlewood gave an excellant sermon and the maie quartette of Messrs. Allen, Sutton, Reid, and Porter did a number accom- panied by Mrs. Sandercock on organ. Friday ev.ening at Orono United Church, the com- munity Welcofned the new minister, Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long and their three children, Phîllip, Clifford and Joyce. The choir sang a selection under the direction of Mrs. Workman, the organist of the church folIo W- ed by a delîcious lunch served by Mrs. M. Tamblyn, Mrs. Rolph, Mrs. Hooey and Mrs. Allen. A miscellaneous shoiver was held in ho>Tour of Miss Jane Bosgraaf, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Keith McDonald. Assisting were Mrs. Beauchamp, Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Tolmie. Master Tommie McDonald and Miss Sharon Hardy. dressed as bride and groom and presented Jane with a basket of gifts. Congratulations to Jimmy Wilson of Kirby Wh>o received honours on his Grade 2 Piano examination. He is a pupil of Stella Carson. Diane Gilbart also passed her Grade 3 piano examination with honours. Mr. and Mrs. John Stapleton announce the engagement of their daughter Merle Darlene to Mr. Jerry Dost of Newcastle, Ontario. The marriage'will take place in July. Major Lpae problems at Oshawa hospîta I by Chris Hooper Oshawia General Hospital is experiencing major space problems and David Home, OGH President, said con- sultants have been commis- sioned to develop a plan for reorganization at the hospital. If the existing 595- bed building is not assessed as adequate then expansion may be considered., But the money issue must also be considered. One On- tario hospital has already cut dow'n on costs by closing a Ward but Home says OGH has not been forced to con- sider that alternative even though il is in the same finan- cial state as ail hospitals in Ontario. Pictured above arc Steve Flemming, co-oirdinator, Dave West,Bob DeWolde, Lynn McLaughlin and Lînda Mostert along with orchard owner, Robert Hendry. Agri-Crew -working at local orchard by Chris Hooper Many local farmers are get- ting that extra help needed during the summer months by hiring an Agricre,. These crews are comaprised of four students betWeen the ages of 15 and 24 Who are capable of doingý various types of farm work and have had rural work experience.' Agricrew' is an Experience '84 Programme designed andl organized by the Ontario' Ministry of Agriculture and Food and funded by the On- tario Youth Secretariat. The programme is now in it's seventh year of operation. It was started in 1978 in the Bruce, Grey, Middlesex, Ox- frHaldimand-Norfolk, Stormont and Niagara regions. Recause response to the programme was su great, it was expanded to include the entire province with the exception of North Western Ontario. This summer, Agricrewv will employ three ad- ministrators Who wfilIdirect the programme during the summer mnonths and keep the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Youth Secretariat up to date on pro- gress. Approximately tw'enty-six co-ordinators and three dual. co-ordinators will be on the job. The co-ordinators are responsible for screening-, in- terviewing and hiring crew members, organizing orienta- tion sessions and arranging work agreements with the farmers. The actual crew is made up of one foreman and three crew members..The foremnan muust undergothree days of training beforé work has begun and are responsible'for the transportation of their crew on a daily basis and pro- viding leadership for the crew. Each team works eight hours a day. five days a week providing the Weather is good and work is available. The programme runs for eight weeks commencing June 25 and finishing on August 24. Both full time and part time farmers, plus Agricultural Societies and Falr Boards, may hire the crew on a daily basis up to a maximum of five days. The cost to the farmer is $0.90 a day. Crew members Work for minimum wage with the foreman receiving a slightly higher wage. In 1982, crew policy was altered slightly When a teamn in the Oxford County employed a. mentally han- <dicapped crexv member. The pilot project Was successful and there are approximately ten Special Crews now work- ing acr oss the province. On Friday, a crew working ouf of the Hampton office were in the employ of Mr. Robert Hendry whose or- chard is located just east of Bowmanville. This team covers the- Durham East region and will be wvorking in the Bowmnanville area for the duration of the summer. Crew members include: Foreman, Lynn McLaugýhlin of Nestleton, Dave West of Oshawa, Bob deWolde of Courtice and Linda Mostert of Newcastle. Co-ordinator of the group, Steve, Fleming also oversees two teamis operating in the Northumberland Region and works out of the Brighton of- fice. Steve, whio is originally fromn Tweed, Ontario will be entering his fourth year at the University of Guelph in the faîl and is wvorking towards his B.A. in Science and Agriculture. This is his first year in the Agricrew pro- gramme and he sees it as a very worthwhile experience. The Durham East crew is almost booked solid for the summer but there is still a few openings left in thieir schedule. A Cobourg crLýw working in Clarke and Hope~ Townships do not have a ful schedule and more booKings would be welcomed. Agricrews are hired out on a first come, first serve basis s0 if you would like to employ a student crew this summer, Co-ordinator Steve Fleming's office nutmber is 613-475-1630. Orono Weely Timnes, Wedinesday, .Iuly 11, 1984-5 Classified Ads (Continued from page 7) ______________CAREER TRAIN1N(i Free 128 page Career Giuide showýs hcro tram àt home for'205 top paying full and parttime jobs. Granton finstittite 265A. Adelaide Street West Toronto. Cali (416) 977-3929 today. n/c EMPLOYMIENT OPPORTUNITY .Agricultural Work Training Opport'unities Abroad. Must have two year practical experience, be single and 19-28 years. European, Ausîralian, New Zealand host ramifies. International Agricultural Ex- change Association (403) 244-1814. 1984 Australian and New Zealand deadline, July 16. n/c FOR SALE You, a cool drink, and a ham mock. Enjoy summyer in our Iuxury HAM- MOC1< and hand made casual fumnte. Wýaterproof, fully guaranteed. Sitting Pretty, R. R. 4, Lanark, Ontario K0G IJKO (613) 259-3033. Hot days are coming. n/c Airtight Cookstove large firebox holds fire twenty-four hours. Cook your meals and heat your home, Information $1.W0. Suppertime Stoves Ltd., R. R. 4, Aylmer, Ontario, N5H 2R3. n/c Steel buildings Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 percent discounts widîhs 20' to 120' any length. Limited quantities - Act now - SAVE cal toîl free 1-800-461-7689. n/c Factory over-run - Four aIl steel Quonset buildings now available to wond building prices. 30 years in building business. Buildings from 26' 10 50' wide. Serious only caîl (416) 486-1807, Extension 14. n/c COMING EVENTS $ 10,000 second income. Be a part lime representalive selling and ren- ting our lrieof ligh qualîy distillera for purifying drinking waler in the homne, office and faclory. Become independent, be your own boss in a growing- industry. Excellent poasibility of becoming full-time area distributor. Contact us today for more information. Waler Purity Systems, 537 Brant St., Burlinglon, L7R 206. n/c PERSONAL Meet your match. for ail ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious t0 meel you. Prestige Acquaintances. CaIl toîl free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: Noon 10 8 p.m. n/c Oriental women seek lilerate, courteous correspondence with Cana- dians for language practice, friendship or cultural exchange. Cherry Bîossoms, Box 1021 AP Honokaa, Hawai ,i, 96727, n/c ANTIQUE SALE 33 ANTIQUE MARKET Sundays, Carrying Place, South of Trenton, 4 Kilometers South of 401, Exil Wooler Rd. South to, No. 33, South of Murray Canal, 1.n/c AUCTION SALE MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, Lindsay. Every Thursday night household, antiques, bools, farm machinery, equipmienî wanîed. (705) 324-7283. n/c SUMMER RECREATION FORTY ACRES of FAMILY FUN, Storyîand, near Renfrew, On- tario. Pick up our brochure aI your local Tourist Information office or write R.R. 5, Renfrew K7V 3Z8. (613) 432-5275. n/c __COMING EVENTS Napanee ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE. Buy and SelI, Napanee District Secondary School, Napanee, Ontario. JuIy 19th - Noont 10 9 p.m.; July 20 - Noon 10 9 p.m.; July 21 - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Furniture, Glass, Jewellery, Silverware, musical instruments, books and prinîs, china. In- formation (416) 623-3074. Admission $1.00. n/c CAREER TRAINING Eastern Ontario SCHOOL 0F TRUCKING. Traclor Trailer and dump truck tralning. Cel or Write P.O. Box 460, Almonte, Ontario. KOA 1AO (613) 256-2693. n/c FOR SALE FARMERS; Sprayed Urethene insolation. Qualily work at Western Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agricsiâtural retrofit since 1975. Caîl Warmîh Insulation, (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario. K7H 3G1. CHAROLAIS BULLS PUREBRED full French and Polled. Indux, 121-139 listed herd guaranteed. 18 months old. H4ARRISON CHAR HAVEN, Roslin, Ontario (near Belleville) (613) 477-2004. n/c MANGAR'S GARAGE 17,M111 St., ORONO 0 General Repairs on ail Makes Cars, TruckS, Buses, tractars Bath Foreign and Domstic 0 Radiator and Air Conditioning Service " Propane Conversion " Safety Inspection Station on ail gas and Propane vehicies including Dump Trucks and School Buses " Free Towing - Engin. & Transmission jobs " Lite- Tme Warrant y on Muffier, Shock jobs Licence: Class -A, B, H, P3, S6A, S6B, Pro-