New location for Apple Blossor F/o wer Shop Storm destroys some local farm crops I PANCAKE BREAKFAST amd RETIREMEN F PART ThecOrono [1Fi'iher Ascitinhase nmade fin al plans, Iohold Ithe i l ancke Beaft dIllbe n fire hall11on Manin Sireet No Mh oni h miini ng of Sepiember th. 1The men starit seins uc i7 uni.and acn- Qiue until aIlsersed. The Firefghîers hase also panned a r ciiiemeni parti for former Oroîro 1E11,e Chief', Ross erce Ilie pari sis bin hefdn in heOrono Aeaand C omiiniin cîî On Sepîeinher i21,1. A dinner nd 1dance hbas beniiiatian- cd and tcesarcs ilbl frm an iofic r rn fireihes FIDDLERS, WOOI)SMEN, DANCERS, SN(GERS The Orono Fait- beingstaged in the Village the first part of Sepembr, as xtnded it- prograîn rot in- didiual competitions 10 not onliiy icuefiddfers, men ofsrntborih TgofWrand [the Fair Queen con- tecst, but also break dincers, irbndand tr eemen emsin woodsaig -1blewood sauing cmeîini a new esentibtis year as is break dancing and air band compeîiîîons. The wood awing ontes is being held Saîuday at 6:00pin. requirîg au n nt> fee of S 10.00 f or a îhree-man team and ui hipiize noney o F $50.,$3000 and $2000. The fi rstfîv e îeams tio enter uill be acceped. Furîher detail fromAýleck Moffa1t. 983-535K. Break daning and air biand competit ions, are furiher eventshbing sae hsya ihtecmeiin en beld Thursday eeniing commencuming ai 6:30 p.m. Gel the group togeher and gel iCo the aui. Furîher details) andl entry formm Silble f'om CarMof Baiec. ùîoîr thle Orono Wekly imesnc. Antother event in wbich oclsmai compete on Thurs- day evening is the D)emiolitioni Derby wuhich, last year, was a real :rowd pleser.Furter i- io anld enîry may be made by contacting Art Roinson, 416-576-2160. The Adul Anmateur Talentcontent iA but another evenlt open to [thcublc. his cointesIis bein1g held iFi day evening on the A ai agecm nigat 8:0 p1.m1. rthurinfrain!via lromn the fair secretary, Ane Ayre, 983-9491. In ail, there is a lot of acîýivtîyi at the fair that one with mefort]]of talent imay enternin, Iprovudii ineterain- ment and psibyComiing up with some priïc lînoney. i mportant Turner be PM"' - D. Smith' The Hon.- David Smith, Minister of Tourism and Small Business, in addressing some îwo bundred attending the Liberal Barbeque lasi Wednesday evening, said it was important to have John Turner continue as Prime Minister of Canada. Smith statcd Turner not only b ad experience in government but also in tbe private sector wbich was so important. He said Turner was an bonest man. He said be bad first met Turner wben Turner was president-ot the Carletonr Liberal Club in 1963 and "we have been triends ever snce". Tbe guest speaker spokeý of Brian Mulroney, conservat1(ive leader, as being "glib" and Iras been very easy 'witb the words. Smith asked bis audience to look at the Liberal achievemenîs over the past ten years and ciîed the figbt to keep Quebec in Canada, the bringing of the Constitu- tion home t0 Canada and the passing of the Human Rigbîs legislation. He said it was a new era i Canada now as in the resl of the world. He said a lot of jobs; that were done by wonkers itbe paýst will be done in the neajr future by r&ootsand Iba[t Iis fact Smiîh said tbie govec*.rnen't cannot correct ail ibie ilîs by thmevsbut iblarthfe coun- ilry fmust look for hel-p from the private sco and from ani informied pulic. Hle said bç wvas speaking on bebaîf of Darce Campbell, Bruce Glass and Terry Kelly representing the liberals in local area (Continued page 2) i s Rise'$1000,00 at Orono Barbecue The Annual Beef Bar-B- Que held in the Orono Park was again blessed witb fine weather, and a large crowd to enjoy the Bar-B-Que. Mr. Bill Carmnan of Rolpb Hard- wýare don1ated a matcbing lounge and lawn chai r, whicb wýas wNon by Debbie Copiping of Orono. Barbara and Brunce Jenisen o f.Jensen's Nurseries donated two beautiful pottedplns wicb we\ýre \won tby John Mailler andil c awr1e nc:e Stpe.Ron V\hite proviîded, ibe background dinner music and P.A. facilities, and Sterl Mather was again on band t0 provide the expertise for the, fine ta.sîing r, oast beef. The commitîee would also like to îbank Mat & Shirley of Mom's Kiîchen for advanced ticket sales and Fred Storsbergan for bis meat slicer. The Town of Newcas- tle Parks crew for Al Ieir help at the Park, and ail of the volunteers m'ho belped prepare and serve the meal. There are several regulans who s;pent aIl dayý and ev ening at ibei Par k in prepar aiion for thie evn, as eIllwas tose m'Ilo lp[ed sieeand wîbt1 p eop)le like these, we wouIldno0t lbavebeen able 10 realize 5,0.0from Ibis venture. Tbank you aIl! Orono Arena Improvement & Projects Committee. A nother hefty serving of roast beef There is no way, one goes, ing plate of roasi beef., barbecue. hungry when (tieyattendithe 1T11C attendanMce \ i~ own issAIma Cuttell and annlual Orono Bcd Barbec Mewat ibisye)rolerast ohnReid, both of Ormo and Ibis year agin as ino ex- year. celebrated IbeirresCv ception. AoeRuss Mlajor A 1nmber 0f roasts wýcee irtbdays ai the event with ail serves,. Blaine MIoffati a heap, auctionied off following the siniging Happy Bnihday. T he vielous torm a week àgo Tuesday, that raged through NMetro Toronto was let in this area tu a somewhat lesser degree. The s torm brought high winds to tbe Orono area and hail north of the Village in a strip that passed [îhrough the Kirby area. Hail did some damage to the tobacco crop, a4pple and pear crops, as well as field crops especially oats and to a lesser degree corn and soya. beans. The winds' did more damnage than bail to tobacco west of orno but in Kendal tbe partially harvested tobac- co criop bas since been plow- ed under due to bail damage. 1There was considerable bail damage 10 the apple and PubIished Every Wednesday Oroo Wekl Tmes Weneday, Atguîst 22, 1984 p The APPle BlOSSOm owner Yvonne Maitland 1 Norm Allin was the winner toys by ARC Industries bas" Shoppe in Orono officially (left), Merle Gîlbati and Dini of the fresb flower arrange- been added as well as Folk openied thecir nlew sýpacious Scboi,,emaker. ment wbich was drawn on Art created by Joyce Rosseau loainon the wesî side of, Yvonne was well pleased Saturday. of Orono. Mint Street on Thursday wit-h the response to the Besides silk and fresb cul The new store provides, a monn.The ibbon for tbe openiing and in a short time flowers, potted, plants and new expansive setting for openrng w,ýas eut bhRgrna had presýented the one bun- ferns, tbe store carnies gifts of dsly swl salreae Concllr jae ame d red roses to the first to enter bronze, glass, poîîery and for floral arranging. alog0i11 asstnc1fo the store., china. A new fine of wooden I bapprui îg.. . . .............. - pear fruit on trees in the or- chard of Fred Obrist on the sixtb line of Clarke and in the area some fields of oats were stripped a good percentage of their heads. In speaking witb Ed Mor- ton on tbe sixth line be stated that th ere would be some bail damage t0 possibly some c:orn and soya beans but felt tha! the needed nain came at a lim-e when il would offset the hail damage. Some residents of the Kirby-Kendal area were fin- ding small pockets of bail on Wednesday morning. A hail storm last August did considerable damage west of Orono to the tobacco cr op causing upwards of $1 million in lost crops.