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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1984, p. 6

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6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August n. 1%04 TOP winners in Orono flower show Make plans well to see the Pope If you're one of the hun- dreds of thousands of people who are going to see Pope John. Paul Il next month, be sure you make your plans with a thought for com fort and safety. Tony Jenkinson of Toron- to, a volunteer with the St. Johni Ambulance Brigade says that for many people, it won 't be an outing of juist two or three hours. It could be 10 or 12 or 18, and you shouid go prepared. St. John Ambulance Brigade volunteers will be among the thousands of volunteers on hand wherever the Pope goes, to help look after the throngs who want to see him. In Ontario there wiii be about- 500 Brigade members involved ini Toron- to, Ottawa and Midland. They will be working under the direction of professional (Contmntd Pm8 Exhibits in the Orono Hor- ago. winner for the most points in dahlia, Carlos Tamblyn, ticultural Fiower show held Pictured above are the top the show and as well was show,ýed the best Peace Rose last Thursday evening in the winners in the show: Minnie presented the Canadian lm- and'the best Red Rose and basement of the Orono Zegers' basket of vegetables perial Bank of Commerce Mrs. Robinson hield the top United Church was above won the Judges Choice plaque, Hazel Stapleton honours for the besýt gad in that of last year but stili fail- award, Carol Mostert was the* showed the prize winning the show. ing some short of three years A Il the way from England Tiffany and Kaalay Turner tended the Orono Hor- members of the Orono Socie- of England, who have been ticultural Society fait flower ty. The two young girls made visiting with their grand- show last Thursday evening. the flight over from England parents, Kathy and Ken Mun- The Munckton's are unaccompanied. ckton, A.R. 2, Newcastle, at- With a much smailer atten- dance than usual at the Orono United Church hall, on Thursday, August 1l6th, the society presented a very attractive show of ftowers and vegetables.' Due to recent bad thunderstorms, the flower en- try wasdown somewhat, w ith considerable less glads and some other specimens. However the 'vegetable sec- tion w-as most attractive with good quality and quantity. One of the newer innova- tion this year, the "Judges choice", came from the vegetable section, a beautiful basket of mixed beggies,_ belonging to one of our ar- dent gardeners, Minnie Zegers. This award is sep arate from the "Best in Show" departments, and is one entry that in the judges opinion is outstanding. List of special awards:- I)Best Arrangement in show -Carol Mostert 2)Best Peace Rose-Carl Tamblyn 3)Best Red Rose-Carl Taniblyn 4)Best Giadiolus-Harvey Robinson 5)Best Daihia-Hazel Stapleton 6)Judges Choice-Minnie Zegers 7)Mlost points in Vegetable Section-Carol NMostert 8)Most points in Cut Flowers-Carl Tamblyn 9)Most points in Decorative- Carol Mostert IO)Most points in Entire Show-Carol Mostert 1Il)Most points in Novice Section-Bertha White Judges for the entire show -Mrs. Audrey Merklejohn and Mrs. J. McMullen, Toronto, Ontario. There were 224 entries with 24 exhibitors. Here are some of the winners: l)Dispiay of garden vegetables:-Minnie Zegers, Carol Mostert, Donna Hut- ton. 2)Tray of Pickling Vegetables:-Minnie Zegers, Bertha White, Carol Mostert. Decorative Sections: l)"From the Sea"-Lyn Har- rison, Isabelle Challice, Don- na Hutton, Carol Mostert. 2)"Gniarled Wood"-Carol MIostert, Donna Hutton, Is"abelle Chiallice,. 3)"Cl'ear & vin"-yi Har- rison, Minniie Zegers, Donna Huttoni, Carol Mlostert. 4) -'CI inib E vcr v Mou ntain'"'-Isabelle Challice, Yvonne Traffor d. 5)"Daffy Dalhias"-CairI Tamblyn, Isabelle Challice. 6)' Welcome Baby"--Jessica Mostert, Marion Easrabrook, Carol Mostert, Minnie Zegers. 7)"Kitchen Madniess"-C-arol Mostert, Lynin Harrison, Yvonne Trafford. 8)"An Apple a Day"-Yvonne Trafford, Donna Hutton 9)"Short & Swieet"-Carol Mostert, -Jessica Mostert, Donna Hutton, Minnie Zegers. 10)"The Vegetarian Way"-Jessica Mostert, Don- na Hutton. Speciai Award Winners in Window Box planters and hanging baskets. There were 24entiies in this competition. The Best Planter or Veran- dah Box:-l)StelIa Carson, 2)Edith Taylor, 3)Minnie Zegers, 4)Harvey Robinson. Best Hanging Baskets:-Bernice Moffat. Jack Moffat, Everett Stapleton. No entires in Window Boxes. Note from Judges:- In the opinion of the judges some entries designated as -Win- -dow Box" were not, and were judged as verandah boxes. According to dic- tionery, definition of a %vin- dow box is a box of growing plants, placed at or in a wýin- dow, in other words, anybox, regardiess of shape or form, that is not associated with a window, is not a window box. Judges for this competition-Ann Evans, Nellie and Cyril Baird. Vegetable Sections l)"Beans", yellow-Carol Mostert, Cor. Mostert, Jessica Mostert 2)"Beans", green-Jessica Mostert, Cor. Mostert, Ar-' nold Mostert 3)"Beets," -Bert ha White, Minnie Zegýers, Harvey Robinson, Doreen Lowery, Cor. Mostert, Carol Mostert, Arnold Mostert. (Two classes) 4)' 'Cabbage" -Carol Mostert, Lorne Bowins 5)' Carr-ots"-Jessica Mostert, Arnold Mlostert, Minnie Zegers, Cor. Mset Hazel Stapleton, Carol Mlostert, Marion Estabrook, Bertha White. (Twvo classes) -OrillHe Challice, Hazel Stapleýton, Evýerett Stapletoni Tambn,01rville Cha!llice 8)"Sweet Corn"-Hlar\vy Robinison, Carol MIostert 9)" Pepper" (swmeet)-Gordoll Atkins, Har vey Robinison, Marion Eastîabrook, Yvonne Traf- f'Or d l0)-Potatoýes" (wýhite)-Carl Tamblyni, Arniold Mostert, Cor. Mlostert, Jessica Miostert i l)"Potatoes" red-Cor. Mostert, Jessica Mostert, Carol NMostert 12) ' ' Tomotoes' -Carl Tamblyni, Minnie Zegers,_ Harv\ey Robinson 1 3) ' 'L arg es t Tomnotoes' -Har,,vyRobini- son, CarlTam1 y 14)"Zucchini"-Yvonne Traf- ford, Carl Tamblyni, Mininie Zegers' Special entertainmient at this event was provided by Yvonne Maitland, of the "Apple Blossom Shoppe". A very interesting demonstra- tion of corsage making, both in fresh flowers and silk. Much enjoyed by ail present. Our congratulations Once again on the new opening, Yvonne. We were pleased to nave memnbers of the O.S.C. display their articles. Orono Figure Skating Club Registration August 22 & 29 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Orono Arena Lobby Fees: CAN SKATE (Juniors) $75.00 CAN FIGURE SKATE and INTERMEDIATES $110.00 SENIORS $125.00 (Includes C.F.S.A. Fee> Partial Me mbership avaîlable to former Senior Club members. For infurrriatiorr uai Gail McKenzie 983-9542 ORONO MINOR Hockey Registration ORONO ARENA LOBBY Wednesday, August 22& Wednesday, August 29 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. TYKE, NOVICE, ATOM, PEEWEE, BANTAM $1 05.00 MIDGET and JIJVENiLE $120.00 Registration Fee covers 10 hours of' power skating plus a family pass until Feb. 1, '85 N,) post-dated cheques. No rebale on reqïstration afler liecember 1, 1984 except duc, to fljU ur (rnoving out ot the area. N., rebate as of Jan. 1, 1985 fof any reéson Hockey Registration 'Fee must be paid bcfoýrc anv player will be allowed oni the ice. AIl huýckeiy players must regis ter on above dates. Any hockey player not available o-n the above dates must register before ai the Arena. Failure fo do s,) rnay forfeit their chance to play this seaso)n. Hockey coa)ýches and managers inteiested in teams please cintact the Orono Amnateur Athletic Asociation ,n)i (r tefore the above dlaites Ôrono Amateur Athletic Asscociati0n Orono Horticulture flower show results

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