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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1984, p. 9

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Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, September 26,1984-9 ClassifilEhd Ads (Continued from page 11) ~'STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearance. Up b 40 perecent dis- coutiilswidths 30' to 120' any length. Lmîted quantities - Act N-,w Save. Cail toli free 1-800 461 7689. I HO-ME-SEWERS roadecn yojr tlbric selection & save money Sied-i tng collection offers wýorlýýdîde ashion fabrie selection. Inb: send $300 to PO. Box 1072. Postal Sn. A., Delta. lIC. V4M 3T2. I/ BALL JACKETS - $16 - up. Buy direct front the factory anîd save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Cal loil free I-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. AGRICIJLTLJRAL WORK TRAINING. AGRICULTURAL WORK TRAINING Opportunities Abroad. Must have îwo years practicalI experience, be single. European, Australian, New Zealand host famîfies. Write to International Agriculture Exchange Associaion, 1211 -1 11h Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3C OM5.ri/c COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE HOTELI FOR SALE, Souihiwestern, Manitoba. Clean Operai ion- Ex- cellent building L ,iing quariers. 1,200 population. Hunting, Fishing, GolfSpors, Swm 1î111Tuning ý700,000 plus. Additional information. Ca[[I- 0)5482081. For- Sale: GARAGE, Sales, loi 165 x 130. Garage approx. 34(1 sq. fi. Sel> vith/without equîpmient. Owner rtîrîng. Priîc negoîtable. (403) 523-4551 High Prairie, Ab. 11%VESIOC K SALE Naional Captal SINMMEN TAL SA\LF Ocither 7, 1984, 12 rouit, Hoh's Sale Arena.Aoi, Onu.otlerîîitg 64 lots- 4 bulîs, 14 sit. al p'airs, 38 bred fnals 8rpei lmle.Pre Sale [IltlihIl , îîIîs ,,ale Happy îitîr. Sale Da, hote(613) 828-758_w. IIiatk.sgisit littr tirina iitalle (c ihr8, '84. 1 p.iii. Kelso Saile slis Mfiii oit, 0 pOttI a t01iTI62 lotsi 1bull. I enibîsîr, 2 ç cas> t e air, 45 breýd lett3es I oitltaes. Pic-Sale Lunîtch , Il a rît.A ir caaîiges sd 1I11121lie itirinatioit sont et tfltc s ale iiasct 5 lraliscîrn-(lî,varcaî 1ssttr ettices[-id., 60)9- 3, Ase.N.. (algars, lla. 12E 212. (401)3>276-971'3 S HU '1.~OPPOR IlNITV $1100 SECOND lNCOMIl SA I igît iqualtty dsrcsands lilîci Tl,t fotr pîtri iig watcr itut r m oiteh.Ctit setu,îs t îay fliimîore intI irat înt Water Puiy S's cls 37 Bt .itiSt ret. Blitrlittgî ou. 0i hati rît R -i, (416) 639-0503it SALES -ýHEI.P Do mi Uhase al deîre to w (î)m ur raîng c aiprparoyuiîlor asîtt ing imanlagemient positio1 n 'in u ocaity itltiît - ronîhs. 1: YtîîîCati expeci1 10 esrn$18,00 10$20,(X)0 ir Ot[r l rii irst luth seat. 2: Guratesiticte, 10stan dscses)ailî1[,rsiew. 3: Ibrec. seeks traîning in school. 4: Traininig iihle fîeld sellirig and '.ervicing esîablish- esiaconî. uibe of legal age or over, GO orîenîed, ambiîiou,, spors inýiiidedl, bondable and own a reliabile car. Foir4Ue right person ibis wýi1li e a ifeime career opporîuncýit iîhan intrainlgroup of coni- panies. Cal for ani appoînimen t ffNeale, 10 p.mn.- 6 p.m. (416) 922-7992. s/c PERSONAI Ml 1YOU R \Au\ H.1Fr al, aes ait îd1uirattaslted. 1lîtousarîsisof membrs tîsuîts l m -11vit.Prestige Acqîtattîtaties. ('ailt li lice 1 1 LA NiA RR EI NE YR K SI 1t1E\LARINS. [11 taleretteoatttsrsa ui met snge add,$.51di.Dîinbî i rîi lsSettîe ak, Vilag Meshitdstte i. 3 1 Utts a iits , U titi 18 M ssî atga, 14X 2E6. 416)6,j 42 MIISC. 1XCPi IONAL OFFER imi (OD'S word we Iird the aiseitit i tîtr quetions and problems. l vou do tut possesa bible. we will sensi you one e ý[op n reýquesi , nt tît care tir obligatiti. "' 1lie I-ltE.Scrip- tirs'PO. Bris 677, Hawkesbury, Onîtat rî. K9A 3C8. t1s Hielp rcuîgnue Ont aiits 0111 sýiaîîdiîîg yiitiiig people; noriniae ýît merise todav witi qîalilies ti ait ONI ARIO JUNIOR lil/LZN 0F I HE YE1AR AWARD -ttatIbisitenspaper ti dettîis t ls' CAREER IRAININ(, Caer iii1iRU('1<1N(. l)nis crstiteeds. Nîs sftireuc tre it taiItir your Ciass 'A"'. Foi tîttet siets ssortai tMet rs In rlronit n 416) 251-9073'. Oîîawa (613) 523-3489. ri/ FRE Sv Spraxcd Ufr etliclite îtsîlattoit. Qîjalit s nik alt 'i s nt Ont aio nprce. (ertilicd ap 1strs perieiiced utn.tgr itttir aliterrît sceI 975 C ail anittih 1I isiatitn, (6l',) 267-6711, Bits4611. Pet tIr, (ii- i ari, K 7H 3G 1. i Au( f I(N SAILeS/FARM 1Fastersowtarrui atuicuecIERSEY PRODUCI ION SAt f. Mondsa. OLtober 1 /84 12 tuitr( ieter ille FatrgLroiittd. s ellîtuappt î's51)I l e.iJ siiunud sttuîuclsu-,s.IoitirAtucliotîîtSets ce, 613) 283-471311 h s 'ANI[QUF SHOW & SALEK ANTIQUE SHOW A\ND) SAI t Sepicîtier 28, 12-9 p.tr. Sepr. 29 129 iii. Sept. 30 1-5Il î.î. Nepeait Sptsinlcx, 17t01 uîirîiI.,Ne- peau . <htiar i.At iqtes.sîlist iituitalgia. Adrsitii u IS ll- qt1ities (416) 623-3074.,il e COMINC EVEN 15 t oidîtn's original DOlI1 SHOWý & SAL E, Octîrber 7, 1984. 10a.iii. fii 5 p.il.I amplighcr fluit. 591 WehiîgtsîîRîtad,. Londoun,.Otîlitir. Juisi t ofi'iIHnv. 41. Anti que, iniîderit, reprîndîtst it and iciiilestitbic dîtil s sud rel4utcd utcirs. uca rotit diis$1.501. ('iidrei 75' AI/C ION SALI Wàsyte Vaid 1laitr Iqi;itrsît,\ . 5No.6., sîr toi, 0iouîr,î tii rs, Septesîiber 29,18 .niu u. Apprnîsittarel . 75 tuas ioii , sras combties, plus a large s arîis utf*tew natd tîsesilatiniieqituîttiteiti. Sales field 4t lufi da, trf cacli mrîîîîlîI-tior mlucire utîltîrîuaîîu Cali (519) 534-1638 ofi 53-t-2980. Osie tiI Ontari, I atesi grîînmnîîtttir iNfiltir eqîtii itrt cîînsuguuuîîcuuauteiti..W.is rus Waansi I an Iti 1iipiteit t l N . o6, Wari tii, Otîrui it il c UÛCW Presbytery Huntng icence plan regionrsal meets 1 exarmnations, MNR A feeling of anticipation sujrrounded dhe planning of the Regional Meetings of Oshawa Presbytery United Church Women, ai which two visitors from Korea, Mrs. Jimn lm Soon and Mrs. Choo Chai Sook, will be pre- sent. Guests of Uniitedl Church women gatherîngs across Ontario, the two Korean ladies are also in- terested in observing some Canadian social services such- as day care. Mrs. Kim lm Soon -and Mrs. Choo Chai, Sook will be in the Oshawa area October 14th to October l7th and will be present at the United Church Women's Regional Meeting at St. Paul's United Church, Ajax, Ontario, on Monday, Oc- tober 15, 1984, registration at 6:00 p.m. followed by dessert and coffee, and at Ebenezer United Church, Courtice, on Tuesd ay, October 16th, registration at 9:00 ar. Sharing the spot-light will be Rev.' H.K. Park, minister of Korean Emmanuel United Church, Toronto, guest speaker at both Regional Meeting-s. Rev. Park will'be accompanied by a choir which will share its talents. Theme of the meetings is "Go into the wrdand witness to al". Babysitting will be available. U.C.W. Presidents Bernie Rosebush, Ajax, and Eileen Down, Ebenezer, were present at the planning session 'whichI was part of the Presbytîerial ex- ecutive meeting at thec home of President Mrs. Pat Beach, Greenwood, on September 5, 1984. Other events for women being planned are "Telling Our Story-Sharing ,>Our Faith" which takes place September 7,8, & 9 at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, with leader Rev. Frances Hare. On November 6 & 7, 1984, ai St. Andrews by thec Lake, Kingston, the themne will be "Sett ting the Table; Preparîng the Meal", (linking our daily lives with our faith), led by Maureen Kabwe, who is a staff person for Stewardship, World Outreach and the Church in Society - Montreal and Ottawa Conference. Registration deadline for this event is October 19, 1984, fee $30.00. Leadership Develop- ment Day for Oshawa Presbytery United Church Women will be January 8, 1985. Plans were also begýun for the Annual Meeting in March 1985. Brief reports on recent past, events were heard from Ex- ecutive memnbers who comne from niany corners of ithe area such as Pickering, Man- chester, Audley, Bowman- ville, Blackstock, Orono, Tyrone, Bowmanville, H-ampton, Oshawa, Green- wood, Whitby, etc. Leader- ship Development Day at Foxboro, June 4th; the Women's Conferzýnce, "Power to Becomne", at Waterloo, Ont., at which Betty Turcott, Ajax, Ont. gave able leadership; an in- formai two day Presbyferial Executive cottage retreat ai Orillia, wýith hostess Mrs. Pat Beach, where Bttyi Turcott demonstrated the uise of flhe resource kit "Tomiorrow aniid To-dlay", anid Joan Sanider- son, shwassistedi developing story-telling skills, along with fellowship and summi-er fun. The meeting was adjourned at about 3:(YO p.mn. Durham students in business program Durham College, studenîs will work on projects beneficial to area small businesses. This is part of a Federal Government pro- gram designed 10 foster cdoser continuing relations between college business schools and the small business communi- ty. The aim is to improve the linkage between theory and practice, and to encourage excellence in small business firms. The students, are paid up to $250 per week for a miax- imumn of' 12 wýeeks to wor k On a project for a business firmn employing up to 50 people. The Business Division has already had successful pro- jecîs haîîdled by sîudents in this '"Management Ex- cellence in Small Business Program". The projecîs were, suc- cessful because the sîudents received sumnmer earnings of $3,000, and obtained ex- cellent work experience relaîed to their courses of st udy. Small businesses benefitted by having rwean- ingful projecîs compleîted to improve Iheir operation, at no di recî cosî. Fred Haywood, Director of Durham's Business Divi- sion, believes there are addi- tional small businesses in the College areýa which would benefit from parficipahing rin ibis programi. lnterested firms wouý(ld need to identiify a projecf and discuss ifs ap- plicabiliîy ,with Durha m Business Division staff. Thie projeet mighf consist of' a micro-computer application, a market research situdy, a marketing programn, a business sysîems evaluaion or al) export or produtiiîy Once a projeet is iden- lified, the Co01lleewouIld in- terview appropriate students and miake flie selection. An oulline of the projeclt would be submitîed by tihe College t0 Ottawa for approval. If approved, the sîudenfs, would complete the projecf ini 12 weeks over the sunmmer of 1985, and complefe a report on the project for the firm, wit h a copy to Ottawa,. Any small business firiin- Ierested in parîicipatiîng should caîl Fred Haywood, Durham College Business Division, aî 576-0210, ext. 241. Projecfs need lo be iden- lified b\ Novemiber Ist. Jim ilmford, Conservation Officer Coordinator and Fur Manager H-untinglicence examina- fions will be held in the following locations during September and October, 1984: Septemnber: 26 - Oshawa 28 - Cobourg October: 2 - Lindsay 12 - Cobourg 16 - Lindsay 17 - Oshawa 18 - Peterborough 3Q - Lindsay Anyone interested in writing the hunting licence examination should contact the Lindsay district office to 'arrange an appointment. An important note: Applicants born after Decem ber 31, 1954 imust first complete the On- tario Hunter Training Course before applying to write the licence examination. Infor- mnation on the training course is also available ai the district office. HUNTING REGULATIONS UPDATE FOR FALL 1984 Bear Hunters: The 1984-84 Summinary of the Hunting Regulations indicated there xsudbe changesin I he black bear program for this fail. However, no changes are now anticipated in the pro- gram for the faîl of 1984. W-elcome Spring Into Youir Home This Winter The APPLE BLOSSOM SHOP Has assorted Indoor Growing Kits available in Gif t packs. Each kit contaîins everything you need ta grow' AMARYLLIS $5.99 PAPERWHITES 3.99 HYACINTHS 3.49 ideal for bîrthday and Chrstmas Gifts for the young and the experienced horticulturalist. WVe also have a wide variety of Imnported Hotland Flower Bulbs TuIips, Hlyacinths, Daffodils, Nar- cissi, Crocus and Anemone For Spring Gardens Pkg. $1.99 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1984 MUNICIPAL TAXES FINAL INSTALMENT Ratepayers are reminded that the, final instalment of 1984 Reatty and Business Tax is due Septem ber,28, 1984 1984 Taxes are payable only at the locations detailed on the tax bill. PAY PROM PTLY TO AVOID PENALTY R.C. Bryden Tax Collector f Date of Publicat ion: September 26, 1984 P.O. No. A1030 Onîariîî's iargesu I-suit Mauîcrs uîsguîîîrSale, Net ts s l, Ont ta 1-ut. F idaý, (c tbr1, 1984 If) a. il (Sales :11(l tslccl secotit lI dus-i Ctutstitttetts telîîne.t u uutue if tirîtia titjsjah(519) 424-9998-tir (519) 42 903. iitt.tetuirs k S. filitttlcu i & "îtSon,.111s

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