Orono Weekïy Times, Wednesday, September 26,19845 To most of us, smiling is a natural ........re ac tion ..a sm ile ____ ust happens! To others Iess fortune te in our Comm unities, sut- fering, dis tress and Ioneliness hide th eir smiles. Your. UNITED WAY gift heIps bring smiles to, sa many right here in Oshawa, Whitby 'and Newcastle. Your 38 UNITED WAY agencies help aider people, and the young. They help the disabled and people suffering emotionpally. Your UNITED WÂY helps twelve months, of, the year, wherever and whenever the need exists right here in our communities... thanks ta yaur generosity!, Between naw and Octaber27th, yau wiII be asked far your ance-a-yea r g ift. Your generous support wilI help, make smi 'les365 days a year in Oshawa, Whitby and Ne wcastle. 01984 WORCD RECORDS U-d v Ps, THIS YEARS CAMPAIGN OBJECTIV E $1 ,728,000 Unib;ed Waj OSHAWA - WHITBY -NEWCASTLE 52 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Li H 4G3 728-0203 Charitable Registration No. 0359166-05-13