Oroino Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 26,1984-7 Doing their job Jim Partner is but one of intersections. Pictured above are Jirnrny many Safeiy Patrollers who The patrollers do receive Partner, Safety Patroller, mani the intersections in the instruction in their dutîes and Carl Brown, Sara Thorne and Village and control student corne well equipped for the Amianada McGilt. traffic across these particuilar job. From Aro und the Region ownership of the Durham Regi'on Administration building in Whitby. The Region wiIl be calling for theCity to sigo off any in- terest in the building. If Oshawa refuses to sign, the Region expects to ask f'or a judicialreview of the miatter. The City of Oshawa Iays. dlaim to partial oýwnershiip of the building. Herrema wanits io sel] the building-to the province and then build a newý admninistra- tion building in which to house most operations of the Region. Ai the present t iime regional offic:es are spreadi throughoui Whitby and Oshawa. STUDENTS 1LOOK AT CAREERS Grade 8 students at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School are taking part in a once -a week f'or f'ort y tinurites course directed to ftuLtire careers. The programi is brokeni into three parts. A career awareness, educational plan- ning and self-awarenessý. lit is aIl in preparation f'or the future. CHANGES MAY COST $2.75 MILLION Northumberland taxpayers may be faced wîth a -$2.75 million expenditure over the next four years to help the county nursing home, Golden Ptough Lodge in Cobourg provide intensive care services to the areca's ag- ing population. A recent review charges that the pre- sent operation does not pro- vide adequate services for an area that has the largest eIder- ly commrniity in the pro- vince, 15.1 percent. l'he county couincil ap- proved $16,5(X) for a mnaster plan and report which is ex- pected to be ready in f'our mronths. Intensive care services are needed primiarily f'or tlie 85 and over- category at the Lodge. This age group is in- creasîng annually. IMMEDIATE REPAIRS NEEDED AT ARENA It wiIl cost the Town of Newvcastte ati east $ 12,000 to undertake a stuidy to decter- mine the f'utuLre of' the Bowmanville Arena, states a staff report. The chief administrative office!- is to recomimend to councit that the study be undertaken which he has said coutd cost upwards of $25,M00. Ontario Hydro is ex- pected to share in the cost of the study. The arena was construecd in 198 with artificiat ice be- ing installed in 1952. Bud Fanning has told council, to continue the operation of the arena wiII produce mounting annual costs. Inspections are re- quired to ensure the safety of the users. PLANS CLEANUP Eldorado Nuclear of Port Hope is expected to under- take a uceanutp of nine pro- perties which are located im-ý miediately adjacent to thre W.Neîcomne waste site whiich, in the past, hias been used for lowv level wvaste disposaI by the Company. Waste hias leached off the Welcomne site over the years îand this waste and con- tamination is to be taken back on to the Welcomne site.' The project is expected to start thîs fait and continue for the next three years. It is estimiated it wiIl take 4,500 truckloads to relocate the contaminated soil. Fail Fair cakes net sumi of $904.00 At the cake auction at the Orono Pair on the Friday evening eighteen cakes sold for a total price of $904.00 throug-h auction. The highest price paid was $I25.00. MIAY OPPOSE BELL'S INCREASE Whitby council may op- pose a proposed rate increase of six percent by' Bell Canada. Such opposition does havec somne support on counicil. The town's operations. commîttee wi01 urgeconi to oppose the increase due to what they cali inferior service and due to economiic conditions. EDUCATION CENTRE DEDICATED SUNDAY The $2 million Baptist Eduication Centre in Whitby was dedicated on Saturday. The Education Centre, the second of its kind in Canada, is designed to provide leader- ship for pay people to work in their churches and com- mnitiities. The Centre's pro- gramn for- the 26 womfen and 21 mien, aged 18 to 25 years, offers everything from Bible studies to communications and leadership skills, and dramia. Each student must do eight hours of community work each week while atten- ding the Centre. The course, including roomn and board, costs $2,860.00 and is considered quite reasonable due to fact thlat other ,Bible colleges charge upwards of $6,000. TO PRODUCE HIT MUSICAL The Northumberland Players out of Cobourg wiII stage "Annie" as their musical this coming year. Already they have chosen "Annie" from a group of 85 children who sought to play the part. Filling the Iead of Annie are Cora Smith of Roseneath and Michelte Mac- Donald of Cobourg. Due to the fact the musical will be pýresented twelve limes during the season the Players have chosen a double cast. Thae play opens February 1985. ENROLMENT AT 18,174 STUDENTS, The September report of enrolment in the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle schools has been set at 18,174 which is some,320 lower than last year's enrolment. Enrolmient, however, did nlot dhop as much as had been anticipated. There are 220 fewer students in elementary schools and 100 less in thé secondary system throughout the area. WILL EXAMINE SCHOOYL CLOSING The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- lion witl be holding public meetings and studying the possible closing of South Cramahe PublicSehool. Last year a possible closing of Castleton Public School did' not materialize due to public objections to the clos- ing. OSHAWA BUILDING COULD SET RECORD Oshawa's building industry is at a possible record setting p 'ace with building permits issued for the first eight mon- ths of the year at $65.4 million whîch compares with $31.1 million for the twelve mnonths of 1983. *A record was set in 1981 when the city issued $94.5 million in permits. The city has issued a total of $40.9 million for the in- dustrial sector and $10 million for commercial development. The remainder has been residential develop- ment. HEADING TO A COURT BATTLE- Il is anlicipated both by the chairman of the Region of Durhiam, Gary Herrema, and the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, Allan Pilkey, that the Region and the City could end iip ini court over the BABYSITTING: Will cover child safety and care, fire safety,-first aid, and caring for the handicapped child. INSTRUCTOR: CAROL ANDERSON. TIME: Wednesday, October 10, 7 -9 p.m. BUNKA: There will be an extra cost of this excit- ing craft of approximately $6000 to $8000 INSTRUCTOFl: GAY SIMPSON TIME: Wednesday,,October 10, 7 -9 p.mu. CALLIG RAP HY: This introductory Course teaching the art of handwriting, learning talic and Gothic writing. Bring graph paper, f ive squares to the inch, and Osmoride Pen B5 nib, and Parker super quick, black ink. INSTRUCTOR: ELLEN COWAN TIME: Monday, October 15, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. GUITAR: ADVANCED *1800, Please bring tb first class the Alford Guitar Book INSFHUCTOR: MIKE WATSON TIME; Wednesday, October 10, 7 - 9 p.m. HAIRDRESSING: Hair care'styling, perming, colouring, and trim- ming. INSTRUCTOR: CAROL REDKIN & TAMMY CLARKE TIME: Iuesday, October 9, 7- 9 p.m. HOME REPAIR: Want to cut agonizing costs of the profes- sionals here is your chance to learn 10 do it yourself. Home maintenance, modern refinishing, home winterizing. INSTRUCTOR: SCOTT WOODALL lIME: Monday, October 15, 7- 9 p.m. HUNTER SAFETY: This class concentrates on gun handling, regulations, hunting ethics, and game recogni- tion. INSTRUCTOR: GEORGE NELSON TIME: Monday, October 15, 7 - 9 p.m. KIOS GYMNASTIOS: Children fram the ages of 5 to 12 years are welcome. If mom wants to take a course the same night how wonderful no babysitting cost and the kids can do something they enjoy. INSTRUCTOR: KELLY BROOME TIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7- 9 p.m. LADIES FITNESS: Comne on ladies lets gel mb oShape now before it is 100 late. Enjoy getting your body toned up and in shape for the winter. INSTRUCTOR: LORI McNEIL TIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 9 p.m. MENS FITNESS: Enjoy yourself white improving overail fitness. Classes will consist of eercise routines and team sports. INSTRUCTOR: JOHN PARKER. TI ME: Mo nday, October 17, 7 - 9 p. m. PHOTOGRAPHy: ADVANCED Advanced theory and dlark room offered in this course. Please bring cameras 10 class. INSTRUCTOR: WAYNE HUNT TIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 9 p.m. ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE STANDARD FIRSI AID: Excellent First Aid course. Know what to do in case of accident or emergency. INSTRUCTOR: ALE BROWN TIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 9 p.m. STAINED GLASS: This class is for beginners and will offer a great opportunity 10 gel gifts together for Christmas. INSTRUCTOR: NELLIE'BOTHWELL and RUJTH MONROE TIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 9 p.m. SOFT SCULPTURE: Have fun making dolîs and animal friends for >your family. A good idea for Christmas. INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Bunton lIME: Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 9 p.mn. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL EVENING CLASSES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - RICK ESSEX - 987-47 71 or LORI WEST 983-5542 CLASSES WILL BEGI N THE WEEI( 0F OCTOBER 8th - 121h REGISTRATION WILL BE HELD Tuesday, September 25th and September 27th from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. FEES: THE FEE FOR EACH COURSE IS $24.00 EXCEPT WHERE INDICA TED* -~ Mm