8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, september 26, 1984 Action in break dancing' Safe-A-Heart offers CPR course Durhlam Save-a-Heart is, offering CPlR (Car - dîopulmonary Resuscitation) courses for area residents at Trinity United Churchi in Bowmýnan-ville. CPR is a Lýife-Savin-g 1First Aid skill applied in cas;es ,of sudden deathi due to poison- ing, drowning, suffocation, chokingP, electrocution, smoke inhalation, cr ib death, heart attack and stroke. The Six hour Heart Saver Course teachles you tb: -lie aware of the signais and actions of Heart Attack, sud- den death & Stroke. -undrsand thie concept of healthy hieart liv'ing. -know how to contact your local emergency medical ser- vices. -pierf1orm CPTR and obstructed arwy(choking) skills. Dates and timies of the Bowmaniville courses are '1 ue.sdayý, October 16 & IITursdlay, October 18, [romi 9 a.m. - 12 noon, or from 7 10 pi.m. for resýidents who are unable to take a daytime COur 1se. The fee is $2000 per per- ,,on, which includes the Hear Saver NManual. . Advance registration i,, necessary, and can be made at the Durham Save-a-Heart office, 292 King Street West in Oshawa, or at the home of Mrs.' Joan Mann, 15 Elgin Street in Bowmanville. For more information cal Durham Save-a-Heart at 571-1152, or Mrs. Mann at 623-5174. The Break Dancing and - Local contestantsin break started from -abackspin on Air Band competitions at the dancing did quite well but the linoleum-. Orono Fair did provide great this chap [rom the Oshawa No wonder there are entertainment for the area topped it ail with bis reports of neck injuries in this younger set in the area. twirling head stand which he' formn of activity. -~ Sr-ilai International'C lege in Bowmanville former Fine Ridge Train school) has received itsf students from Malaysiam the arrivai of ten last we Classes for this groupi start today, Wednesday % the first semester being cc pleted in December. Within two yearsi school will have an enroln of 300 students fri Malaysia and other sou east Asia countries. The ten students who ait ed last week are ail fluent English and started the w( off with a tour of the ColI property, the Town Bowmanvîlle and surrco ding area. The chairman of Sri I International Inc., al Shamsudden will be ati sehool overseeing the beg:i ing of the operation. Sri mnai operates f sehools in Malaysia. Thep pose of these andt Bowmanville College is prepare foreign stualents universities and c olleges Djurhan Agri-1ý by Barry J. O'Neil R.O.S. Specialist RESULTS FROM DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR September 7th w Achievemient Day for1 Durham -East 4-H Da Clubs, as well ast Wesleyville, Solina, Tyre anid Maple Grove H( ticulture Clubs. The [air v also, the site for the Cha pioni Livestock Showmanst Competition and the4 Sheep Club's Market Lar Showv anid Sale. Thie top Junior Da" Showmn as Glenn Bark of R.R.2., Blackstock, fohl Canada and the United States. Students will be bet- ween the ages of 17 years and 19 years. There is a great demand in south-east Asia for degrees from western universities and colleges. The demand for high-technology education has brought the students to the west for the[ir education. Students, upon completion of their education in such as Canada, return totheir coun-, try of origin to start careers in engineering and business. Work started this summer on the property in Bowman- ville for the startup of the sehool. This program of work wîll continue throughout the winter wlen upwards of $500,000 will be spent. Many of the buildings at the former Pineridge School were built in the 1920s and 1930s. The former school closed'in the mid 1970s and while the buildings were maintained much had to be done to again make them liveable. n Eas t 1ews ed by :Geof Sikma, Faith Benschop and Howard Sikma. The firstplace Senior Showman was Anne-Marie Hoogeveen of Blackstock followed by Sharyn Barkey, was Élaine Barkey and John the Snowden. Debra Varn Camp airy had the first place 83-84 the Junior Heifer; Glenn Barkey one 2nd; Howard Sikma 3rd and lor- Grace Prins 4th. vas, The first place '83 Junior im- Heifer was Sharyn Barkey; ship second and third went to Jay 4,-H Van Camp and Geof Sikma. Lmb Anne-Marie Hoogeveen had the top Intermediate Caif and' dry Overaîl Champion, with key Wilma Benschop - second; 10w- Elaine Barkey 3rd and Krista From the past ' ( G illi m'Id flc n P- w _6 nedy eighth and Fred Martin tenth. Tuesday e4ýening, the regular meeting of, the Women's Association was held with the president,, Mr. W.M. Stutt presiding. Recor- ding secretary Mrs. Hoar read the minutes followed by reports [rom Miss F. Cob- bledick, Mrs. J. Dickson, Miss L. Allun and Mrs. J. Fagleson. Mrs. R. Rainey read the Scripture followed by a solo by Mrs. H. Walsh Neith Miss L. Allun as accompanist. Rev. Mr. Littlewood presented the closing address. WaterfYowl regulations change lîmîts Waterfowl Hunters: A change in the limit of Black Ducks is shown in the Migratory, Bird Regulations for 1984. Hunters are limited to ONE black duck per day in the Central and Southern Regions. Information on pro- per identification of black ducks may be obtained at the Lindsay. district office or fromt the Canadian Wildlife Service. McHolm 4th; Brian Goulding - first place Guernsey with ShelleyHolliday 2nd. Also participýating in the show as Pauline Beckett, John Buma, Rene Heeringa, Teresa Heer- inga, David Tamblyn, Simon Buma, Bob Hoogeveen, Todd Pedwell, and Sheryl Snowden. The Clubs would like to ex- press their thanks to this year's dairy leaders for a job well done! Leaders: Neil Allin, George Sikma, Dave Larmer and John DeVries.' GET INTO SHAPE THIS FALL AND HAVE FUN COME TO THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE 1'ITN ESS CENTRE ' Whether ygur dea of eýxercîse and tun is svvimmîng or squash k ( or loungý~nq i a wihirpool) we have just the place for you! SQUASH Two international courts are available for both public and membershîp use. AIl fees include use of pool durîng scheduled times as weIl as the co-ed sauna and whîrlpool. "Pay-As-You-PIay" Rates Prime Time 4:00 - 10:00 p.m. weekdays Adult: $4:00 Youth: $300 Off Tîme 7:00 ar..4:00 p.m. weekdays Adlt. $300 Youth: $200 Saturdays, Sunidays & Holidays 1Aduflt: $400 Youth: $300 Non-members may book courts 48 hours in advance. Facility Membership Rates Adult Junior Family (single chîldren living rît home) Senior Citizens- Couples Adult (Off time 7 a.m.- 4 p.m. weekdays only) 6 mos. $99.00 50.00, 17600 50M0 168-00 Pool Membersi 6r Adult Junior Family (single chîldren living ai home) Senior Ctizens 3 mos. $5500 28.00 99.00 28.00 95.00 50.00 28.00 rip Rates nos. 3 nos. 66.00 $3900 33.00 20.00 120.00 6600 33.00 20.00 Pr ivate Rentais Are you having a birthday party, famîly reu- nion, meeting or just a get-together wîth friends? The pool or the mpulti-purpose roomn can be yours for an hour or more. Pool Rates Pool (per hour) Pool, 'Sauna& Whirl pool (per hour) $2800 + $5.50/hr, lit eguard $3900 + $5.50/hr liteguard MutiPurpose Room Rates Non Local Commercial Local Commercial $7.50/hr-$52.00/8 hr,-. $5.75/hr-$34 00/8 hrs. Preferred (Local Non -Prof il $3.50/hr $17.00/8 hrs. SWIMMING A 25-metre - 6 lane pool awaîts you along with the co-ed.sanalý and whîrlpool in one low tee. Swim Schedule Early Bird - Public, Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:00- 8:30 Family Swim, lChildren must be accom- panîed by an adult) Saturdays 4:30- 6:00 p.m. Sundays 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Public Swim Monýday & WVednesdays 6:00- 8:00 p. m. Fric(y 7:00 - 9:00 p. m. Sard avs 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Sundays 3:OQ - 5:00 p.m. Adui Swim (18 yrs. & over> Mon. - Fni. inclusive) 11:45 - 1:15 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.30-10:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Parent & Toi Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 ar. Over 50's Fridays .3:30 - 4:30 p.m. "Pay as you Play" & 10 ýTicket Rates Aduit $1.25 or 10 tickets @~ $10.00 Youth (4-17) $1.00 or 10 tickets @ $8.00 Ifnts (e~ 3 yrs. & younger) NIL Senior Citizen-, .75 or 10 tickets @~ $6.00 Fapiw Swiins $2.00 or 10 tickets @ $1600 C oed Sauna& Whirlpool This area is openi f0 adults 18 yearsandý ovet durinq all of our operatîng hu rs. Childreîîiiîay use this area during FAMILY' SWVIMS ONLY if accoîopanied by an aduit. SaunalWhirlpool Rates Adult,. $1.25 or 10 tickets ii $1000 Semer Citzens .75 or 10 tickets îD $6.OC FACILITY OPERATING HOURS (Sauna, Whîrlpool.& Squash Courts Open durîng these Hours) Mondays. Wednesda-ys. Frîdays 8:30 arn. - 10.00 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays Saturdays & Sunida, 7:00 a.rm -10:00pi lys 8.30 ar..-9.00 p>rmj For fUither information call 623-3392 Date of Publication. September 26, 1984 P.0.No. A1072 First students have arrived