O>rno Weekly rns Wcdic.sday, Oclidher 3, 1984-5 From Around the Region Wins Visual Arts Award Andrew Wysotski, Oshawa, won first prize in the Visual Arts Centre Juried Show recently with his ail painting "Her Land ai' Ran- bows". He also won third place wth a further ail pain- ting. Second prize went ta Sheila Dantzer ai' Part Perry for her acrylic- painting called "Geese". Don Staples' watercolour, "Daybreak", placed seventh in the show. Will honour PC commitment It is being reported the newly elected federal Ganser- vative governmeflt will honour ts commitmrent to return ta service the Havelock-Peterborough- Toronto dayliner service which was.closed out by the liberals some two years ago. Although the commitment remains, areview of a lot ai' things involved in returning the service have ta be urider- taken. This particular service is not the only one under con- sideration. Area MPs have backed th association in getting the ser- vice back into he run. They include Allan Lawrence, Scott Feninell, George Hees, and Bill Domm ai' Peter- borough. Centres out General Motors Bob White, the UAW Ganadian director, has made it known that GM is being centred out as a strike target in niegotiations. Workers could be out on strike by Oc- tober l7th if a new contract Is not settled. White has also said the bargaining priorities are an annual improvement factor, and up-front wage increase, a continuation ai' thé cost ai' living allo wance, income security, pensions and a shorter work period. He fur- ther has said the U.S., agree-, ment would not be acceptable ta the Ganadian union. 'VictQdw UzHll Work Nearing Completion The final stage in the restoration of' Victoria Hall in Cobourg is about ta get underway. 1The landscaping tender has been let at an amount ai' $72,394. The yproiect will landscape the front, the east and the west side ai' the building. Station Gallery Needs $25,OOW The Station Gallery in Whtby needs some $25,000 in i'unds ta continue their aperation and have sought financial support from the general public. The gallery has a shortfall ai' $25 ,000 on its expenditure in 1984 of $145,000. Considering new municipal office Hope Township coun-cil will be considering the con- struction of their own municipal building which they estîmated could cost up- wards ai' $l00,000.0.- The Township has office space in Port Hope which its has been renting for the past thirty years. The Township has $61 ,000 set aside that it could use for new offices. They do have a debenture in the amaunt of $50,000 which money was us- ed for the construction ai' the .h.,mefirehaîl. Regional Police want public vote on death penalty Durham Regional police officers want the federal gaverniment ta calI a nation- wide referendumn on capital punishment rather than a free vote ai' aIl MPs in the House ai' Gommons. Dale Allen, head of the police association said at any one time 75 ta 80 percent ai' the general public is in accord with capital punishment. He feels a free vote is not a free vote nor does it represent hie desire of the general public but rather party policy or the individual MPs' viewpoint., Approves $24,000 for arena study The Town ai' Newcastle- has given approval -for the spending of $24,000 relating ta a study on the Bowman- ville arena. The cost is ta be shared by the Town and Ontario Hydro. Counces. Woodyard and Cowmans objected to the expenditure. Port Hope will vote on capital punishment SA recommendation goes ta Part Hope council irom their protection ta persons and property committee asking that counicil petition the federal government ta either reinstate capital punishment or hold a national referen- dumn on the issue. Region backs away froin court threat A heated debate toak place at Regional council last week over the ownership ai' the regional headquarters building. The Region is ta negtiate with the City ai' Oshawa over the ownership issue or seek, other legal means for an answer ta the question. This is a water-down ver- sion ai' a recommendatiion from the management coin- mittee who asked that if the City would not give clear title the matter would go ta court. ,Many members ai' counicil feel the issue cannat be resolved through negotiations and that in fact the issue will end up incourt. Will1 Retain Barrett $t. bridge veart Hope caunicil, with support front citizents, have passed a resolution that the Barrett Street bridge in Port Hope be retained for the time being. Gerry Houston of the Ganaraska Region Conserva- tion Autharity has warnied that - retaining the bridge could jeopardize the third phase oi' the channelization ai' the (lanaraska River which was ta see the remnoval ai' the bridge. H-e said the project would lose its priority posi- lion . Port Holpe counicil called ii for thre third phase ta proceed but the bridge was ta remnain. The engineers have pointed out that the bridge does create- a bottleneck and floodin above the bridge ta reach depths ai' four feet. Opposing shocks Catholic trustees Two separate school trulstees an the Durham Board of Education reacted with shock ta, the Board's decision ta oppose the exten- sion of functîng ta the Roman Catholic School system. The two felt the board sh ould have w aited until the three provincial commissions had braught in their finding as ta the change and its af- fect. The Catholie trustees have asked why would students and teachers want ta leave the public school system and they did not think that Bill Davis would expect the separate school system ta have ta hire an influx of non-Catholic teachers. 'No' to women bus drivers A bid ta hire women bus drivers by the Oshawa PUC system went down ta defeat last week. A member commissioners made the bid stating that the PUC did not hire women for the job. 1It was pointed out that the collective agreement with the union did not allow such hir- ing as new hiring had ta corne from within the presenti staff and that generally mneant maintenance men mioved up ta bus drivers. Bowmanville woman killed on Nash'Road Durham Regional Police state that Neeltje Feedema, 54, of Martin Road, Bowmanville, was killed when struck by a car on Regional Road 57 just north of Nash Road. Feddema was walking north an the southbound lane when struck by a northbound car which had crossed over into the opposite lane. The accident is under in- vestigation. Hospitality suite just too costly A -former warden of Nor- thumberland County has taken the presenit warden ta task for what he claimns is over spending forliquor and a hospitality suite at the re- cent AMO meeting in Toron- t.The-tally for the event is estimated between $1000 and $2000. There is however a provi- sion in the budget for such expenditures. Welfare costs continue to rise For the second consecutive month social services have been forced ta pay out benefits over and above the 1984 budget for the Region'of Durham. The cost to date for the year however is only slightlyj abovýe budget but if the prescrit trend continues the Region expects a sizeable deficit. 16 boys enrol in Orono Cub group Registration for al] Scouting sections was held at 7:00 p.m. in the United Church main hall on Septemnber 10, 1984. The Cub section registered a total of 16 boys between the ages of 8 and 11. We have three new leaders who valunteered their timie ta hielp work and have fun with the boys. On Monday night, September 17, we arranged ta have a tour of the packing facilities at Twin Brand Ap- ple Orchard. We saw how the fruit and vegetables were washed, dried, and sorted before it is packaged and shipped ta the supermarkets.* We went into one ai' the very large cold starage rooms where the temperature was a constant 34-36 degrees F. In here wxýe learned that the room is filled with bins of apples it is then loc-ked and fnot opened fil after it has been in- spected about three months later. These applies are then brought out ta be washed, dried, sorted, packaged and shipped ta the markets during the winter. At the end ai' the tour the boys were given the task aif chosing either an ap- pie or a pepper (they were packing peppers while we were visiting) ta take home. Upon leaving the boys gave Mr. Daug Gibson a hearty cheer for letting us corne and learn about the packing and starage ai' fruit and vegetables. Orono-Lockharts School News by: Leslie Plazek Andrea Levac Oruno Public School Off To A Good Start Mrs. Staples kindergarteni class is studying fruit and vegetables. They are having taste tests withi raw vegetables for language experience charts. They, are making vegetable printing and plasticine models ai' fruits and vegetables. For Thanksgiving they are cook- ing up vegetable stew for the class. Two projects that they are working on are making Indian hats and decorating placemnats which, 1 amnsure they are Ioaking forward ta. Later this week they visited Mrs. Bailey's garden which will help them with their studies. There is a new pet for the kindergartens thanks to Cor- ey Stapleton who looked after it over the summer and Tanya Allun who loaked aiter the gerbils. We ail hope that the kindergarten will have a great year. October by Scott Hall, Grade 5 October means gablins, ghosts, and horror ta me, The ghostly sounds from a grist Mill abandoned. The full moon,. a howl irom a wolf. A chilI goes through My bones.just thinking about it. Octaber is also fun, fun, t'un. normal drop-aff ai' casts dur- ing the summer which had happened in previaus years did not take place this year. The department has a total budget ai' $9,582,248.00. Must join forces to defeat Davis Sheila Copps recently elected MP for Hamilton Centre was.the quest speaker at a liberal fund raising din- ner in Part Hope recently where she saidl the Ontario and Federal liberals must join together to defeat Bill Davis. At the $125.00 a plate din- nier she said the Bill Davis gavernment had been no more than one ai' mediocrityr Hallowe'en andf Thanksgiv- ing are the twa, big events. The smokey smell ai' burning leaves. But it is not my favorite manth! October means ta me leaves twisting and turning. The brillant colours makes me glitter with happiness. Com- ing home fram schaol, jump- Announcement ALLAN QUANTRILL George Van Dyk,, President of George. Van, Dyk Real Estate Limited, is pleased to announce the appointment of' Allan Quantrili ta the Van- Dyk sales staff. Allan, being a local resident aIl his life, in- vîtes his many friends and ac- quaintances ta contact him at 181 Church St., Bowmanville 623-4428 or at his residence 983-9416 for ail their real estate needs. ing in the leaves makes a ha:- py "crunch". October is a "bright" season. Shellie Nowak Grade 5 Poe41".23-3=~ Oronu eaU 983-9547 N OTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSINO- TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Newcastle, at the Council Meeting ta be held in Court Roam No. 0, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Tuesday, November l th, 1984, at the hour oi 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose ta pass a by-law ta stop-up and close and ta authorize the sale of parts ai the unapened road allowance, lying between Lots,.22 and 23, Concession 10, in the former Township ai Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, more particularly described as follows: ALL thase portions ai the unopened road allowance, lying between Lots 22,and 23, Concession 10, in the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town ai Newcastle, hereinaiter described are hereby stopped-up and closed; ALL AND SINGIJLAR that certain parcel or tract af land, situa te lying and being in the Town of Newcast le, Regional Municipality af Durhamn, Province of Ontario, and being com- posed of parts of the unopened raad allowance, lying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 10, ai the former Township of Clarke, now within the limits ai the Town ai Newcastle, and being more particutarly designated as Parts 1 and 2, accarding toaa Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division ai Newcastle (Na. 10), on the 27th day ai August 1984, as Plan 1OR-1894. Dated at the Town ai Newcastle this 3rd day ai October 1984. David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town ai Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvi lie, Ontario LiC 3A6. File: 77.44,134 Date of tirst publication: October 3rd, 1984 Pa.- No. A0331