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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1984, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Tmes, Wednesday, October 24, 1984, - Bcmdss M4l RegiStraton NuberOM68 NO HELP FROM LABOUR Very iittie information bas oeen provided by the newly felected Conservative government in Ottawa as to their direc- tion they intend to take in governing the nation other than in one exception. The Tories have demonstrated strongly that this country is open toernost foreign investment and especially that fromt the United States. Mulroney wasted no time in visitîng Reagan and bis appointed ministers including Joe Clark have ail been making oivertures to the Arnercians that Canada welcomes their investrnents with open arms. The government has endeavoured to set a new clirnate for foreign investment and it is clear they see this as the greatest key to stimulation of the Canadian economy. Foreign invest- ment and risk capital placed in Canada means more jobs for Canadians and the turn-around unemployment and- the economy. The UAW strike against GM, now a week old, and looking as if it could continue for somne time, is destroying the very basis that the Tories were endeavouring to develop to attract new capital to this country. Indeed it cannot but help make Americans wonder if Canada is the' future for their in- vestments. The Canadian workers refuse te settie for a sirnilar seule- ment as their American fellow workers. They want more and still more even though they have one of the highest paying jobs in Canadian industry today. Its bad enough that GM closes down but the strike bas far reacbing effect to many sectors of the economy and adversely affects thousands upon tbousands of individuals in both this country and in the U.S. Witb American labour more in tune with the tirnes and will- ing1n contribute to play their part in any revitalization, and it has flot only happened in the auto industry, fi seems that American money might just stay in the U.S. Not something the Tory goverfiment is looking for. THE PAPER SHUFFLE Conc. Hubbard referred to the 'paper shuffle' when Town couricil waý discussing a report and recommendation from the Leisuire c.OMMittee. Monday with reference to a re- quest from the Bowmanville United Soccer Club for more soc- cer pitches. Its not a new subject forth same request and the plight of lack of field accomiî-odation has been before counicil before and possibly for the past three years. To this point it bas flot been settled although miost everyone agree that there is a need for additionai soccer pitches in the Bowmanville area where close to 400 Kids play the sport during the summer months. lndeed it is a paper shutffle for even in the most recent- shuffle council received a letter from the Soccer Club relating to the samie problen which in turni was directed by council to the Leisure committee mnid July of this ygar. Monday evening a report, to say the least skimpy in content and information, came before council from the Leisure comnittee noting the need of soccer pitches as a priori- ty and recornmendingý that Town staff investigate options open to the Town. The paper shuffle did stop withr council even although they did endeavour to miove on Ilhe issuIe but to no avail. The whole thing now, stanids in imibo. Perhaps there is need niow f lor ac-odatn mi- tee to direct the traffic of paper betweený couincil, town taff and the Lisure conittee and aniveigtg cornmiittee to endeavour to ascertain wh0o ight finally miake a decision. Surely soccer pitches aren't thiat hard to corne by even if the Town had to Luse some of their induistrial land that lays va- cant. Enjoy an evening with Ghosts and Gobins The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club are sponsoring their annual Ghosts and Goblins dance in the Orono Com- munity Centre this Saturday evening-. Door prizes, spot dances with music being supplied by Ross Jackmani. Comei out forr an evening of good dancing and fun. Ask investigation of Underpass Samn Cureatz, M.P.P. for Durham East has written James Snow, Mînister of Transportation and Communication to bave ighway staff investigate conditions at the third line underpass on Highway 115. Cureatz notes there has been a concern expressed that in tbe winter large transports wîll find it extremely difficuilt stop- ping on the southbound underpass on the east side of highway 115-35. He points out tbat at this point tbere is a 4-way stop sign and that the under-pass bas been built on a grade mnaking it difficuit for transports to proceed after stopping on the grade of the underpass. Ecuiuenical Celebration C orne celebrate the gift of life witb us. Everyone is ini- vited to the Ecumeniical Celebration of the gift of Creationi in person, family, comrnunity and world. A Liturigicai Celebra- tirt will commence at 7:00 p.rin. on Fiday, October 26th at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Newcastle, followed by a social. Make Vour Way to Clarke Higli The Town of Newcastle has gone on record petition- ing the Ministry of the En- vironment to set aside funds to rneet the costs of water supply in the harnlet of Newtonville. Counc. Cowrnan brought the issue before council poin- ting out that the Mînistry had stated they were agreeable that the Town would miake application for fun ding for the water supply corrections. in Newtonville that could be available in the year 1985. "If we set aside this dcso, stated Cowman, "ewilI delay, any action wve may decide to take."' Counc. Hubbard agreed that, the Town should put in an aplication foar the funds and further stated the the $65,0000l study had provided a recommlulendation in what action shouid be taken. HeIp for victims of Iung dîsease Do you suffer fromn cm- physema, chronic bronchitis or severe astbmna? If the answer is "yes" then Du rhamn Regi on LuLing Association ma-y be able to help. Beginining on Tuesdýay. November 1 3th, the local Christmnas Seal organization wiiI hold a Better Breathing Course for olIder adiuits with respiratory disease, on the se- cond floo r Gymnasium at Oshawa General Hospital, 24 Aima Street, Oshawa. Of- fered free of charge as a Christmas Seal service, the Course will run for seven consecutive sessions during a four week period, on Tuesdays and Thursdays fromn 12:15 to :45 p.m.> Course members wîii be taught breathing exercises, relaxati,-ný techniques and simple tolerance exercises, Medical professionkals )i01 bc Da ve Jhsndad- miistrator, pointed out that staff had meet withi technical staff over the report and that a public meeting wvas being held in Newtonville on November 6th. He said a recommendation as to what course to follow could comne after the public meeting. Counc. Hubbard said the public information meeting bad nothinig to do with fun- ding and that the Town shouid now put itself in line for funding as a front runner. The administrator said council could ask for the fun- ding but he feit the Ministry wouild want to knowý what direction council intended to takec. On motion of Hubbard and Taylor Town staffl'are to ask the Ministry for the necessary funds to mneet the needs of water supply in Newtonville. Leire (Continued from page 1) this shouid be undertaken and suggested the report corne back to the committee of council who do hold authority to take action. Conce. Taylor said he feit they shouid proceed as re- quested by the Leisure corn- mittee. Attempts were made to support the reommendation, to support an amended reýcommendatiçn and even to send the report back to the Leisure committee. AIl failed with no action being taken by council in any forrn as to the Leisure committee report. on hand throughýlout the Course to answer questions on medications, diet and the overaîl management of lunig disease. For more ifratoor to apply for registration, con- tact Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151, as soon as Possible. Kendal News God is a God Who understands, And bolds the whole world in His bands! He made each shining star in space Hie made the sun-set it in place! He made the louds that sail tbe blue, He made the crystal ramn- drops, too! *He cares and watches from, above For God is goodness. . .mercy . .. Love...! On Sunday morning it was raining as the guests arrived from tbe churches round about. Tbe flowers at tbe altar were in memory of John Cathcart. The Garden Hill choir of about twenty members sang beautifully two anthems led by Mrs. Berle Crews. The organist was Mrs. Campbell. Rev. Dr. Ian MacGrury former minister of St. George Street United Church, Peter- borough now of Oshawa chose as his subject, "The church of the living God" a fine message. After the ser- vice a social time was enjoyed by aIl. On Tuesday, October 16, Mrs. D. Youngman, Mrs. A. ST. SAVIOUR'S ANGLICAN CHURCHý MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Cathcart, Mrs. E. Foster aind Miss C. Stewart went to tme United Cburch Presbyterial Regional Meeting at Ebenezer. In the morning we were addressed by a minister of the United Cburcb of Korea, Mrs. Kim lm Soon. She said ber husband was an eider in ber large church. Witb ber was Mrs. Choo Chai Sook a church eider, in a church were ber husband was the minister. In the after- noon Rev. H.K. Park spoke followed by a program put on by the choir of bis church, Korean Emmanuel Choir of Toronto. There were eight ladies and eight men (I believe) ail young and dressed in native costume. Each lady wore a silk gown, each gown was beautifuily embroidered, alI were different in such rich colours. They gave us several beautiful numbers one was "Comne HoIy Spirit" a familiar anthem sung in Korean. Then a gentleman's trio and a soprano solo, "The Holy City". 'Just out of this world', it was so grand. The men sang "Nearer, My God to Tbee". Another tenor solo and a Korean folk song by the ladies. Then the choir gave us four numbers. When Mrs. Margaret Tansley thanked thern sbe said, "Our United Church was indeed much richer for Makes application Newtonville funds HALLOWEEN NO VELTI ES Balloons Pins Inflatables Trick or Treat Bags Masks Hats Make-up Q-I baving them as members." Mrs. M. Stevens bas returned from spending three weeks with ber daughter Mrs. Mary Hamilton of Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia. Her daughter Mrs. Dorothy Hellebust joined them the last week. Mrs. Eleanor Foster was the only member of the Women's Institute wbo was able to attend the Fun Fair at Solina on Tbursday, Novemnber 1 8th. She said it was a good event. Harland Elliott is now in Bowmanvilie Hospital and making satisfactory progress. We used to enjoy "Song of tbe lazy farmer" in the Free Press Weekly about 1967 or earlier. He sits smoking bis pipe beside the stove witb bis feet up on a foot stool. It sounds fantastic l'Il ad- mit - you'll bave to take my word for it - but Jane Miran- dy's mad at me because I did some work, by gee. Before I1 fired it up once more, I dlean- ed our stove from pipe to floor, then blacked it good so it would shine and got it working real fine. Mirandy screamed like she'd been shot, and claimed I'd promis- ed she would not, be forced to wait another year until that stove would disappear. She wants a furnace out of sight to give us heat botlh day and night, without smoke filling up the air, and ashes scat- tered everywhere. Boy, folks have sure gone soft today; poor husbands have to, pay and pay for gim- micks, luxuries and frilîs that don't do miuch but pille up bills. Who wants the bouse hiet up at night? My feather bed still works aIl rght. And when I1 come in cold and froze, with blood congealed in ears and nose I do not want to thaw out slow, 1 want a stove wtb red bot glow. A furnace uses bougbten fuel, and I would be a thougbtless fool to aid Mirandy in the crime of growing- old before her time; her vigor and good health would stop if she had no more wood to chop, Hlelpful hn - Flour- bacon before youI fry it. Flour gives it more body and mnakes a beautiful crust. The bacon, grease and brown flour make good gravy. ORONO UNITED CHURCH ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred R. Milnes B.A. B.D. SUNDAY OCTOBIER 28, 1984 Church School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11: 15 a.m. Expiorers Initiation Cerernony Sunday, October 28th during the regular Church Service Bible Study Wednesday, 8-9:30 p.m. Upper C.E. Auditorium Induction Service Sunday, October 28th 7:30 p.rn. Induction iof Rev. Fred Milnes; by Oshawa PresL,,,tery UJ.C.W. Atnnu;ai Service Nov. 4th Service wil be conducted by United' Churcb womnen Turkey Supper Wednesday, October 24th Continuous serving 4:30 to 7 p.m. Adits $6.W0 Children under 12 $3.ffl Preschoolers - Free Tickets are stili availabie Cail: 98-3-5272 or 983-5824 KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Church Schooi 9:45 a.m. Mornfing Worship -9:45 a.rn.

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