6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24, 1984 Clarke High Sehool Awards and Diplomas AWARDS THE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 0F THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION AWARD For highest standing in Year 2 English Nota Martin THE STORKS AWARD For highest standing in Year 2 History Ron Fetherstonaugh Terri Trimble THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB AWARDS, For highest standing in Year 3 Geography Maurice Nesbitt For highest standing in Year 3 History Camneron MacDonald For highest standing in Year 4 Mathemnatics Ken O'Boyle To a general level student who bas shown the greatest overaîl progress in the general level programn. Ralph Stender THE MODERNS DEPARTMENT AWARD For bighest standing in Year 4 French Ken O'Boyle THE RIENSTRA AWARD For highest standing in Year 4 Science Denise Pedwell THE LADIES AUXILIARY 0F TUE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH, 0F THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION AWARDS For highest standing in Year 2 History, Advanced level Richard Cherry For highest standing in Vear 4 English and enroîmrent in Year 5 Ken 'B3oyle Theresa Van Haverbeke THE 0.S.S.T.F. EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD In recognition of the interest and support diemonstrated towards the education of our students Roy Forrester AI Downes THE STUTT'S PHARMACY AWARD For academic achievemnent and taking an approved course leading ta a Hospital Career T TUE WOMEN'S AUkILIARY 0F TUE BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AWARD For taking an approved course in any health service field THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS AWARD For the most promising student in Industrial Arts THE ARMSTRONG STORE AWARD For proficiency in Year 4 Famiîy Studies Su THE HORTICULTURAL AWARD For the student pursuing studies in horticulture or closest ta it TUE LATIN DEPARTMENT AWARD For highest standinà ninLatin TUE LYONS AND KEENAN TROPUY For sportsmansbiip among boys THE TROPHY CRAFT AWARD For sportsmianship among glirls CLARKE HIGU SCI{OOL MUSIC AWARD For long service Fammry Weather up Janet Moffat, Arr jzanne Osk Roxa TUE BUSINESS AWARD An award ai menit for a business student THE BANK 0F COMMERCE AWARD For highest standiîng in Business Educat ion San( TUE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BUSINESS EDUCATION CERTIFICATES Karen Beaubjen Roxanne Mangar Lamna Cîyens Deborab Martin Karen Irwin Susan Miller Connie Luke Lisa Patter Lori Lycett Sandra Williams TUE ONTARIO SECOND)ARY SCUOOL TEACHERS' FEDERA DISTRICT NO. 49 AWARD To a deserving general level student grau,, ating witb a S.S.G.D. who is pursuing is/ber careei goal outside of Uîgh Scbooî i TUE NEWCASTLE LIONESS AWARD For academic proficiency ta the general level student graduating with a S.S.G.D. N; UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 222 BURSARIES Jeffery Caswell Ken Prescott Rebecca Crockett Scott Prescott Bruce Knapp Janet Stephenson Ted Lawrence PEER COIJNSELLOR LETTER 0F APPRECIATION a De TUE RUDDOCK AND RENA WADDELL SCHOLASTIC BURS Presented .by Kay Lycett Patricia Blaschke Katby Zycb Rbonda R( Roxanne Mangar -Ken Gilmer Kim Sberw Janet Moffat Nancy Bridger Janet Sep Susan Pfeiffer Rebecca Crockett Grace Ton Walter Sberwin THE ALICE CHATER MEMORIAL AWARD To the student wba showed the mnost imiprovemlent in the Music Program Grq TUE BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSUOP AWARD To a graduating student wba. has made significant contribution ta the Clarke Drama Club Bret I'UE GREAT PINE RIDGE KINSMEN AWARD) To the outstanding Musician in Year 5 THE MATUEMATICS AWARD For bigbest standing in Year 5 Matheniatics THE FRANK HOAR AWARD For bighest standing in Year 5 French THE BOB BEST MEMORIAL AWARD For an bonaur student, a winner af an event in track and field, an active participant on any scbool team and upon completion ai Year 5 in one year, and enrolîment in Uiversiiy TUE ORONO WEEKLY. TIMES AWARD For bigbest standing in Year 5 English THE WALLACE AUTO SUPPLY AWARD For pro ficiency i Art Stan i Veselinovie TUIE ST. FRANCIS 0F ASSISI AWARD For highest standing in Year 5 Geography No recipient THE S.B. RUTHERFORD AWARD For highest standing i Year 5 Biology JeffcasweUl THE STEDMAN'S STORE AWARD1 For bighest standing i Year 5 Hist ory Scott Prescott THE B3OWMANVILLE BRANCH 0F TUE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION AWARD For bighest standing i Year 5 and ta encourage, further education Jeff'Caswell THE ORONO HEATHER REBEKAH LODGE AWARD For proficiency in Year 5 and to encourage further education David Garland THE TUOS. MONTAGUE.SCHOLARSHIP To the highest Year 5 student living in the Village of Newcastle Susan Pfeiffer THE BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB AWARD For proficiency in Year 5 and ta encourage further education Angelique Deplaa THE TOMS IGA AWARD For academic achievemnent and ta encourage furtber education, Denise Pedwell- TUE ROLPU HARDWARE AWARD For proficiency in Year 5 Walter Shierwin TUE SPIRIT 0F CLARKE AWARD For outstanding aIl round contribution ta Clarke Geoff Green TUE S. ABRAMS BURSARY ONTARIO SCHOLARS Jeff Casweil David Garland Angelique Deplaa Susan Pfeiffer Denise Pedwel Walter Sherwin Presenited by M Tracey McBride Laura Cairns Kathy Zych Julie Gray Brenda Bunting Ken Gilmer TUE VALEDICTORIAN ADDRESS SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Eileen Alldread rnold Mostert Roland Allen Suzanne Allen eVandermale Michael Bal Deborah Baptie Cathy Batherson No recipient Sharon Beales Jennifer Bond Nora Martin Kelly Boyd Sonya Brachvogel Alan Rienstra Paddy Breen Nancy Bridger ;k Uaraldsson Kelly Broome Viegan Htirsi Raymond Caissie Jeff Canty Janet Moffat Vernor Carmnan anne angar Michael Carnegie snne angar Diane Carr Ken Gilmer Craig Carswell Fred Cashin dra Williams Carolyn Chidley Shawna Clark Lamna Clyens Steven Clyenis Michael Collinson Patricia Cosman Wendy Couch Rebecca Crockett Angelique Deplaa ATION Alice Devos Jeffrey Dillon Jeffery Edmondson Leanne Elliott ed Lawrence Richard Evers Elaine FaUs Richard Farrow ancy Bridger David Fisher Ken Fry Jaison Gibson Audra Goorbarry Jeffrey Gray Geoffery Green ren Beaubien John Hache Susan Miller Lisa Hall ýenise Pedwell Thomas Hamre ýSARI ES Michael Haînel Dawn Handrahan .ooke Hronn }Iaraldsson v"in Joanne Haynes )henson Peter Hole i Janet Irwin Karen Irwin Sharlene Jackson Michele Janes reg Barrabal Glyn Jenkins -Glenn Kealy Jocelyn Kemp nda Bu nting Bruce Knïapp Stani Veseinovic No recipient Jei'f Casweil Angelique Deplaa Brenda Biiiiting Siis-'an Pfeiifer Phyllis Knapp Jason Koenig Norbert Kuehn Don Lafrance Angie Lamibert Michael Lanigan Ted Lawrence Zory Lesiçik Phillip Libby Constance Luke Lori Lycett Cameron MacDonald Patricia MacGregor Annette Martin Cheryl Martin Deborah Martin Guy Martin Catherine Mathwich Thomas Mayhew Kathy McGill Darlene McNeil Lisa Mendonca Steve Merrick Scott Millson Steven Mitchell Karen Moffat Kim Moffat Arnold Mostert Jayne Noble Murray Northam Kenneth O'Boyle Joanne Pierik Paul Posthumus William Rahm David Rhodes Alan Rienstra Joy Ritchie Rhonda Rooke Wade Rowley Darrel Rowe Keith Searle Kimberly Sherwin Joseph Siy Mark Smith Kelly Stalker Tint Standley Carolin Stapleton Ralph Stender Janet Stephenson Sherry Store Linda Stevens Craig Taylor Kevin Taylor Randy Tennant Robert Tompkins Grace Ton Derke Vanderbelt Linda Vanderstoop PHOTO ISHOPI M~iE Phone for appointmen. Anniversary, Wedding and Family Portraits in aur studio, your Home, or on Location. 78 King Si. W., BowmeanvilIe 623-24n4 Neil Vandenhoven Suzanne Vandermi Debbie Vanderveet Yvonne VanLith Judy Walker Tammy Weatherui Keitb Wharmby Jacalyn Westbrool Sandra Williams Karen Zulauf rs,. P. Stojrks ,Jeff Caswell ýale p Secondary School Honour Graduation Diplomas Karen Beaubien Patricia Blaschke Brenda Bunting Laura Cairns Anna Cameron Sandy Canty Angelique Deplaa Jeffery Caswell Andrew Fellows David Garland Kenneth Gilmer' Julie Gray Osk Haraldsson Michele Hartwig Kwit Kwong Ho Jeff Holmes Megan Hurst Raymond Kortekaas Jed Irwin Linda Lempen Lester Li Donna Lowery Roxanne Manger Sharyn-Ruth Manuel Tracey McBride Susan Miller Janet Moffat Jainie Montgomery Linda Mostert Donald Ogden John Osborne Denise Pedwell Susan Pfeiffer Scott Prescott Janet Pruner Alison Reid Walter Sherwîn Rager Stere Stani Veselinovic Fred Vierhout Michael Wilks Nancy Willan Kathy Zych e Crorton f h NOTICE 0F HIGHW/AY CLOSING, TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Newcastle, at the Council Meeting ta be held in Court Room No. ', Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontarjo, on Tuesday, Novemnber l1th, 1984, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a by-Iaw to stop-up and close and ta, authtioize the sale of parts of the unopened road allowance, lying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession'1O, in the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, more particularly described as follows: ALL those portions of the unopened road allowance, lying between Lots 22 anid 23, Concession 10, in the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, hereinatter described are hereby stopped-up arnd çlosed: AUL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land. situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Munlcipal ity of Durharn., Province of Ontaria, and being corn- posed of parts of the unopened road -allowance, lying between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 10, of the former Township of Clarke, now within thie limits of the Town of Newcastle, and being more particularly des.ignated as Parts 1 and 2, according to a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10), on the 27tth day of Auqust 1984. as Pian 10R-1894. Dated atthe TowIn of Newcastle this 3rd day ot Octoher 1984. Da'vid W. Oakes. B.A.. A.M.C.T. Town Clet k Town oI Newcastle 40 Tenpetance Street Bowiiianville, Ontario Li'C 3A6. File: 77.44 134 Publicaition Date,: Octaber 24, 1984 f' O. No. An33!