Devvelop X-Country Ski Trails in Orono nie Orono Brownies and to the Senior Citizen Lodge couple of years and is greatly the evening with a Christmnas Girl Guides on Monday even- singing Christmas carols. appreciated. party at the Orono Public ing of this week travelled This has been a tradition The Brownies concluded School. through the Village and over for the group over the past _ %0tMpr Ime% - Pïiblished Rvery Wednesday _ Oroo Weky Tmes Wdnesday, December, 19, 1984, The Orono L)owntown Business Association held their figal activities of t'hei Christmas promotion on Saturday withfr;ee movies for the kids in th.e Town Hall and as well completed the draws. The free m-ovies l'or the kids dîd flot attract a great number buth. those who did atttnd were atten tive throughout the hour-long programn provicted by Ron Hadley. The draw;% winniers for the week were: Isabel Cihallice, D. MacGi!livary, and Stirlingý NO PA PER NEX T WEEK Swerdfiger from the local area with W. Simeunovic of Oshawa also a winner of the four $25.00 vouchers. Inia Hughes was the winner of thie Orono Downîown Worik Puizzle and will also receive a$25.ffl voucher redeemable ;in downtown Orono. A numnber did submnit corrct aswrst te puzzle, "O1rono0, 'w ch ave 1i lI". ThLe Assocýiation wihold its annual meietiing earlyin the new, yeýar wenactivities for 1985 will be plarfned for thfie downtown area. The Oronio WVeekly Times willi not publish on Wednaes- day, Decemnber 26thi due to the Christmnas holiday coming on Tuesday. Publication wîll commence agaqin o)n January 2nd, 1985, ln the meantim-e xe wish everyone happiness for the holiday seasoni and thiroughout the coming year. TOWN HALL CARD PARTY The Orono Town Hall card party lcd last w1eeýk wasý well attended with twelve tables. The winners were- Don Hammrr 91, Ray Brown 84, Rita Ormiston 83, Mhyrtle Aldread 82, and IsblHammi 82. Lowv score went to Norma Mo(ffat. Extra Christmas draws were made wvith Horace Best, Ruth Grady, Berthta white, Ray Brown, Leta MeCallister and May T abb thPe -winners. The next card party will bc held boxing day evening, Decmnber 26th, 1984. TEEN DANCE ORONO TOWN HALL, A Teen dance is being sponsore)Fd by th.e Great Pineridge Kînsmeni Cluab to be held, in the Orono Town, Hall on the even- ting of December 27, 1984, 8 to, 1 p,.a great outing for the Teenagers in the commnunity and theiir friends. Sem-fi- forma]. Tickets in advance are available fromn Chris Lomnax, 983-5554, at $3.50. At the door adission $4.50.~ Plan, to at- tend for a good evening of dancing. GIVE A HELPING HAND THIS 4 CHRISTMAS tinJ.ust a remninder to mail in the env elope withi your dona- tio toth SavatonAi-my, Christmnas Cheer Fund. Your heip iurgentty needed and wiould certainly be appreciated. SOOT CA-ýUSES MORE DESPAIR AT SHOWCASE The Orono Showcase Co-operative which last win-ýter- hati considerabte soot damtage to the initerior of the buildingl and content now despair over a repeat efrrac of one o1 the furnaces. Last week the large funrnace mnalfucionted corig he iicror otelarge auditoriumi rooronantd tso-n- dowtow stirsoi t.)eFroomns which contain the majorlt-y of Although the soot was contained to the auditorium damnage was considerabie to sorne of thie itemsý out on display. Its business as uisuat at the Co-operativç where damlag- ed articles have been removed. Bsulk Food Store comrng to Orono It was learned last weel that Orono Downtown is to have aniother enterprise locate in the busi ness section and to operi on February lt 1985. Barb Swan and Itna Hugohes, both of Orono, are to open- a bulk foodstore in the former location of thec Apple Blossom Shop im- mediately sýouth of Hair with Flare on the east side of" Main, Street. in speaking with Barb Swan-- she stated thiat renovýa- tions will be made at, the premises to meet the re- quirements of the healthi department. Mrs. Swan said the store will be carrying at least 100 different bulk food items inctuding the basics, flourl, spices, etc. Thtis takes tr)aIl vacant space in the downtown area with the exception of the Old Fire Hall which is currently under ren(-vation-s and will likely house anotheýr enter- prise in the dlowntown area sometime in the near futur-e. There haus been ai numiber of new eîrrsn additions to the Orono dwtw area over the past yearich has added a newv,ýýitality iso the commercial aspect ofiIlth le re and as well has added g-reaiter customer inierest. Propose Communal Newtonville System A staff report from trhe Chief Admninistrative Officer, David Johniston, rcm meded that aï,communal water system nbc esîablished in the Haml-,et of Newtonvîlle which is plagued wV"ith ýonI tainatped weilis as ,biought forth in a r-ecent report. Council suppoirted the Johnston repor-t' which will niow, proceed as, suggested by thec report. The staff report recom- mended that council forward thie conisultant's report along with the chief amnsrtv officer's report to the Region wvithn a requiest that the Region unidertake -the necessarypro cess and construction of a -ommnunal water system b i Newtonville to srethe ln termi needs; for a reliaIble The report askejd tat the Reg2:inwork closely wih he residenits ofNetniead thiat a requiesËIbe made to tihe Miniistryv of theEvio et for the maximum awailable funding. Residents in the area were to be informned of týhe actionI of counicil. In the r'epor Jhnto noted tha t there was adstrong preference for a commnunal systeml in Newtonlville if thie cost btenthe commutnal systemn and individual Aeli improvemnees were equal. tt did note how,,ever thatsite did wish to m-aintain private water supplies. Terry dars director of planning, sugý-gested that a comn,,ILal system w'ould pro- vide a more secure water sup- ply which wýouild provide greater opýportunity for growth and dievelopment. Ron Dupuis,, director of. public works, in a report to JohnIston, suggested thiere was re o o oubt that the individual wllproposai wxoutd lead to an assu;red wate r s up ply. Astd of other individual wel progr-am rant from ,very owparticipation to thaï, of high participation on the, part of individual owners. Rough esim-ates by (Continued page 7) pected to be able to cross c ountry ski this wvinter (pro- viding ,-,e do get some cold weather resulting in some snow ,Cover) right next to the- limnits of the Village on Ministry o f Nat u ral1 Resources property "Nest from t!he extension of Station Street at Oschonski Road. According to Glenn MIcLeod, Orono Nursery Superintendent, ,work \will start this week in brushing out the trails anid ai! should bc in. readiness for the follow- ing wýeek. The work is being underta.ken by a crew, of five who have been hîred at the nursery under a miake-work program. The trails would be classed as Novice traits with very lit- tie degree of difficutty. The fîrst Iooped trait will have a distance of somne four kilometers while an extension of this trail could run for seven to eight kilometers. The trails will run through somne open areas, tree planta- tions, naturat woods and cedar bush. The trails do pass through some interesting areas. MNaps of the trails wiIl be available for skiers at the starting point of the trails at Station Street and Os;chonski road entraae'-c trails will be properliî Parking w Favailable on thic north side of Station Street at the western limits. The Town of Newcastle Public Work dpa- mnthas agreed env, out snow ptowing i is area making it possible to park. Other trails may be developed in the area in the future çepending on use fac- tor and respect for property. There is not charge for the uise of the traits. An offer has been made by Sue Erskine, outdoor educa- tion teacher for the Nor- thumberlaad and Newcastle *Board of Education to open the outdoor education celflre locqted on Mînist'ry property by the Wilmot Creek, for an official opening of the ski traits. Such an opening would include some refreshments as well as a brief introduction of the program undertaken for students at the education cen- tre. The legality of the Ehtiopian donation Mayor Rickard at counceil Meeting on Mý/ond.ay subit- ted a report pertaining to re- cent action by couincil giving a donation -of $504Y.0 to th Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund. The Mayor questionied the legality of tlhe donation and recomnmended to council that the action taken on Novmrber 26th be rescinded. (Continiued page 7) Orono Downtown draw winners Ourono Weekly Timles Elaiine, Shirley, Tracey and Roy @011