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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jan 1985, p. 7

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TffârrazarIuuYrFM "'.1-F NOTICES If you have questions or concerns about your municipaliy, please feel free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. The Orono Senior Citizens wiIl meet on Thursday, Jan. 3rd at 1:30 in the Oddfellows Hall. Everyone welcome. 2, a. p. HELP WANTED Part -time work on horse and'cattle farm in exchange for boarding of horse or student willing to work. Phone 983-9377. 5,12,19,26,a.c. Noone's Restaurant requires cook and Waitress. App- ly in person. 983-9980. t. f. WANTED, Man with chainsaw to eut one large tree mbt firewood. Evenings 1-465-9615. 2,a.p. A U- O0. CHATTERTON 1'fUCI& A TO Electrica4 Contracting - I% AM LTD.- Pole Line Construction f AittCafé gend Trucks -PHONE TO WlNG 9835546 or 983-5940 983-~<Sf9152 Oroho, Ontari, Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cal 983-9547, For prompt, courteous efficient Service whenl buying or selling and for the largesi selectionl of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST Job Printing LETTE RH EADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cali t he Orono Times 983-5301 AT STUD "ATf STtJD" - Ihle champion Morgan stallioni, LAURALEE FOXY NMAN. Noted disposition, truly vers alile wih disîincîive Morgan type. Sire of cham- pions. Book early tor 1985. Rates $450 reg. Moýrgan1 marcs and $200 apv other-s - g.l.t. ogn by LAURALEF FOXY Mý,AN also for sale.Cnaî Trilhium Morgan Horse Farm, evenings e.983-5980. 12,19,26,2,a.c. - FOR SALE 1977 V2 Ton Pickup with cap. Needs1ý body wor-k. $950. Phione 983-9378. 2,a. c. LOST Wandered away from home in the výiciiîyt of' St. Saviour's Anglican Church an orange and white femnale kitten. Answers to Sain. Sadly missedl. Pleasýe cal 983-9666 aller 5. 2,a. p. ANNOUNCEMENT Walter and Gail wish to announce the unexpected ar- rival of their chosen daughter 'Aurora", a lijtle sister for Tim & Mark. Congratulations from the Orono Horsemen. 2,a. p. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mary Quantrill would like Io îhank ail their friends and neighbors for their thoughtîs of kindness with lowers, cards, gifîs (o the Arthriiic Foundation and words of comfort in our time of need. Thanks 10 the Orono United Church ladies who servedl lunch. A special Ihanks to Rev. Mimnes. The Quanîrill Faiy! 2-t. p CAREER TRAINING FREE Career Guide descrtbes 200 crrrespondetîce DiplomaC(ourses Siart onu u escareer today. Graion lttsitui1epi A1 263 CARZEER TRAINING TRUCKIN(, (ARER 1.,ob raitîing antd placermnt help. Ai Canadas top 1 aeerîî riPone Mers Orr's neares branch. IForonto (416) 251-907 .t 1aia 613)52I 389 CAREER 1TRAININC TRUC-KING, CAREERS,. 1Job traîntg and plaýcemnt helIp.Aîn (anada's top 10 wage earntng ,,gronpiý Phone Mers Or(s)iaret brJcI Canihrtdge (519) 6324<.1oono(410 )251-9073. 111-1 P WANTEI) SýKIF LED A 1B, Dîck ietugKord pr-s Persoît reuLirtiui, vtialitv vommervciial r iiiiîtîg ptaîtt. Mîîst b'ueyerîeîced îtýh cImmr tolder, strppin, pflates, -v.(oo eteii ed resume aî eplye reterenes t o Part) Svoli. o, atd saîîds Piibisler, "79 lu îî St., (ananoque. KX, F8. App)y l oiideiv. pening asaitabl tmi- înedtat ly. M IDWAY MARKEFI. Kugtn'arLest. isei(xl) sttdoraiotis, etaîts atnd att ittues. Vendor enquitries wecoîtte. Eery Suttday 9;30) 5 prî Fonietave Mailt. Childrcietteis, Phtone (613) 547-2322. PERSONAI. MEET 1 YOUR MATCH. For aIl ages and unaiitaclsed. Tosnsof inemIher anxious to meeci \()" Prestige Avquaittattces. ('ail Fitîl tree I-800-263-9163. Hours: oono 8 p.nt.. il c, all for a no obligation evaluation of your home, acreage or farm or foir information on properties in the are. 987-4733 623-4445 Chris Stapleton Sales Represenîa!tvc, qU835093 FOR SALE QU-ONSI I SI 1 1 1BMAI DIN(,S Wtnrir worf, piogram. Boy direct i, roui l ic act ory. No dt butino da ltîarik-up. Maily size.savailable iimnedIiteor praiig cdelvrci Cail toi l irce -1)38 9<.Miracle Span n.!. F()R SALE' A tes. ulditg in your future. Wood traîne, alil steel, traighit/slant, tiall omitd, claddiitg. Frec brochure, ont tequei. Cal] Wally (416) 626-l'94 icav msage or colleci avntnsad weekends n/c FOR SAL E $P i-)Stoo1W to SHOW $.t ast of' 1984 lnventory Iront quitiset building maiaulact tirer being sold lor spring delîvery ai sacrifice prices. Uîcîbcprîces. CaI(416) 486-1807. nec FOR SALE fARMRS Sprayed ucîhn isuation Quialtty %wirlrai \Westrn Otîtart rie. etiid pliaor. xe iel nagr icultural retrofit ,Iie 1975 (CatIW rnH Iiuato (613ý) 267- 6'l1.,Bo\ 460, Perîhi, On- tarto K-iH 31.n/ Appo i nt two IIv0nw Dulrha-m Go()venorslq Richard Hfolmes of Port Pickering. 1-e has been a Hope, and Vicki MacBurnie director of the Ajax- Stewart of Oshawa have been Pickering Board of Trade, appoînted to thec Durham and the Rotary Club of Ajax, College Board of Governors as well as public relations by the Couincil of Regents. chairman for the Ajax Easter They are replacing Ruîh Seal Campai.. Milie and Brian Perry, Vicki Stewart is a freelance whos'e termns hav\e expired. conveyancer in Oshawa. She Both Mr Hlolmies and Mr.s. is currently chairman of, Stewart have servedi on Col- Durham College's Legal Ad- lege Advisoryý Comiittees ministration Advisory Com- for several years. mittee, and is a griaduate of Richard Holmies is own'ier the College. and presidenit of Hiolmies and Both appoirinents are for Brakel Ltd., a contract a three-year terni, comimenc- biness interior firmi in ing on Januiary 1, 1985. Eîectric-Arc and Acetylene WVelding KENNEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Smnail repairs - customn farm equîpment - ornamnen- taI railtngs - specializes in custom built ornamnen- tat gýtes Free Estimales Governmnent Certified PhOmi 983W97 I Corne to FRE D' We have fine APPLE IPACK S FOR YOUR FRIENDS Cider - Honey Mlaple Syrup (P-NALL VWINTLFR FUIT MARKET HWVY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 983-5628 . . .. .. ...

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