ffA7~oer~~/fjÀffYsF NOTICES If you have questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to cati me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, Coune. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. The Durhami Central Agricultural Society Annual Meeting on Saturday, January l9th ini the Orono Arena. Everyone welcome. 9, 16,a.c. HELP WANTED Part-time work on horse and1 cattle farin in exchange for boarding of horse or student willing to work. Phone 983-9377. 5,12,I19,26,a.c. Noone's Restaurant requires cook and waitress. App- ly in person. 983-9980. t. f. SCOUT BOTTLE DRIVE Scout bottle drive, Saturday, January 12, 1985. Pickup starts at 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Save aIl your retur- nable bottles. For more information phonie 983-5227. II~7 ~ HWY 115 1 ýIÏ TRUCK AUTO O. CHATTERTON TRUCK AUTO Electricai Contracting - REPAIRS LTD. Pole Line Construction To Ail Cars and Trucks PHONE TOWING 2SS n l-.rA 983-9151 or 983-9152 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono cal] 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient sriewhen bulying or seling and for the largest selec:tioni of pr-operties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST COMING EVENTS "Kinette Pub Night" Satuirday, Jan. 26th 7:30 p.m. -1:00 a.m., Orono Arena and Community Centre. con- tact 983-9451 or 983-9506 for tickets. 9, 16,23,a.c. The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes presenits "Pub Night" Sat., Jan. 26 7:30 p.mn. - 1:00 a.m. Entertainiment, Bar & Lunch. Advance Tickets $12, at the door $14. Contact 983-9451 or 983-9506. 9,16,23,a.c. FOR SALE Baby crib, junior crib, bassinette, complete Gendron baby carrnage, up-right carniage, stroller, two change tables, baths, jolly jumper. ail in good condition, selling altogether, phone 983-9763. 9,a.p. 7 week old puppies, smnall breed. Part spaniel, terrier and ?. Excellent house Pets. $15. Telephone 983-9690. 9, a.p. CARD 0F THANKS A note of thanks to ail who remnembered me at Christmas. Mary J. Morris 9, a.p. Dear Santa's Elf: Thank you for the package delivered on Decemnber 241hi. We appreciate your thloughtfulness and nowx are fully recovered. The Rtsebrough"ox People 9,a.p. DEATH NOTICE ROCHS, Beatrice (Betty) at Hilsdlale Manor, Oshawý,a, January 2, 1985, beloved wife of the late Peter Rochis and dear mnother of Maureen Johnson, R.R. '2, Eg-anville, Ontario. Rested at Martino Funieral Honte, West Hilfll, we by ý'cmation at Toronto Crematorium Jan. 5, 1985. 9, a.p. GERARD SCHOENMAKER - lin the. early hours of Sunday, January 6, 1985 ai his home in Haarlem, Holland. Dear father of Klaas and Dini Schoenmaker, Margaret and Henk Ates, Johin Schoenmnaker, Lidy and Frans Bakker; dear grandflai her of'Yvonne, Janet and Brian, Remco, Marcel and Ronald, Werner, Sandra and Dienielle; great-grandfathler of Justin. Orono, Ontario ~1bsIhuioemhUoesdOug.isgg..igs cI~V ~ VO~ C~fl c..~,. Moofdd Pok Job Printing LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cali the Orono Times 983-5301 Mike Singdlon ARCTIC INVADERS Over the next four months, Ontario will quietly be invadl- ed. Legions of' huhed behemioths are already slent- ly' \\inig south, gliding ceri- Iy over thle landscape by dusk and dan ent upo)nstin out new\ ternitory. But i's a hrls - in- deed, a bnfcia - invasmilion. And il cnpoiecp Snowyv owls, awcsome and Unmîsakae, are huge birs of prey. Creamiy wite and lightly spoithed or bairred wilhh brown, thev attain wýingspans approa1hin i ½m(5 ft.) and oftn sand 45 cm, (I10' ft) taîl. Eqipe ihh a muscle- bounid shot bo1dy orlarge inîellient-ooking yelw eye, ad stronlg -alons anid bea, 'nowes'are superly 'lheýil acýu teQ he ar1inIg, rndere"d through fahr hidden ears. p Ut S sophsîictedacotiiicequip- mient to shamec. At the tniest of rustling or squeaks, the turret-like head rotates to position, a ndcithe o w's equally-fantastic vision cornes mbi play. Specially structured to "collecýt' light during dawn and dusk, their vision is many times more acute than our own. They can readily see a mnouse moving throughi the grass at great distances. Spending most of' the year on the arctic tundra, 1 snowies' hatch 5 to 7 chicks amid a simple, moss-lined depression in the ground. Feeding- voraciously on lemn- mnings, these chicks grow quickly and are on their own long before freeze up. The wild fluctuations in arctie lemming populations - they, build up to huge numbers every 3 to 5 years, then suddenly die off - has profound implications for the os.During the lean years, there is a great shortage of food, and miany owls are rorced south, to obtain suf- ficient food. Setting up shop in frozen fields, they perch regularly upon favourite posts, poles, trees and even buildings. Iinlike most owls, they are active by day, scanning fields for the large numbers of mice and mneadow moles which they consume. Sadly, these owls are ofîen shot by "potshotters" and by misguided souls who regard predators as "eveil". In reali- ty, these raptors are highly beneficial in controlling ro- dent numbers, as well as fascinatîng in tlheir own right. They do not prey upon livestock, and well deserve their legal protection. On- tario's Game and Fish Act miakes it an offence to destroy or capture these bîrds, and provide stiff penalties for violators. KINSMEN BINGO Orono Arena & Community Centre $"500.00 Jackpot Every Second Tuesday 7:30 p.m. LYCETT CONTRACTING General Carpentry, Renovations, Rooftng ITelephone 416) 983-5896 983-9366 or (416) 983-9475 Orono, Ontario Eiectric-Arc and Acetylene WVeling KENNEDY'S CUSTOM FABRICATIONS SrmaiI repairs - :ustom farm equipment - ornamen- taiM railings - specializes in custom bulit ornamen- ti gtes Free Estimates Government Certified Phone 9839377 Corneto NEW ' YâEAR'S Crisp, Juicy Mac Intosh - 6 Ibs. - $1.95 ½/ Bus. SPYS . $3.45 & u FARM FRESH EGGS White and Brown BROWN'S POTATOES FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH 0F ORONO 980%3-56u%28 Stations