Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary X -Country ski tkilsý open at Tree Nursesy, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon df'ellQw's Hall, where many Many out-of-town guests couple. Watson, Orono, were the friends and relatives gathered and former residents were The evening was spent in guests of honour last Satur- to honour the couples fiftieth present for the occasion to dancing and lunch was served day evening in the Orono Od- wedding anniversary. extend congratulations to the by the hosts for the occasioni. Pubishd very Wednesday Oron WeklyTims, ednesday, January 9, 198-5 Ail that w as miss- Vndlscstloa ing was 'work Order' frm$0OOO 11n1lvel ot uîsnow removai in the Orono Downtown business area is to improve following a debate at the Town of Newcastle General- Purpose meeting on Monday. The Town's Public worlks department has been given the go ahead to undertake the removal of snow in the, area and to make charge-back to the Region for the cost of the removal. According to Counc. Haxnre this word was veceived by the local depart- ment Monday afternoon following contact by the Director of Public Works for the Town. The issue of the snow remnovai was brought before the Newcàstle commrittee meeting on Monday by Councillor Ted Woodyard pointing out that it was his understanding that an agree- ment did not exist at the pre- sent time and as a resuit snow was not being removed fromn the business area in the Village. H-e referred to a ver- bal agreement between the Town and the Region. Ron Dupuis, Director of Public Works, pointed out that an agreement did exist between the two parties which had been approved by the Town last vear. He fur- (Continue< ize 3) Vandals entere he Curply Wood Products plant, Cob- bledick Street, Orono on New Years day resulting in dlean-up costs and lost pro- duction amlonting to somie $30,OOOMO According to Joe Parco, general manager of Curvply Wood Prodlucts the vandal or vandals dumped 1,700 gafllons of glue on the floo& fromn two large vats. This resulted in dlean-up costs and the loss of three shifts at the plant while employees dlean- ed up the acts of vandalism. The value of the glue amounted to some $4,000.00 Parco warnect that if such acts continue the finn would (e(Continued page 3) The final touches to a Cross Country Ski Trail should be completed this week on the Ministry of Natural Resources land just west of the Village at the western extreityl of Station Street. The trails have been brush-, cd out by a winter work crew em-ployed at the Nursery with the exception of a few minor adjustmnents ini the brushing program. The trait has a secries of two loops and mneasure in distances of 4.5 kîilomneters or close to eight kilomneters. The proper signs are to bc installed thris week and are in accord with the mnost recent specifications of the Cross Counitry Ski Association and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Parks and Recrea- tion Branch. The Town is to provide ample roomi on the north skie af Station Street near the O'Chonski road for parking by adding an additional width of snow ploughing at this point. The traits pass through many of the interesting natural aspects of the proper- ty from natural wooded areas, to seed orchards,,and cedar groves. fnie traits have been developed with the co- operation of Glenn McLeod, superintendent, at the Nursery, and foremnan Bill.: Todd. .The Orono Downtown Business Association are to providle maps of the trails which will be available at the entrance-point at the western end of Station Street. These are also to be available this week-end. Users are asked to respect the property on which the trails have been developed and with such respect the use of further traits are possible in the future of the propèrty. Harold Ransberry knew fair manager The position of Durham Central Agricultural Fair Manager which becomne va- canit due to the resignation of Mr. George Carson at the November meeting of the fair board, has now been filled. The executive of the board has. appointed well-known Harold (Mac) Ransberry of R.R. North, Orono to the position of fair manager. Mr. Rpnsberry took over his new duties as of January i, 1985 and on speakîng to the new manager early this wveek he was laying his plans for the 1985 edition of the fair to be held early in September. Ransberry has had a long, association with the fair dating back to 1959 and as well has been a long-time manager of tiie-ïThir along with beinF nresident during 1979 and 1980. Ransberry's first associa- tion with the fair came in 1959 when he was asked to, arrange somne entertainment for the annual fair and he states ne did provicie a square dancing competition at that time. He said his interest in the fair wa s whetted and hàd during the years been active in numnerous promotions as to the operation of the an- nual event ini Orono. In speaking with trie new fair manager he said the fair (Continued to page 9) New Year's Eve at the Orono United Church Eleven Tables at Orono Hall Euchre Party There were eleven tables at the Orono Town Hall, cuchre party on Wednesday, December 26th. The high scores were as follows: Dora McDonald 80, June wlison 89, Walter Murphy 76, Jean Allun 76, Dora Green 75 and Helen Couroux 75. Low score went to Theresa Langstaff. Lucky draw winners were Pearl Clark, Eddie Couroux. The next card party is being held to-night, Wednesday, januiary 9,,h. t9rono Business Association held annual meeting The Orono Dowvntown Business Association held their annual meeting- on Tuesday evening after what ap- pears to have been the mnost suIcceSSful year for- the association and the Orono Downtown area. Local promotions were well received and sup- ported by local and area citizens which has been a source oif satisfaction for the miembers of the associa- tion. A numnber of' new businesses establishing in the dowý,ntown hias augered well for the commerce of the area and has added a new igor and climate to the local business section. New Year's Eve activities were spread throughout the Orono community in celebra- tion of the approach of 1985. The basement of the gathered to welcome in the Orono United Church was no New Year. týxcept ion where many Pictured above are (left to members of the congregation right) Gerritt deJonge, Rev. F. Milne, Jeremy Coons, Woodbridge and Hilda Tamblyn.